import 'react-grid-layout/css/styles.css'; import 'react-resizable/css/styles.css'; import {Component} from 'react'; import {Layout, Layouts, Responsive, WidthProvider} from 'react-grid-layout'; import {InjectedRouter} from 'react-router'; import {closestCenter, DndContext} from '@dnd-kit/core'; import {arrayMove, rectSortingStrategy, SortableContext} from '@dnd-kit/sortable'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import {Location} from 'history'; import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import sortBy from 'lodash/sortBy'; import zip from 'lodash/zip'; import {validateWidget} from 'sentry/actionCreators/dashboards'; import {addErrorMessage} from 'sentry/actionCreators/indicator'; import {openAddDashboardWidgetModal} from 'sentry/actionCreators/modal'; import {loadOrganizationTags} from 'sentry/actionCreators/tags'; import {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import space from 'sentry/styles/space'; import {Organization, PageFilters} from 'sentry/types'; import trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent from 'sentry/utils/analytics/trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent'; import {uniqueId} from 'sentry/utils/guid'; import theme from 'sentry/utils/theme'; import withApi from 'sentry/utils/withApi'; import withPageFilters from 'sentry/utils/withPageFilters'; import {DataSet} from './widget/utils'; import AddWidget, {ADD_WIDGET_BUTTON_DRAG_ID} from './addWidget'; import SortableWidget from './sortableWidget'; import {DashboardDetails, DashboardWidgetSource, DisplayType, Widget} from './types'; export const DRAG_HANDLE_CLASS = 'widget-drag'; const WIDGET_PREFIX = 'grid-item'; const DESKTOP = 'desktop'; const MOBILE = 'mobile'; const NUM_DESKTOP_COLS = 6; const NUM_MOBILE_COLS = 2; const ROW_HEIGHT = 120; const WIDGET_MARGINS: [number, number] = [16, 16]; const ADD_BUTTON_POSITION = { x: 0, y: Number.MAX_VALUE, w: 2, h: 1, isResizable: false, }; const DEFAULT_WIDGET_WIDTH = 2; const MOBILE_BREAKPOINT = parseInt(theme.breakpoints[0], 10); const BREAKPOINTS = {[MOBILE]: 0, [DESKTOP]: MOBILE_BREAKPOINT}; const COLUMNS = {[MOBILE]: NUM_MOBILE_COLS, [DESKTOP]: NUM_DESKTOP_COLS}; type Props = { api: Client; organization: Organization; dashboard: DashboardDetails; selection: PageFilters; isEditing: boolean; router: InjectedRouter; location: Location; widgetLimitReached: boolean; /** * Fired when widgets are added/removed/sorted. */ onUpdate: (widgets: Widget[]) => void; onSetWidgetToBeUpdated: (widget: Widget) => void; handleAddLibraryWidgets: (widgets: Widget[]) => void; handleAddCustomWidget: (widget: Widget) => void; layout: Layout[]; onLayoutChange: (layout: Layout[]) => void; paramDashboardId?: string; newWidget?: Widget; }; type State = { isMobile: boolean; layouts: Layouts; }; class Dashboard extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); const {layout, dashboard, organization} = props; const isUsingGrid = organization.features.includes('dashboard-grid-layout'); this.state = { isMobile: false, layouts: { [DESKTOP]: isUsingGrid ? layout : [], [MOBILE]: isUsingGrid ? getMobileLayout(layout, dashboard.widgets) : [], }, }; } static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) { if (props.organization.features.includes('dashboard-grid-layout')) { if (!isEqual(props.layout, state.layouts[DESKTOP])) { return { ...state, layouts: { [DESKTOP]: props.layout, [MOBILE]: getMobileLayout(props.layout, props.dashboard.widgets), }, }; } } return null; } async componentDidMount() { const {isEditing} = this.props; // Load organization tags when in edit mode. if (isEditing) { this.fetchTags(); } this.addNewWidget(); } async componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { const {isEditing, newWidget} = this.props; // Load organization tags when going into edit mode. // We use tags on the add widget modal. if (prevProps.isEditing !== isEditing && isEditing) { this.fetchTags(); } if (newWidget !== prevProps.newWidget) { this.addNewWidget(); } } async addNewWidget() { const {api, organization, newWidget, handleAddCustomWidget} = this.props; if (newWidget) { try { await validateWidget(api, organization.slug, newWidget); handleAddCustomWidget(newWidget); } catch (error) { // Don't do anything, widget isn't valid addErrorMessage(error); } } } fetchTags() { const {api, organization, selection} = this.props; loadOrganizationTags(api, organization.slug, selection); } handleStartAdd = () => { const { organization, dashboard, selection, handleAddLibraryWidgets, handleAddCustomWidget, } = this.props; trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('dashboards_views.add_widget_modal.opened', { organization, }); if (organization.features.includes('widget-library')) { trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('dashboards_views.widget_library.opened', { organization, }); openAddDashboardWidgetModal({ organization, dashboard, selection, onAddWidget: handleAddCustomWidget, onAddLibraryWidget: (widgets: Widget[]) => handleAddLibraryWidgets(widgets), source: DashboardWidgetSource.LIBRARY, }); return; } openAddDashboardWidgetModal({ organization, dashboard, selection, onAddWidget: handleAddCustomWidget, source: DashboardWidgetSource.DASHBOARDS, }); }; handleOpenWidgetBuilder = () => { const {router, paramDashboardId, organization, location} = this.props; if (paramDashboardId) { router.push({ pathname: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/dashboard/${paramDashboardId}/widget/new/`, query: { ...location.query, dataSet: DataSet.EVENTS, }, }); return; } router.push({ pathname: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/dashboards/new/widget/new/`, query: { ...location.query, dataSet: DataSet.EVENTS, }, }); }; handleUpdateComplete = (prevWidget: Widget) => (nextWidget: Widget) => { const nextList = [...this.props.dashboard.widgets]; const updateIndex = nextList.indexOf(prevWidget); nextList[updateIndex] = {...nextWidget, tempId: prevWidget.tempId}; this.props.onUpdate(nextList); }; handleDeleteWidget = (widgetToDelete: Widget) => () => { const {layouts} = this.state; const {dashboard, onUpdate, onLayoutChange, organization} = this.props; const nextList = dashboard.widgets.filter(widget => widget !== widgetToDelete); onUpdate(nextList); if (organization.features.includes('dashboard-grid-layout')) { const newLayout = layouts[DESKTOP].filter( ({i}) => i !== constructGridItemKey(widgetToDelete) ); onLayoutChange(newLayout); } }; handleDuplicateWidget = (widget: Widget, index: number) => () => { const {dashboard, handleAddLibraryWidgets} = this.props; const widgetCopy = cloneDeep(widget); = undefined; widgetCopy.tempId = undefined; const nextList = [...dashboard.widgets]; nextList.splice(index, 0, widgetCopy); handleAddLibraryWidgets(nextList); }; handleEditWidget = (widget: Widget, index: number) => () => { const { organization, dashboard, selection, router, location, paramDashboardId, onSetWidgetToBeUpdated, handleAddCustomWidget, } = this.props; if (organization.features.includes('metrics')) { onSetWidgetToBeUpdated(widget); if (paramDashboardId) { router.push({ pathname: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/dashboard/${paramDashboardId}/widget/${index}/edit/`, query: { ...location.query, dataSet: DataSet.EVENTS, }, }); return; } router.push({ pathname: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/dashboards/new/widget/${index}/edit/`, query: { ...location.query, dataSet: DataSet.EVENTS, }, }); } trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('dashboards_views.edit_widget_modal.opened', { organization, }); const modalProps = { organization, widget, selection, onAddWidget: handleAddCustomWidget, onUpdateWidget: this.handleUpdateComplete(widget), }; openAddDashboardWidgetModal({ ...modalProps, dashboard, source: DashboardWidgetSource.DASHBOARDS, }); }; getWidgetIds() { return [, index): string => { return generateWidgetId(widget, index); }), ADD_WIDGET_BUTTON_DRAG_ID, ]; } renderWidget(widget: Widget, index: number) { const {isMobile} = this.state; const {isEditing, organization, widgetLimitReached} = this.props; const widgetProps = { widget, isEditing, widgetLimitReached, onDelete: this.handleDeleteWidget(widget), onEdit: this.handleEditWidget(widget, index), onDuplicate: this.handleDuplicateWidget(widget, index), }; if (organization.features.includes('dashboard-grid-layout')) { const key = constructGridItemKey(widget); const dragId = key; return ( ); } const key = generateWidgetId(widget, index); const dragId = key; return ; } handleLayoutChange = (_, allLayouts: Layouts) => { const {onLayoutChange} = this.props; const isNotAddButton = ({i}) => i !== ADD_WIDGET_BUTTON_DRAG_ID; const newLayouts = { [DESKTOP]: allLayouts[DESKTOP].filter(isNotAddButton), [MOBILE]: allLayouts[MOBILE].filter(isNotAddButton), }; this.setState({ layouts: newLayouts, }); // The desktop layout is the source of truth onLayoutChange(newLayouts[DESKTOP]); }; handleBreakpointChange = (newBreakpoint: string) => { const {layouts} = this.state; const { dashboard: {widgets}, } = this.props; if (newBreakpoint === MOBILE) { this.setState({ isMobile: true, layouts: { ...layouts, [MOBILE]: getMobileLayout(layouts[DESKTOP], widgets), }, }); return; } this.setState({isMobile: false}); }; renderGridDashboard() { const {layouts, isMobile} = this.state; const { isEditing, dashboard: {widgets}, organization, widgetLimitReached, } = this.props; const canModifyLayout = !isMobile && isEditing; return ( {, index) => this.renderWidget(widget, index))} {isEditing && !!!widgetLimitReached && (
); } renderDndDashboard = () => { const { isEditing, onUpdate, dashboard: {widgets}, organization, widgetLimitReached, } = this.props; const items = this.getWidgetIds(); return ( { const activeDragId =; const getIndex = items.indexOf.bind(items); const activeIndex = activeDragId ? getIndex(activeDragId) : -1; if (over && !== ADD_WIDGET_BUTTON_DRAG_ID) { const overIndex = getIndex(; if (activeIndex !== overIndex) { onUpdate(arrayMove(widgets, activeIndex, overIndex)); } } }} > {, index) => this.renderWidget(widget, index))} {isEditing && !!!widgetLimitReached && ( )} ); }; render() { const {organization} = this.props; if (organization.features.includes('dashboard-grid-layout')) { return this.renderGridDashboard(); } return this.renderDndDashboard(); } } export default withApi(withPageFilters(Dashboard)); const WidgetContainer = styled('div')` display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr)); grid-auto-flow: row dense; grid-gap: ${space(2)}; @media (min-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints[1]}) { grid-template-columns: repeat(4, minmax(0, 1fr)); } @media (min-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints[3]}) { grid-template-columns: repeat(6, minmax(0, 1fr)); } @media (min-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints[4]}) { grid-template-columns: repeat(8, minmax(0, 1fr)); } `; const GridItem = styled('div')` .react-resizable-handle { z-index: 1; } `; // HACK: to stack chart tooltips above other grid items const GridLayout = styled(WidthProvider(Responsive))` .react-grid-item:hover { z-index: 10; } `; function generateWidgetId(widget: Widget, index: number) { return ? `${}-index-${index}` : `index-${index}`; } export function constructGridItemKey(widget: Widget) { return `${WIDGET_PREFIX}-${ ?? widget.tempId}`; } export function assignTempId(widget: Widget) { if ( ?? widget.tempId) { return widget; } return {...widget, tempId: uniqueId()}; } /** * Naive positioning for widgets assuming no resizes. */ function getDefaultPosition(index: number, displayType: DisplayType) { return { x: (DEFAULT_WIDGET_WIDTH * index) % NUM_DESKTOP_COLS, y: Number.MAX_VALUE, w: DEFAULT_WIDGET_WIDTH, h: displayType === DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER ? 1 : 2, minH: displayType === DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER ? 1 : 2, }; } function getMobileLayout(desktopLayout: Layout[], widgets: Widget[]) { if (desktopLayout.length === 0) { // Initial case where the user has no layout saved, but // dashboard has widgets return []; } const layoutWidgetPairs = zip(desktopLayout, widgets) as [Layout, Widget][]; // Sort by y and then subsort by x const sorted = sortBy(layoutWidgetPairs, ['0.y', '0.x']); const mobileLayout =[layout, widget], index) => ({ ...layout, x: 0, y: index * 2, w: 2, h: widget.displayType === DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER ? 1 : 2, })); return mobileLayout; }