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Needs to be available and unique." } } }, "example": { "name": "Impeccably Designated", "slug": "impeccably-designated" } } }, "required": false }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "../../components/schemas/organization-details.json#/OrganizationDetails" }, "example": { "access": [], "allowSharedIssues": true, "availableRoles": [ { "id": "member", "name": "Member" }, { "id": "admin", "name": "Admin" }, { "id": "manager", "name": "Manager" }, { "id": "owner", "name": "Owner" } ], "avatar": { "avatarType": "letter_avatar", "avatarUuid": null }, "dataScrubber": false, "dataScrubberDefaults": false, "dateCreated": "2018-11-06T21:20:19.548Z", "defaultRole": "member", "enhancedPrivacy": false, "experiments": {}, "features": [ "new-teams", "shared-issues", "new-issue-ui", "repos", "open-membership", "invite-members", "sso-saml2", "sso-basic", "suggested-commits" ], "id": "3", "isDefault": false, "isEarlyAdopter": false, "name": "Impeccably Designated", "onboardingTasks": [], "openMembership": true, "pendingAccessRequests": 0, "projects": [], "quota": { "accountLimit": 0, "maxRate": 0, "maxRateInterval": 60, "projectLimit": 100 }, "require2FA": false, "safeFields": [], "scrapeJavaScript": true, "scrubIPAddresses": false, "sensitiveFields": [], "slug": "impeccably-designated", "status": { "id": "active", "name": "active" }, "storeCrashReports": 0, "teams": [], "trustedRelays": [] } } } }, "403": { "description": "Forbidden" }, "401": { "description": "Unauthorized" }, "404": { "description": "Not Found" }, "400": { "description": "Bad Input" } }, "security": [ { "auth_token": ["org:write"] } ] } }