import {reactHooks, waitFor} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import localStorageWrapper from 'sentry/utils/localStorage'; import {useLocalStorageState} from 'sentry/utils/useLocalStorageState'; describe('useLocalStorageState', () => { beforeEach(() => { localStorageWrapper.clear(); if (localStorageWrapper.length > 0) { throw new Error('localStorage was not cleared'); } }); it('throws if key is not a string', () => { const results = reactHooks.renderHook(() => // @ts-expect-error force incorrect usage useLocalStorageState({}, 'default value') ); expect(results.result.error).toBeInstanceOf(TypeError); expect(results.result.error?.message).toBe('useLocalStorage: key must be a string'); }); it('initialized with value', () => { const {result} = reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters) => useLocalStorageState(args[0], args[1]), {initialProps: ['key', 'default value']} ); expect(result.current[0]).toBe('default value'); }); it('initializes with init fn', () => { const initialize = jest.fn(() => 'default value'); const {result} = reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters) => useLocalStorageState(args[0], args[1]), {initialProps: ['key', initialize]} ); expect(initialize).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(result.current[0]).toBe('default value'); }); it('initializes with default value', () => { localStorageWrapper.setItem('key', JSON.stringify('initial storage value')); const {result} = reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters) => useLocalStorageState(args[0], args[1]), {initialProps: ['key', 'default value']} ); expect(result.current[0]).toBe('initial storage value'); }); it('sets new value', () => { const {result} = reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters) => useLocalStorageState(args[0], args[1]), {initialProps: ['key', 'default value']} ); reactHooks.act(() => { result.current[1]('new value'); }); expect(result.current[0]).toBe('new value'); }); it('updates localstorage value', async () => { const {result} = reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters) => useLocalStorageState(args[0], args[1]), {initialProps: ['key', 'default value']} ); const spy = jest.spyOn(Storage.prototype, 'setItem'); reactHooks.act(() => { result.current[1]('new value'); }); // Exhaust task queue because setItem is scheduled as microtask await waitFor(() => { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('key', JSON.stringify('new value')); }); }); it('when no value is present in storage, calls init with undefined and null', () => { const initialize = jest.fn(() => 'default value'); reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters) => useLocalStorageState(args[0], args[1]), {initialProps: ['key', initialize]} ); expect(initialize).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined, null); }); it('when a value is present but cannot be parsed, calls init with undefined, null', () => { localStorageWrapper.setItem('key', JSON.stringify('invalid').slice(0, 5)); const initialize = jest.fn(() => 'default value'); reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters) => useLocalStorageState(args[0], args[1]), {initialProps: ['key', initialize]} ); expect(initialize).toHaveBeenCalledWith( undefined, JSON.stringify('invalid json').slice(0, 5) ); }); it('when a value is present but cannot be parsed init can recover', () => { localStorageWrapper.setItem('key', JSON.stringify('invalid').slice(5, 9)); const initialize = jest.fn((_decodedValue, encodedValue) => { const value = JSON.parse('"va' + encodedValue); return value; }); const {result} = reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters) => useLocalStorageState(args[0], args[1]), {initialProps: ['key', initialize]} ); expect(result.current[0]).toBe('valid'); }); it('when a value is present, init can transform it', () => { localStorageWrapper.setItem('key', JSON.stringify('valid json')); const initialize = jest.fn((decodedValue, _encodedValue) => { return 'super ' + decodedValue; }); const {result} = reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters) => useLocalStorageState(args[0], args[1]), {initialProps: ['key', initialize]} ); expect(result.current[0]).toBe('super valid json'); }); it('when a value is present and can be parsed, calls init with decoded and encoded value', () => { localStorageWrapper.setItem('key', JSON.stringify('valid json')); const initialize = jest.fn(() => 'default value'); reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters) => useLocalStorageState(args[0], args[1]), {initialProps: ['key', initialize]} ); expect(initialize).toHaveBeenCalledWith('valid json', JSON.stringify('valid json')); }); it('crashes with TypeError for unsupported primitives when they are recursive', () => { const recursiveReferenceMap = new Map(); recursiveReferenceMap.set('key', recursiveReferenceMap); jest.spyOn(window, 'queueMicrotask').mockImplementation(cb => cb()); const {result} = reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters) => useLocalStorageState(args[0], args[1]), {initialProps: ['key', recursiveReferenceMap]} ); try { result.current[1](recursiveReferenceMap); } catch (e) { expect( e.message.startsWith( `useLocalStorage: Native serialization of Map is not supported` ) ).toBe(true); } }); it('crashes with native error on recursive serialization of plain objects', () => { const recursiveObject: Record = {}; recursiveObject.key = recursiveObject; jest.spyOn(window, 'queueMicrotask').mockImplementation(cb => cb()); const {result} = reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters) => useLocalStorageState(args[0], args[1]), {initialProps: ['key', recursiveObject]} ); try { result.current[1](recursiveObject); } catch (e) { expect(e.message.startsWith('Converting circular structure to JSON')).toBe(true); } }); it.each([ ['BigInt', BigInt(1)], ['RegExp (literal)', /regex/], ['RegExp (constructor)', new RegExp('regex')], ['Map', new Map()], ['Set', new Set()], ['WeakSet', new WeakSet()], ['WeakMap', new WeakMap()], // When invalid values are nested ['Map', {nested: new Map()}], ['Set', {nested: new Set()}], ['WeakSet', {nested: new WeakSet()}], ['WeakMap', {nested: new WeakMap()}], ])('when attempting to serialize a %s', (type, value) => { const {result} = reactHooks.renderHook( (args: Parameters) => useLocalStorageState(args[0], args[1]), {initialProps: ['key', value]} ); // Immediately execute microtask so that the error is not thrown from the current execution stack and can be caught by a try/catch jest.spyOn(window, 'queueMicrotask').mockImplementation(cb => cb()); try { result.current[1](value); } catch (e) { expect( e.message.startsWith( `useLocalStorage: Native serialization of ${ type.split(' ')[0] } is not supported` ) ).toBe(true); } }); });