// eslint-disable-next-line simple-import-sort/imports import {browserHistory, createRoutes, match} from 'react-router'; import {ExtraErrorData} from '@sentry/integrations'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import {Integrations} from '@sentry/tracing'; import {_browserPerformanceTimeOriginMode} from '@sentry/utils'; import {SENTRY_RELEASE_VERSION, SPA_DSN} from 'sentry/constants'; import {Config} from 'sentry/types'; import {addExtraMeasurements, LongTaskObserver} from 'sentry/utils/performanceForSentry'; import {normalizeUrl} from 'sentry/utils/withDomainRequired'; const SPA_MODE_ALLOW_URLS = [ 'localhost', 'dev.getsentry.net', 'sentry.dev', 'webpack-internal://', ]; // We check for `window.__initialData.user` property and only enable profiling // for Sentry employees. This is to prevent a Violation error being visible in // the browser console for our users. const shouldEnableBrowserProfiling = window?.__initialData?.user?.isSuperuser; /** * We accept a routes argument here because importing `static/routes` * is expensive in regards to bundle size. Some entrypoints may opt to forgo * having routing instrumentation in order to have a smaller bundle size. * (e.g. `static/views/integrationPipeline`) */ function getSentryIntegrations(sentryConfig: Config['sentryConfig'], routes?: Function) { const extraTracingOrigins = SPA_DSN ? SPA_MODE_ALLOW_URLS : [...sentryConfig?.whitelistUrls]; const partialTracingOptions: Partial = { tracingOrigins: ['localhost', /^\//, ...extraTracingOrigins], }; const integrations = [ new ExtraErrorData({ // 6 is arbitrary, seems like a nice number depth: 6, }), new Integrations.BrowserTracing({ ...(typeof routes === 'function' ? { routingInstrumentation: Sentry.reactRouterV3Instrumentation( browserHistory as any, createRoutes(routes()), match ), } : {}), _experiments: { enableInteractions: true, onStartRouteTransaction: Sentry.onProfilingStartRouteTransaction, }, ...partialTracingOptions, }), new Sentry.BrowserProfilingIntegration(), ]; return integrations; } /** * Initialize the Sentry SDK * * If `routes` is passed, we will instrument react-router. Not all * entrypoints require this. */ export function initializeSdk(config: Config, {routes}: {routes?: Function} = {}) { const {apmSampling, sentryConfig, userIdentity} = config; const tracesSampleRate = apmSampling ?? 0; Sentry.init({ ...sentryConfig, /** * For SPA mode, we need a way to overwrite the default DSN from backend * as well as `whitelistUrls` */ dsn: 'https://7fa19397baaf433f919fbe02228d5470@o1137848.ingest.sentry.io/6625302' || SPA_DSN || sentryConfig?.dsn, /** * Frontend can be built with a `SENTRY_RELEASE_VERSION` environment * variable for release string, useful if frontend is deployed separately * from backend. */ release: SENTRY_RELEASE_VERSION ?? sentryConfig?.release, allowUrls: SPA_DSN ? SPA_MODE_ALLOW_URLS : sentryConfig?.whitelistUrls, integrations: getSentryIntegrations(sentryConfig, routes), tracesSampleRate, // @ts-ignore not part of browser SDK types yet profilesSampleRate: shouldEnableBrowserProfiling ? 1 : 0, tracesSampler: context => { if (context.transactionContext.op?.startsWith('ui.action')) { return tracesSampleRate / 100; } return tracesSampleRate; }, beforeSendTransaction(event) { addExtraMeasurements(event); event.spans = event.spans?.filter(span => { // Filter analytic timeout spans. return ['reload.getsentry.net', 'amplitude.com'].every( partialDesc => !span.description?.includes(partialDesc) ); }); if (event.transaction) { event.transaction = normalizeUrl(event.transaction, {forceCustomerDomain: true}); } return event; }, /** * There is a bug in Safari, that causes `AbortError` when fetch is * aborted, and you are in the middle of reading the response. In Chrome * and other browsers, it is handled gracefully, where in Safari, it * produces additional error, that is jumping outside of the original * Promise chain and bubbles up to the `unhandledRejection` handler, that * we then captures as error. * * Ref: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=215771 */ ignoreErrors: ['AbortError: Fetch is aborted'], }); // Track timeOrigin Selection by the SDK to see if it improves transaction durations Sentry.addGlobalEventProcessor((event: Sentry.Event, _hint?: Sentry.EventHint) => { event.tags = event.tags || {}; event.tags['timeOrigin.mode'] = _browserPerformanceTimeOriginMode; return event; }); if (userIdentity) { Sentry.setUser(userIdentity); } if (window.__SENTRY__VERSION) { Sentry.setTag('sentry_version', window.__SENTRY__VERSION); } const {customerDomain} = window.__initialData; if (customerDomain) { Sentry.setTag('isCustomerDomain', 'yes'); Sentry.setTag('customerDomain.organizationUrl', customerDomain.organizationUrl); Sentry.setTag('customerDomain.sentryUrl', customerDomain.sentryUrl); Sentry.setTag('customerDomain.subdomain', customerDomain.subdomain); } LongTaskObserver.startPerformanceObserver(); }