import {useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState} from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import Fuse from 'fuse.js'; import SearchBar from 'sentry/components/searchBar'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {CanvasPoolManager} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/canvasScheduler'; import {Flamegraph} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/flamegraph'; import type {FlamegraphSearch as FlamegraphSearchResults} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/flamegraph/flamegraphStateProvider/reducers/flamegraphSearch'; import {useFlamegraphSearch} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/flamegraph/hooks/useFlamegraphSearch'; import {useDispatchFlamegraphState} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/flamegraph/hooks/useFlamegraphState'; import { FlamegraphFrame, getFlamegraphFrameSearchId, } from 'sentry/utils/profiling/flamegraphFrame'; import {memoizeByReference} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/profile/utils'; import {isRegExpString, parseRegExp} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/validators/regExp'; function sortFrameResults( frames: FlamegraphSearchResults['results'] ): Array { // If frames have the same start times, move frames with lower stack depth first. // This results in top down and left to right iteration return [...frames.values()] .map(f => f.frame) .sort((a, b) => a.start === b.start ? numericSort(a.depth, b.depth, 'asc') : numericSort(a.start, b.start, 'asc') ); } function findBestMatchFromFuseMatches( matches: ReadonlyArray ): Fuse.RangeTuple | null { let bestMatch: Fuse.RangeTuple | null = null; let bestMatchLength = 0; let bestMatchStart = -1; for (let i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) { const match = matches[i]!; // iterating over a non empty array for (let j = 0; j < match.indices.length; j++) { const index = match.indices[j]!; // iterating over a non empty array const matchLength = index[1] - index[0]; if (matchLength < 0) { // Fuse sometimes returns negative indices - we will just skip them for now. continue; } // We only override the match if the match is longer than the current best match // or if the matches are the same length, but the start is earlier in the string if ( matchLength > bestMatchLength || (matchLength === bestMatchLength && index[0] > bestMatchStart) ) { // Offset end by 1 else we are always trailing by 1 character. bestMatch = [index[0], index[1] + 1]; bestMatchLength = matchLength; bestMatchStart = index[0]; } } } return bestMatch; } function findBestMatchFromRegexpMatchArray( matches: RegExpMatchArray[] ): Fuse.RangeTuple | null { let bestMatch: Fuse.RangeTuple | null = null; let bestMatchLength = 0; let bestMatchStart = -1; for (let i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) { const match = matches[i]; // iterating over a non empty array if (match === undefined) { continue; } const index = match.index; if (index === undefined) { continue; } // We only override the match if the match is longer than the current best match // or if the matches are the same length, but the start is earlier in the string if ( match.length > bestMatchLength || (match.length === bestMatchLength && index[0] > bestMatchStart) ) { bestMatch = [index, index + match.length]; bestMatchLength = match.length; bestMatchStart = index; } } return bestMatch; } const memoizedSortFrameResults = memoizeByReference(sortFrameResults); function frameSearch( query: string, frames: ReadonlyArray, index: Fuse ): FlamegraphSearchResults['results'] { const results: FlamegraphSearchResults['results'] = new Map(); if (isRegExpString(query)) { const [_, lookup, flags] = parseRegExp(query) ?? []; let matches = 0; try { if (!lookup) { throw new Error('Invalid RegExp'); } for (let i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { const frame = frames[i]!; // iterating over a non empty array const re = new RegExp(lookup, flags ?? 'g'); const reMatches = Array.from(; const match = findBestMatchFromRegexpMatchArray(reMatches); if (match) { const frameId = getFlamegraphFrameSearchId(frame); results.set(frameId, { frame, match, }); matches += 1; } } } catch (e) { Sentry.captureMessage(e.message); } if (matches <= 0) { return results; } return results; } const fuseResults =; if (fuseResults.length <= 0) { return results; } for (let i = 0; i < fuseResults.length; i++) { const fuseFrameResult = fuseResults[i]!; // iterating over a non empty array const frame = fuseFrameResult.item; const frameId = getFlamegraphFrameSearchId(frame); const match = findBestMatchFromFuseMatches(fuseFrameResult.matches ?? []); if (match) { results.set(frameId, { frame, match, }); } } return results; } const numericSort = ( a: null | undefined | number, b: null | undefined | number, direction: 'asc' | 'desc' ): number => { if (a === b) { return 0; } if (a === null || a === undefined) { return 1; } if (b === null || b === undefined) { return -1; } return direction === 'asc' ? a - b : b - a; }; interface FlamegraphSearchProps { canvasPoolManager: CanvasPoolManager; flamegraphs: Flamegraph | Flamegraph[]; } function FlamegraphSearch({ flamegraphs, canvasPoolManager, }: FlamegraphSearchProps): React.ReactElement | null { const search = useFlamegraphSearch(); const dispatch = useDispatchFlamegraphState(); const [didInitialSearch, setDidInitialSearch] = useState(!search.query); const allFrames = useMemo(() => { if (Array.isArray(flamegraphs)) { return flamegraphs.reduce( (acc: FlamegraphFrame[], graph) => acc.concat(graph.frames), [] ); } return flamegraphs.frames; }, [flamegraphs]); const searchIndex = useMemo(() => { return new Fuse(allFrames, { keys: [''], threshold: 0.3, includeMatches: true, findAllMatches: true, ignoreLocation: true, }); }, [allFrames]); const onZoomIntoFrame = useCallback( (frame: FlamegraphFrame) => { canvasPoolManager.dispatch('zoom at frame', [frame, 'min']); canvasPoolManager.dispatch('highlight frame', [[frame], 'selected']); }, [canvasPoolManager] ); useEffect(() => { if (typeof search.index !== 'number') { return; } const frames = memoizedSortFrameResults(search.results); const frame = frames[search.index]; if (frame) { onZoomIntoFrame(frame); } }, [search.results, search.index, onZoomIntoFrame]); const handleChange: (value: string) => void = useCallback( value => { if (!value) { dispatch({type: 'clear search'}); return; } dispatch({ type: 'set results', payload: { results: frameSearch(value, allFrames, searchIndex), query: value, }, }); }, [dispatch, allFrames, searchIndex] ); useEffect(() => { if (didInitialSearch || allFrames.length === 0) { return; } handleChange(search.query); setDidInitialSearch(true); }, [didInitialSearch, handleChange, allFrames, search.query]); const onNextSearchClick = useCallback(() => { const frames = memoizedSortFrameResults(search.results); if (!frames.length) { return; } if (search.index === null || search.index === frames.length - 1) { dispatch({type: 'set search index position', payload: 0}); return; } dispatch({ type: 'set search index position', payload: search.index + 1, }); }, [search.results, search.index, dispatch]); const onPreviousSearchClick = useCallback(() => { const frames = memoizedSortFrameResults(search.results); if (!frames.length) { return; } if (search.index === null || search.index === 0) { dispatch({ type: 'set search index position', payload: frames.length - 1, }); return; } dispatch({ type: 'set search index position', payload: search.index - 1, }); }, [search.results, search.index, dispatch]); const handleKeyDown = useCallback( (evt: React.KeyboardEvent) => { if (evt.key === 'ArrowDown') { evt.preventDefault(); onNextSearchClick(); } else if (evt.key === 'ArrowUp') { evt.preventDefault(); onPreviousSearchClick(); } }, [onNextSearchClick, onPreviousSearchClick] ); return ( ); } const StyledSearchBar = styled(SearchBar)` flex: 1 1 100%; `; export {FlamegraphSearch};