import {Component} from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import {addErrorMessage, addSuccessMessage} from 'sentry/actionCreators/indicator'; import {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import Avatar from 'sentry/components/avatar'; import AvatarCropper from 'sentry/components/avatarCropper'; import Button from 'sentry/components/button'; import RadioGroup from 'sentry/components/forms/controls/radioGroup'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import LoadingError from 'sentry/components/loadingError'; import LoadingIndicator from 'sentry/components/loadingIndicator'; import {Panel, PanelBody, PanelHeader} from 'sentry/components/panels'; import Well from 'sentry/components/well'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import space from 'sentry/styles/space'; import {AvatarUser, Organization, SentryApp, Team} from 'sentry/types'; import withApi from 'sentry/utils/withApi'; export type Model = Pick; type AvatarType = Required['avatar']['avatarType']; type AvatarChooserType = | 'user' | 'team' | 'organization' | 'sentryAppColor' | 'sentryAppSimple' | 'docIntegration'; type DefaultChoice = { allowDefault?: boolean; choiceText?: string; preview?: React.ReactNode; }; type DefaultProps = { onSave: (model: Model) => void; allowGravatar?: boolean; allowLetter?: boolean; allowUpload?: boolean; defaultChoice?: DefaultChoice; type?: AvatarChooserType; }; type Props = { api: Client; endpoint: string; model: Model; disabled?: boolean; help?: React.ReactNode; isUser?: boolean; savedDataUrl?: string; title?: string; } & DefaultProps; type State = { hasError: boolean; model: Model; dataUrl?: string | null; savedDataUrl?: string | null; }; class AvatarChooser extends Component { static defaultProps: DefaultProps = { allowGravatar: true, allowLetter: true, allowUpload: true, type: 'user', onSave: () => {}, defaultChoice: { allowDefault: false, }, }; state: State = { model: this.props.model, savedDataUrl: null, dataUrl: null, hasError: false, }; UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: Props) { // Update local state if defined in props if (typeof nextProps.model !== 'undefined') { this.setState({model: nextProps.model}); } } updateState(model: Model) { this.setState({model}); } getModelFromResponse(resp: any): Model { const {type} = this.props; const isSentryApp = type?.startsWith('sentryApp'); // SentryApp endpoint returns all avatars, we need to return only the edited one if (!isSentryApp) { return resp; } const isColor = type === 'sentryAppColor'; return {avatar: resp?.avatars?.find(({color}) => color === isColor) ?? undefined}; } handleError(msg: string) { addErrorMessage(msg); } handleSuccess(model: Model) { const {onSave} = this.props; this.setState({model}); onSave(model); addSuccessMessage(t('Successfully saved avatar preferences')); } handleSaveSettings = (ev: React.MouseEvent) => { const {endpoint, api, type} = this.props; const {model, dataUrl} = this.state; ev.preventDefault(); const avatarType = model?.avatar?.avatarType; const avatarPhoto = dataUrl?.split(',')[1]; const data: { avatar_photo?: string; avatar_type?: string; color?: boolean; } = {avatar_type: avatarType}; // If an image has been uploaded, then another option is selected, we should not submit the uploaded image if (avatarType === 'upload') { data.avatar_photo = avatarPhoto; } if (type?.startsWith('sentryApp')) { data.color = type === 'sentryAppColor'; } api.request(endpoint, { method: 'PUT', data, success: resp => { this.setState({savedDataUrl: this.state.dataUrl}); this.handleSuccess(this.getModelFromResponse(resp)); }, error: resp => { const avatarPhotoErrors = resp?.responseJSON?.avatar_photo || []; avatarPhotoErrors.length ? : this.handleError.bind(this, t('There was an error saving your preferences.')); }, }); }; handleChange = (id: AvatarType) => this.updateState({ ...this.state.model, avatar: {avatarUuid: this.state.model.avatar?.avatarUuid ?? '', avatarType: id}, }); render() { const { allowGravatar, allowUpload, allowLetter, savedDataUrl, type, isUser, disabled, title, help, defaultChoice, } = this.props; const {hasError, model} = this.state; if (hasError) { return ; } if (!model) { return ; } const {allowDefault, preview, choiceText: defaultChoiceText} = defaultChoice || {}; const avatarType = model.avatar?.avatarType ?? 'letter_avatar'; const isLetter = avatarType === 'letter_avatar'; const isDefault = Boolean(preview && avatarType === 'default'); const isTeam = type === 'team'; const isOrganization = type === 'organization'; const isSentryApp = type?.startsWith('sentryApp'); const choices: [AvatarType, string][] = []; if (allowDefault && preview) { choices.push(['default', defaultChoiceText ?? t('Use default avatar')]); } if (allowLetter) { choices.push(['letter_avatar', t('Use initials')]); } if (allowUpload) { choices.push(['upload', t('Upload an image')]); } if (allowGravatar) { choices.push(['gravatar', t('Use Gravatar')]); } return ( {title || t('Avatar')} {isLetter && ( )} {isDefault && preview} {allowGravatar && avatarType === 'gravatar' && ( {t('Gravatars are managed through ')} )} {model.avatar && avatarType === 'upload' && ( this.setState(dataState)} /> )} {help && {help}} ); } } const AvatarHelp = styled('p')` margin-right: auto; color: ${p => p.theme.gray300}; font-size: 14px; width: 50%; `; const AvatarGroup = styled('div')<{inline: boolean}>` display: flex; flex-direction: ${p => (p.inline ? 'row' : 'column')}; `; const AvatarForm = styled('div')` line-height: ${space(3)}; padding: ${space(1.5)} ${space(2)}; margin: ${space(1.5)} ${space(1)} ${space(0.5)}; `; const AvatarSubmit = styled('fieldset')` display: flex; align-items: center; margin-top: ${space(4)}; padding-top: ${space(1.5)}; `; const AvatarUploadSection = styled('div')` margin-top: ${space(1.5)}; `; export default withApi(AvatarChooser);