import {Fragment} from 'react'; import {Field} from 'sentry/components/forms/types'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import QuestionTooltip from 'sentry/components/questionTooltip'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import {getDocsLinkForEventType} from 'sentry/views/settings/account/notifications/utils'; export const NOTIFICATION_SETTING_FIELDS: Record = { alerts: { name: 'alerts', type: 'select', label: t('Issue Alerts'), choices: [ ['always', t('On')], ['never', t('Off')], ], help: t('Notifications sent from Alert rules that your team has set up.'), }, workflow: { name: 'workflow', type: 'select', label: t('Issue Workflow'), choices: [ ['always', t('On')], ['subscribe_only', t('Only Subscribed Issues')], ['never', t('Off')], ], help: t('Changes in issue assignment, resolution status, and comments.'), }, deploy: { name: 'deploy', type: 'select', label: t('Deploys'), choices: [ ['always', t('On')], ['committed_only', t('Releases with My Commits')], ['never', t('Off')], ], help: t('Release, environment, and commit overviews.'), }, provider: { name: 'provider', type: 'select', label: t('Delivery Method'), choices: [ ['email', t('Email')], ['slack', t('Slack')], ['msteams', t('Microsoft Teams')], ], help: t('Where personal notifications will be sent.'), multiple: true, onChange: val => { // This is a little hack to prevent this field from being empty. // TODO(nisanthan): need to prevent showing the clearable on. the multi-select when its only 1 value. if (!val || val.length === 0) { throw Error('Invalid selection. Field cannot be empty.'); } }, }, approval: { name: 'approval', type: 'select', label: t('Nudges'), choices: [ ['always', t('On')], ['never', t('Off')], ], help: t('Notifications that require review or approval.'), }, quota: { name: 'quota', type: 'select', label: t('Quota'), choices: [ ['always', t('On')], ['never', t('Off')], ], help: t('Error, transaction, and attachment quota limits.'), }, reports: { name: 'reports', type: 'select', label: t('Weekly Reports'), help: t('A summary of the past week for an organization.'), choices: [ ['always', t('On')], ['never', t('Off')], ], }, email: { name: 'email routing', type: 'blank', label: t('Email Routing'), help: t('Change the email address that receives notifications.'), }, spikeProtection: { name: 'spikeProtection', type: 'select', label: t('Spike Protection'), choices: [ ['always', t('On')], ['never', t('Off')], ], help: t('Notifications about spikes on a per project basis.'), }, // legacy options personalActivityNotifications: { name: 'personalActivityNotifications', type: 'select', label: t('My Own Activity'), choices: [ [true as any, t('On')], [false as any, t('Off')], ], help: t('Notifications about your own actions on Sentry.'), }, selfAssignOnResolve: { name: 'selfAssignOnResolve', type: 'select', label: t('Resolve and Auto-Assign'), choices: [ [true as any, t('On')], [false as any, t('Off')], ], help: t("When you resolve an unassigned issue, we'll auto-assign it to you."), }, }; // partial field definition for quota sub-categories export const QUOTA_FIELDS = [ { name: 'quotaWarnings', label: t('Set Quota Limit'), help: t('Receive notifications when your organization exceeds the following limits.'), choices: [ ['always', t('100% and 80%')], ['never', t('100%')], ] as const, }, { name: 'quotaErrors', label: t('Errors'), help: tct('Receive notifications about your error quotas. [learnMore:Learn more]', { learnMore: , }), choices: [ ['always', t('On')], ['never', t('Off')], ] as const, }, { name: 'quotaTransactions', label: t('Transactions'), help: tct( 'Receive notifications about your transaction quota. [learnMore:Learn more]', { learnMore: , } ), choices: [ ['always', t('On')], ['never', t('Off')], ] as const, }, { name: 'quotaReplays', label: t('Replays'), help: tct('Receive notifications about your replay quotas. [learnMore:Learn more]', { learnMore: , }), choices: [ ['always', t('On')], ['never', t('Off')], ] as const, }, { name: 'quotaAttachments', label: t('Attachments'), help: tct( 'Receive notifications about your attachment quota. [learnMore:Learn more]', { learnMore: , } ), choices: [ ['always', t('On')], ['never', t('Off')], ] as const, }, { name: 'quotaMonitorSeats', label: t('Cron Monitors'), help: tct('Receive notifications about your cron monitors quotas. [learnMore:Learn more]', { learnMore: , }), choices: [ ['always', t('On')], ['never', t('Off')], ] as const, }, { name: 'quotaSpendAllocations', label: ( {t('Spend Allocations')}{' '} ), help: t('Receive notifications about your spend allocations.'), choices: [ ['always', t('On')], ['never', t('Off')], ] as const, }, ];