import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import groupBy from 'lodash/groupBy'; import partition from 'lodash/partition'; import ProjectBadge from 'sentry/components/idBadge/projectBadge'; import Tag from 'sentry/components/tag'; import {t, tct, tn} from 'sentry/locale'; import space from 'sentry/styles/space'; import { Organization, Project, ProjectSdkUpdates, SDKUpdatesSuggestion, } from 'sentry/types'; import getSdkUpdateSuggestion from 'sentry/utils/getSdkUpdateSuggestion'; import withOrganization from 'sentry/utils/withOrganization'; import withProjects from 'sentry/utils/withProjects'; import withSdkUpdates from 'sentry/utils/withSdkUpdates'; import Alert from '../alert'; import Collapsible from '../collapsible'; import List from '../list'; import ListItem from '../list/listItem'; import SidebarPanelItem from './sidebarPanelItem'; type Props = { organization: Organization; projects: Project[]; sdkUpdates?: ProjectSdkUpdates[] | null; }; const flattenSuggestions = (list: ProjectSdkUpdates[]) => list.reduce( (suggestions, sdk) => [...suggestions, ...sdk.suggestions], [] ); function BroadcastSdkUpdates({projects, sdkUpdates, organization}: Props) { if (!sdkUpdates) { return null; } // Are there any updates? if (!flattenSuggestions(sdkUpdates).length) { return null; } function renderUpdates(projectSdkUpdates: ProjectSdkUpdates[]) { // Group SDK updates by project const items = Object.entries(groupBy(projectSdkUpdates, 'projectId')); return items .map(([projectId, updates]) => { const project = projects.find(p => === projectId); if (!project) { return null; } // Updates should only be shown to users who are project members or users who have open membership or org write permission const hasPermissionToSeeUpdates = project.isMember || organization.features.includes('open-membership') || organization.access.includes('org:write'); if (!hasPermissionToSeeUpdates) { return null; } return{sdkName, sdkVersion, suggestions}) => { const isDeprecated = suggestions.some( suggestion => suggestion.type === 'changeSdk' ); return (
{isDeprecated && {t('Deprecated')}}
{tct('This project is on [current-version]', { ['current-version']: ( {`${sdkName}@v${sdkVersion}`} ), })} {, i) => ( {getSdkUpdateSuggestion({ sdk: { name: sdkName, version: sdkVersion, }, suggestion, shortStyle: true, capitalized: true, })} ))}
); }); }) .filter(item => !!item); } const [deprecatedRavenSdkUpdates, otherSdkUpdates] = partition( sdkUpdates, sdkUpdate => sdkUpdate.sdkName.includes('raven') && sdkUpdate.suggestions.some(suggestion => suggestion.type === 'changeSdk') ); return ( {!!deprecatedRavenSdkUpdates.length && ( {tct( `[first-sentence]. Any SDK that has the package name ‘raven’ may be missing data. Migrate to the latest SDK version.`, { ['first-sentence']: tn( 'You have %s project using a deprecated version of the Sentry client', 'You have %s projects using a deprecated version of the Sentry client', deprecatedRavenSdkUpdates.length ), } )} )} {renderUpdates(deprecatedRavenSdkUpdates)} {renderUpdates(otherSdkUpdates)} ); } export default withSdkUpdates(withProjects(withOrganization(BroadcastSdkUpdates))); const UpdatesList = styled('div')` margin-top: ${space(3)}; display: grid; grid-auto-flow: row; gap: ${space(3)}; `; const Header = styled('div')` display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr auto; gap: ${space(0.5)}; margin-bottom: ${space(0.25)}; align-items: center; `; const SdkOutdatedVersion = styled('div')` /* 24px + 8px to be aligned with the SdkProjectBadge data */ padding-left: calc(24px + ${space(1)}); `; const OutdatedVersion = styled('span')` color: ${p => p.theme.gray400}; `; const SdkProjectBadge = styled(ProjectBadge)` font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeExtraLarge}; line-height: 1; `; const StyledAlert = styled(Alert)` margin-top: ${space(2)}; `; const StyledList = styled(List)` /* 24px + 8px to be aligned with the project name * displayed by the SdkProjectBadge component */ padding-left: calc(24px + ${space(1)}); `;