import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import theme from 'sentry/utils/theme'; type Props = { score: number; className?: string; palette?: Readonly; paletteClassNames?: string[]; radius?: number; size?: number; thickness?: number; vertical?: boolean; }; const BaseScoreBar = ({ score, className, vertical, size = 40, thickness = 4, radius = 3, palette = theme.similarity.colors, ...props }: Props) => { const maxScore = palette.length; // Make sure score is between 0 and maxScore const scoreInBounds = score >= maxScore ? maxScore : score <= 0 ? 0 : score; // Make sure paletteIndex is 0 based const paletteIndex = scoreInBounds - 1; // Size of bar, depends on orientation, although we could just apply a transformation via css const barProps = { vertical, thickness, size, radius, }; return (
{[...Array(scoreInBounds)].map((_j, i) => ( ))} {[...Array(maxScore - scoreInBounds)].map((_j, i) => ( ))}
); }; const ScoreBar = styled(BaseScoreBar)` display: flex; ${p => p.vertical ? `flex-direction: column-reverse; justify-content: flex-end;` : 'min-width: 80px;'}; `; type BarProps = { radius: number; size: number; thickness: number; color?: string; empty?: boolean; vertical?: boolean; }; const Bar = styled('div')` border-radius: ${p => p.radius}px; margin: 2px; ${p => p.empty && `background-color: ${p.theme.similarity.empty};`}; ${p => p.color && `background-color: ${p.color};`}; width: ${p => (!p.vertical ? p.thickness : p.size)}px; height: ${p => (!p.vertical ? p.size : p.thickness)}px; `; export default ScoreBar;