import {Fragment, memo, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState} from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import uniqBy from 'lodash/uniqBy'; import GuideAnchor from 'sentry/components/assistant/guideAnchor'; import {ComboBox} from 'sentry/components/comboBox'; import type {ComboBoxOption} from 'sentry/components/comboBox/types'; import type {SelectOption} from 'sentry/components/compactSelect'; import {CompactSelect} from 'sentry/components/compactSelect'; import {Tooltip} from 'sentry/components/tooltip'; import {IconLightning, IconReleases, IconWarning} from 'sentry/icons'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space'; import type {MetricMeta, MRI} from 'sentry/types/metrics'; import {trackAnalytics} from 'sentry/utils/analytics'; import { getDefaultAggregate, isAllowedOp, isCustomMetric, isSpanMeasurement, isSpanSelfTime, isTransactionDuration, isTransactionMeasurement, } from 'sentry/utils/metrics'; import {getReadableMetricType} from 'sentry/utils/metrics/formatters'; import {formatMRI, parseMRI} from 'sentry/utils/metrics/mri'; import type {MetricsQuery} from 'sentry/utils/metrics/types'; import {useIncrementQueryMetric} from 'sentry/utils/metrics/useIncrementQueryMetric'; import {useMetricsMeta} from 'sentry/utils/metrics/useMetricsMeta'; import {useMetricsTags} from 'sentry/utils/metrics/useMetricsTags'; import {middleEllipsis} from 'sentry/utils/middleEllipsis'; import useKeyPress from 'sentry/utils/useKeyPress'; import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization'; import usePageFilters from 'sentry/utils/usePageFilters'; import useProjects from 'sentry/utils/useProjects'; import {MetricListItemDetails} from 'sentry/views/metrics/metricListItemDetails'; import {MetricSearchBar} from 'sentry/views/metrics/metricSearchBar'; type QueryBuilderProps = { index: number; metricsQuery: MetricsQuery; onChange: (data: Partial) => void; projects: number[]; }; const isVisibleTransactionMetric = (metric: MetricMeta) => isTransactionDuration(metric) || isTransactionMeasurement(metric); const isVisibleSpanMetric = (metric: MetricMeta) => isSpanSelfTime(metric) || isSpanMeasurement(metric); const isShownByDefault = (metric: MetricMeta) => isCustomMetric(metric) || isVisibleTransactionMetric(metric) || isVisibleSpanMetric(metric); function useMriMode() { const [mriMode, setMriMode] = useState(false); const mriModeKeyPressed = useKeyPress('`', undefined, true); useEffect(() => { if (mriModeKeyPressed) { setMriMode(value => !value); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [mriModeKeyPressed]); return mriMode; } export const QueryBuilder = memo(function QueryBuilder({ metricsQuery, projects: projectIds, onChange, index, }: QueryBuilderProps) { const organization = useOrganization(); const pageFilters = usePageFilters(); const {projects} = useProjects(); const { data: meta, isLoading: isMetaLoading, isRefetching: isMetaRefetching, refetch: refetchMeta, } = useMetricsMeta(pageFilters.selection); const mriMode = useMriMode(); const {data: tagsData = [], isLoading: tagsIsLoading} = useMetricsTags( metricsQuery.mri, { projects: projectIds, } ); const selectedProjects = useMemo( () => projects.filter(project => projectIds[0] === -1 ? true : projectIds.length === 0 ? project.isMember : projectIds.includes(parseInt(, 10)) ), [projectIds, projects] ); const groupByOptions = useMemo(() => { return uniqBy(tagsData, 'key').map(tag => ({ key: tag.key, // So that we don't have to parse the query to determine if the tag is used trailingItems: metricsQuery.query?.includes(`${tag.key}:`) ? ( ) : undefined, })); }, [tagsData, metricsQuery.query]); const displayedMetrics = useMemo(() => { const isSelected = (metric: MetricMeta) => metric.mri === metricsQuery.mri; const result = meta .filter(metric => isShownByDefault(metric) || isSelected(metric)) .sort(metric => (isSelected(metric) ? -1 : 1)); // Add the selected metric to the top of the list if it's not already there if (result[0]?.mri !== metricsQuery.mri) { const parsedMri = parseMRI(metricsQuery.mri)!; return [ { mri: metricsQuery.mri, type: parsedMri.type, unit: parsedMri.unit, operations: [], projectIds: [], blockingStatus: [], } satisfies MetricMeta, ...result, ]; } return result; }, [meta, metricsQuery.mri]); const selectedMeta = useMemo(() => { return meta.find(metric => metric.mri === metricsQuery.mri); }, [meta, metricsQuery.mri]); const incrementQueryMetric = useIncrementQueryMetric({ ...metricsQuery, }); const handleMRIChange = useCallback( ({value}) => { const currentMRI = parseMRI(metricsQuery.mri); const newMRI = parseMRI(value); if (!currentMRI || !newMRI) { return; } let queryChanges = {}; // If the type is the same, we can keep the current aggregate if (currentMRI.type === newMRI.type) { queryChanges = { mri: value, groupBy: undefined, }; } else { queryChanges = { mri: value, op: getDefaultAggregate(value), groupBy: undefined, }; } trackAnalytics('ddm.widget.metric', {organization}); incrementQueryMetric('ddm.widget.metric', queryChanges); onChange(queryChanges); }, [incrementQueryMetric, metricsQuery.mri, onChange, organization] ); const handleOpChange = useCallback( ({value}) => { trackAnalytics('ddm.widget.operation', {organization}); incrementQueryMetric('ddm.widget.operation', {op: value}); onChange({ op: value, }); }, [incrementQueryMetric, onChange, organization] ); const handleGroupByChange = useCallback( (options: SelectOption[]) => { trackAnalytics('', {organization}); incrementQueryMetric('', { groupBy: => o.value), }); onChange({ groupBy: => o.value), }); }, [incrementQueryMetric, onChange, organization] ); const handleQueryChange = useCallback( (query: string) => { trackAnalytics('ddm.widget.filter', {organization}); incrementQueryMetric('ddm.widget.filter', {query}); onChange({ query, }); }, [incrementQueryMetric, onChange, organization] ); const handleOpenMetricsMenu = useCallback( (isOpen: boolean) => { if (isOpen && !isMetaLoading && !isMetaRefetching) { refetchMeta(); } }, [isMetaLoading, isMetaRefetching, refetchMeta] ); const mriOptions = useMemo( () =>>(metric => ({ label: mriMode ? metric.mri : middleEllipsis(formatMRI(metric.mri) ?? '', 46, /\.|-|_/), textValue: mriMode ? // enable search by mri, name, unit (millisecond), type (c:), and readable type (counter) `${metric.mri}${getReadableMetricType(metric.type)}` : // enable search in the full formatted string formatMRI(metric.mri), value: metric.mri, details: metric.projectIds.length > 0 ? ( { onChange({mri, groupBy: [tag]}); }} /> ) : null, showDetailsInOverlay: true, trailingItems: mriMode || parseMRI(metric.mri)?.useCase !== 'custom' ? undefined : ( {t('Custom')} ), })), [displayedMetrics, mriMode, onChange, selectedProjects] ); const projectIdStrings = useMemo(() =>, [projectIds]); return ( ({ label: op, value: op, })) ?? [] } triggerLabel={metricsQuery.op} disabled={!selectedMeta} value={metricsQuery.op} onChange={handleOpChange} /> ({ label: tag.key, value: tag.key, trailingItems: tag.trailingItems ?? ( {tag.key === 'release' && } {tag.key === 'transaction' && } ), }))} disabled={!metricsQuery.mri || tagsIsLoading} value={metricsQuery.groupBy} onChange={handleGroupByChange} /> s.blockedTags) ?? []} /> ); }); function TagWarningIcon() { return ( ); } const TooltipIconWrapper = styled('span')` margin-top: ${space(0.25)}; `; const CustomMetricInfoText = styled('span')` color: ${p => p.theme.subText}; `; const QueryBuilderWrapper = styled('div')` display: flex; flex-grow: 1; gap: ${space(1)}; flex-wrap: wrap; `; const FlexBlock = styled('div')` display: flex; gap: ${space(1)}; flex-wrap: wrap; `; const MetricComboBox = styled(ComboBox)` min-width: 200px; max-width: min(500px, 100%); `; const OpSelect = styled(CompactSelect)` /* makes selects from different have the same width which is enough to fit all agg options except "count_unique" */ min-width: 128px; & > button { width: 100%; } `; const SearchBarWrapper = styled('div')` flex: 1; min-width: 200px; `;