import React from 'react'; import Tag from 'app/components/tagDeprecated'; import Tooltip from 'app/components/tooltip'; export default { title: 'Deprecated/TagDeprecated', }; export const Overview = () => (
); export const Default = () => Development; Default.storyName = 'default'; Default.parameters = { docs: { description: { story: 'A basic tag-like thing. If you pass no type, it will be gray', }, }, }; export const Warning = () => Development; Warning.storyName = 'warning'; Warning.parameters = { docs: { description: { story: 'A warning tag-like thing. Use this to signal that something is maybe not so great', }, }, }; export const Success = () => Development; Success.storyName = 'success'; Success.parameters = { docs: { description: { story: 'A happy tag-like thing. Use this to signal something good', }, }, }; export const Beta = () => ( beta ); Beta.storyName = 'beta'; Beta.parameters = { docs: { description: { story: 'An attention grabbing thing. Use this to communicate shiny new functionality.', }, }, }; export const New = () => ( new ); New.storyName = 'new'; New.parameters = { docs: { description: { story: 'An attention grabbing thing. Use this to communicate shiny new functionality.', }, }, }; export const Small = () => ( new ); Small.storyName = 'small'; Small.parameters = { docs: { description: { story: 'A small tag-like thing. Use this when space is at a premium', }, }, }; export const WithIcon = () => Locked; WithIcon.storyName = 'with icon'; WithIcon.parameters = { docs: { description: { story: 'A tag-like thing with an icon. Use when you need to represent something', }, }, };