import {Fragment} from 'react'; import merge from 'lodash/merge'; import {CodeSnippet} from 'sentry/components/codeSnippet'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; export interface QuickStartProps { cronsUrl?: string; dsnKey?: string; orgId?: string; orgSlug?: string; projectId?: string; slug?: string; } const VALUE_DEFAULTS = { cronsUrl: '', dsnKey: '', orgId: '', orgSlug: '', projectId: '', slug: '', }; function withDefaultProps(props: QuickStartProps): Required { return merge(VALUE_DEFAULTS, props); } export function PythonCronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug} = withDefaultProps(props); const code = `import sentry_sdk from sentry_sdk.crons import monitor # Add this decorator to instrument your python function @monitor(monitor_slug='${slug}') def tell_the_world(msg): print(msg)`; return (
{tct( '[installLink:Install and configure] the Sentry Python SDK (min v1.17.0), then instrument your monitor:', { installLink: , } )}
); } export function PythonCeleryCronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug, dsnKey} = withDefaultProps(props); const setupCode = `import sentry_sdk from sentry_sdk.crons import monitor from sentry_sdk.integrations.celery import CeleryIntegration # @signals.celeryd_init.connect @signals.beat_init.connect def init_sentry(**kwargs): sentry_sdk.init( dsn='${dsnKey}', integrations=[CeleryIntegration()], ) `; const linkTaskCode = `@app.task @monitor(monitor_slug='${slug}') def tell_the_world(msg): print(msg) `; return (
{tct( '[installLink:Install and configure] the Sentry Python SDK (min v1.17.0), then initialize Sentry either in [celerydInit:celeryd_init] or [beatInit:beat_init] signal:', { celerydInit: , beatInit: , installLink: ( ), } )}
{t('Link your Celery task to your Monitor:')}
); } export function CLICronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug, dsnKey} = withDefaultProps(props); const script = `# Example for a Python script: export SENTRY_DSN=${dsnKey} sentry-cli monitors run ${slug} -- python path/to/file`; return (
{tct( 'Make sure to [installLink:install the Sentry CLI] (min v2.16.1), then instrument your monitor:', { installLink: ( ), } )}
); } export function CurlCronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {cronsUrl, slug} = withDefaultProps(props); const url = new URL(cronsUrl.replace('___MONITOR_SLUG___', slug)); const checkInSuccessCode = `SENTRY_INGEST="${url.origin}" SENTRY_CRONS="\${SENTRY_INGEST}${url.pathname}" # 🟡 Notify Sentry your job is running: curl "\${SENTRY_CRONS}?status=in_progress" # Execute your scheduled task here... # 🟢 Notify Sentry your job has completed successfully: curl "\${SENTRY_CRONS}?status=ok"`; const checkInFailCode = `# 🔴 Notify Sentry your job has failed: curl "\${SENTRY_CRONS}?status=error"`; return ( {checkInSuccessCode}
{t('To notify Sentry if your job execution fails')}
); } export function PHPCronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug} = withDefaultProps(props); const checkInSuccessCode = `// 🟡 Notify Sentry your job is running: $checkInId = \\Sentry\\captureCheckIn( slug: '${slug}', status: CheckInStatus::inProgress() ); // Execute your scheduled task here... // 🟢 Notify Sentry your job has completed successfully: \\Sentry\\captureCheckIn( slug: '${slug}', status: CheckInStatus::ok(), checkInId: $checkInId, );`; const checkInFailCode = `// 🔴 Notify Sentry your job has failed: \\Sentry\\captureCheckIn( slug: '${slug}', status: CheckInStatus::error() checkInId: $checkInId, );`; return (
{tct( '[installLink:Install and configure] the Sentry PHP SDK (min v3.16.0), then instrument your monitor:', { installLink: , } )}
{t('To notify Sentry if your job execution fails')}
); } export function PHPLaravelCronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug} = withDefaultProps(props); const code = `protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) { $schedule->command('emails:send') ->everyHour() ->sentryMonitor('${slug}'); // add this line }`; return (
{tct( '[installLink:Install and configure] the Sentry PHP Laravel SDK (min v3.3.1), then add the [sentryMonitor:sentryMonitor()] call to your scheduled tasks defined in your [kernel:app/Console/Kernel.php] file:', { sentryMonitor: , kernel: , installLink: ( ), } )}
); } export function NodeJSCronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug} = withDefaultProps(props); const checkInSuccessCode = `// 🟡 Notify Sentry your job is running: const checkInId = Sentry.captureCheckIn({ monitorSlug: "${slug}", status: "in_progress", }); // Execute your scheduled task here... // 🟢 Notify Sentry your job has completed successfully: Sentry.captureCheckIn({ checkInId, monitorSlug: "${slug}", status: "ok", });`; const checkInFailCode = `// 🔴 Notify Sentry your job has failed: Sentry.captureCheckIn({ checkInId, monitorSlug: "${slug}", status: "error", });`; return (
{tct( '[installLink:Install and configure] the Sentry Node SDK (min v7.52), then instrument your monitor:', { installLink: ( ), } )}
{t('To notify Sentry if your job execution fails')}
); } export function GoCronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug} = withDefaultProps(props); const checkInSuccessCode = `// 🟡 Notify Sentry your job is running: checkinId := sentry.CaptureCheckIn( &sentry.CheckIn{ MonitorSlug: "${slug}", Status: sentry.CheckInStatusInProgress, }, nil, ) // Execute your scheduled task here... // 🟢 Notify Sentry your job has completed successfully: sentry.CaptureCheckIn( &sentry.CheckIn{ ID: *checkinId, MonitorSlug: "${slug}", Status: sentry.CheckInStatusOK, }, nil, )`; const checkInFailCode = `// 🔴 Notify Sentry your job has failed: sentry.CaptureCheckIn( &sentry.CheckIn{ ID: *checkinId, MonitorSlug: "${slug}", Status: sentry.CheckInStatusError, }, nil, )`; return (
{tct( '[installLink:Install and configure] the Sentry Go SDK (min v0.23.0), then instrument your monitor:', { installLink: , } )}
{t('To notify Sentry if your job execution fails')}
); } export function JavaCronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug} = withDefaultProps(props); const checkInSuccessCode = `import io.sentry.util.CheckInUtils; String result = CheckInUtils.withCheckIn("${slug}", () -> { // Execute your scheduled task here... return "computed result"; });`; return (
{tct( '[installLink:Install and configure] the Sentry Java SDK (min v6.30.0), then instrument your monitor:', { installLink: , } )}
); } export function JavaSpringBootCronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug} = withDefaultProps(props); const code = `import io.sentry.spring.jakarta.checkin.SentryCheckIn; @Component public class CustomJob { @Scheduled(fixedRate = 3 * 60 * 1000L) @SentryCheckIn("${slug}") // 👈 void execute() throws InterruptedException { // your task code } }`; return (
{tct( '[installLink:Install and configure] the Sentry Spring Boot SDK (min v6.30.0), then instrument your monitor:', { installLink: ( ), } )}
); } export function JavaQuartzCronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug} = withDefaultProps(props); const code = `import io.sentry.quartz.SentryJobListener; // you can set the monitor slug on the job detail JobDetailFactoryBean jobDetailFactory = new JobDetailFactoryBean(); jobDetailFactory.setJobDataAsMap(Collections.singletonMap(SentryJobListener.SENTRY_SLUG_KEY, "${slug}")); // you can also set the monitor slug on the trigger SimpleTriggerFactoryBean trigger = new SimpleTriggerFactoryBean(); trigger.setJobDataAsMap(Collections.singletonMap(SENTRY_SLUG_KEY, "${slug}"));`; return (
{tct( '[installLink:Install and configure] the Sentry Java SDK (min v6.30.0), make sure `SentryJobListener` is [configureLink:configured], then instrument your monitor:', { installLink: , configureLink: ( ), } )}
); } export function CeleryBeatAutoDiscovery(props: QuickStartProps) { const {dsnKey} = props; const code = `# from celery import signals import sentry_sdk from sentry_sdk.integrations.celery import CeleryIntegration @signals.celeryd_init.connect def init_sentry(**kwargs): sentry_sdk.init( dsn='${dsnKey ?? ''}', integrations=[CeleryIntegration(monitor_beat_tasks=True)], # 👈 environment="", release="v1.0", ) `; return (
{tct( 'Use the [additionalDocs: Celery integration] to monitor your Celery periodic tasks. Initialize Sentry in the celeryd_init or beat_init signal.', { additionalDocs: ( ), } )}
{t('Make sure to set monitor_beat_tasks=True in CeleryIntegration:')}
); } export function PHPUpsertPlatformGuide() { const scheduleCode = `// Create a crontab schedule object (every 10 minutes) $monitorSchedule = \\Sentry\\MonitorSchedule::crontab('*/10 * * * *'); // Or create an interval schedule object (every 10 minutes) $monitorSchedule = \\Sentry\\MonitorSchedule::interval(10, \\Sentry\\MonitorScheduleUnit::minute());`; const upsertCode = `// Create a config object $monitorConfig = new \\Sentry\\MonitorConfig( $monitorSchedule, checkinMargin: 5, // Optional check-in margin in minutes maxRuntime: 15, // Optional max runtime in minutes timezone: 'Europe/Vienna', // Optional timezone ); // 🟡 Notify Sentry your job is running: $checkInId = \\Sentry\\captureCheckIn( slug: '', status: \\Sentry\\CheckInStatus::inProgress(), monitorConfig: $monitorConfig, ); // Execute your scheduled task here... // 🟢 Notify Sentry your job has completed successfully: \\Sentry\\captureCheckIn( slug: '', status: \\Sentry\\CheckInStatus::inProgress(), checkInId: $checkInId, );`; return (
{tct( 'You can use the [additionalDocs: PHP SDK] to create and update your Monitors programmatically with code rather than creating them manually.', { additionalDocs: ( ), } )}
{scheduleCode} {upsertCode}
); } export function LaravelUpsertPlatformGuide() { const basicConfigCode = `protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) { $schedule->command('emails:send') ->everyHour() ->sentryMonitor(); // add this line }`; const advancedConfigCode = `protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) { $schedule->command('emails:send') ->everyHour() ->sentryMonitor( // Specify the slug of the job monitor in case of duplicate commands or if the monitor was created in the UI monitorSlug: null, // Check-in margin in minutes checkInMargin: 5, // Max runtime in minutes maxRuntime: 15, // In case you want to configure the job monitor exclusively in the UI, you can turn off sending the monitor config with the check-in. // Passing a monitor-slug is required in this case. updateMonitorConfig: false, ) }`; return (
{tct('Use the [additionalDocs: Laravel SDK] to monitor your scheduled task.', { additionalDocs: ( ), })}
{t( 'To set up, add the "sentryMonitor()" macro to your scheduled tasks defined in your "app/Console/Kernel.php" file:' )}
{t( 'By default, the Laravel SDK will infer various parameters of your scheduled task. For greater control, we expose some optional parameters on the sentryMonitor() macro.' )}
); } export function NodeJsUpsertPlatformGuide() { const upsertCode = `const checkInId = Sentry.captureCheckIn( { monitorSlug: '', status: 'in_progress', }, { schedule: { // Specify your schedule options here type: 'crontab', value: '* * * * *', }, checkinMargin: 1, maxRuntime: 1, timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles', }); Sentry.captureCheckIn({ checkInId, monitorSlug: '', status: 'ok', }); `; return (
{tct( 'Use the [additionalDocs:Node SDK] to create and update your Monitors programmatically with code rather than creating them manually.', { additionalDocs: ( ), } )}
); } export function GoUpsertPlatformGuide() { const scheduleCode = `// Create a crontab schedule object (every 10 minutes) monitorSchedule := sentry.CrontabSchedule("*/10 * * * *") // Or create an interval schedule object (every 10 minutes) monitorSchedule := sentry.IntervalSchedule(10, sentry.MonitorScheduleUnitMinute) `; const upsertCode = `// Create a monitor config object monitorConfig := &sentry.MonitorConfig{ Schedule: monitorSchedule, MaxRuntime: 2, CheckInMargin: 1, } // 🟡 Notify Sentry your job is running: checkinId := sentry.CaptureCheckIn( &sentry.CheckIn{ MonitorSlug: "", Status: sentry.CheckInStatusInProgress, }, monitorConfig, ) // Execute your scheduled task here... // 🟢 Notify Sentry your job has completed successfully: sentry.CaptureCheckIn( &sentry.CheckIn{ MonitorSlug: "", Status: sentry.CheckInStatusOK, }, monitorConfig, )`; return (
{tct( 'You can use the [additionalDocs: Go SDK] to create and update your Monitors programmatically with code rather than creating them manually.', { additionalDocs: ( ), } )}
{scheduleCode} {upsertCode}
); } export function JavaUpsertPlatformGuide() { const scheduleCode = `import io.sentry.MonitorSchedule; import io.sentry.MonitorScheduleUnit; // Create a crontab schedule object (every 10 minutes) MonitorSchedule monitorSchedule = MonitorSchedule.crontab("*/10 * * * *"); // Or create an interval schedule object (every 10 minutes) MonitorSchedule monitorSchedule = MonitorSchedule.interval(10, MonitorScheduleUnit.MINUTE);`; const upsertCode = `import io.sentry.MonitorConfig; import io.sentry.util.CheckInUtils; // Create a config object MonitorConfig monitorConfig = new MonitorConfig(monitorSchedule); monitorConfig.setTimezone("Europe/Vienna"); // Optional timezone monitorConfig.setCheckinMargin(5L); // Optional check-in margin in minutes monitorConfig.setMaxRuntime(15L); // Optional max runtime in minutes String result = CheckInUtils.withCheckIn("", monitorConfig, () -> { // Execute your scheduled task here... return "computed result"; });`; return (
{tct( 'You can use the [additionalDocs: Java SDK] to create and update your Monitors programmatically with code rather than creating them manually.', { additionalDocs: ( ), } )}
{scheduleCode} {upsertCode}
); } export function RubyUpsertPlatformGuide() { const configCode = `# Create a config from a crontab schedule (every 10 minutes) monitor_config = Sentry::Cron::MonitorConfig.from_crontab( '5 * * * *', checkin_margin: 5, # Optional check-in margin in minutes max_runtime: 15, # Optional max runtime in minutes timezone: 'Europe/Vienna', # Optional timezone ) # Create a config from an interval schedule (every 10 minutes) monitor_config = Sentry::Cron::MonitorConfig.from_interval( 10, :minute, checkin_margin: 5, # Optional check-in margin in minutes max_runtime: 15, # Optional max runtime in minutes timezone: 'Europe/Vienna', # Optional timezone )`; const upsertCode = `# 🟡 Notify Sentry your job is running: check_in_id = Sentry.capture_check_in( '', :in_progress, monitor_config: monitor_config ) # Execute your scheduled task here... # 🟢 Notify Sentry your job has completed successfully: Sentry.capture_check_in( '', :ok, check_in_id: check_in_id, monitor_config: monitor_config )`; return (
{tct( 'You can use the [additionalDocs: Ruby SDK] to create and update your Monitors programmatically with code rather than creating them manually.', { additionalDocs: ( ), } )}
{configCode} {upsertCode}
); } export function RubyRailsMixinPlatformGuide() { const activeJobCode = `class ExampleActiveJob < ApplicationJob include Sentry::Cron::MonitorCheckIns # slug defaults to the job class name if not provided sentry_monitor_check_ins slug: 'custom', monitor_config: Sentry::Cron::MonitorConfig.from_crontab('5 * * * *') def perform(*args) # do stuff end end`; const sidekiqJobCode = `class ExampleSidekiqJob include Sidekiq::Job include Sentry::Cron::MonitorCheckIns # slug defaults to the job class name if not provided sentry_monitor_check_ins slug: 'custom', monitor_config: Sentry::Cron::MonitorConfig.from_crontab('5 * * * *') def perform(*args) # do stuff end end`; const customCode = `# define the monitor config with an interval sentry_monitor_check_ins slug: 'custom', monitor_config: Sentry::Cron::MonitorConfig.from_interval(1, :minute) # define the monitor config with a crontab sentry_monitor_check_ins slug: 'custom', monitor_config: Sentry::Cron::MonitorConfig.from_crontab('5 * * * *')`; return (
{tct( 'You can use the mixin module from the [additionalDocs: Ruby SDK] to automatically capture check-ins from your jobs rather than creating them manually.', { additionalDocs: ( ), } )}
{t('ActiveJob Example:')}
{t('Sidekiq Example:')}
{t( 'You must pass in the monitor config explicity for upserts or you must create a new monitor explicitly in the UI.' )}
); } export function RubySidekiqAutoPlatformGuide() { const sidekiqCronCode = `Sentry.init do |config| # for sidekiq-cron config.enabled_patches += [:sidekiq_cron] # for sidekiq-scheduler config.enabled_patches += [:sidekiq_scheduler] end`; return (
{tct( 'If you use gems such as [sidekiqCronLink:sidekiq-cron] or [sidekiqSchedulerLink:sidekiq-scheduler] to manage your scheduled jobs, Sentry can automatically monitor all of them for you without any additional configuration.', { sidekiqCronLink: ( ), sidekiqSchedulerLink: ( ), } )}
{tct( '[installLink:Install and configure] the Sentry Ruby and Sidekiq SDKs (min v5.14.0) and turn on the relevant patches:', { installLink: ( ), } )}
); } export function RubyCronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug} = withDefaultProps(props); const checkInSuccessCode = `# 🟡 Notify Sentry your job is running: check_in_id = Sentry.capture_check_in('${slug}', :in_progress) # Execute your scheduled task here... # 🟢 Notify Sentry your job has completed successfully: Sentry.capture_check_in('${slug}', :ok, check_in_id: check_in_id)`; const checkInFailCode = `# 🔴 Notify Sentry your job has failed: Sentry.capture_check_in('${slug}', :error, check_in_id: check_in_id)`; return (
{tct( '[installLink:Install and configure] the Sentry Ruby SDK (min v5.12.0), then instrument your monitor:', { installLink: , } )}
{t('To notify Sentry if your job execution fails')}
); } export function RubyRailsCronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug} = withDefaultProps(props); const mixinCode = `class ExampleJob < ApplicationJob include Sentry::Cron::MonitorCheckIns # slug defaults to the job class name sentry_monitor_check_ins slug: '${slug}' def perform(*args) # do stuff end end`; const customCode = `# define the monitor config with an interval sentry_monitor_check_ins slug: '${slug}', monitor_config: Sentry::Cron::MonitorConfig.from_interval(1, :minute) # define the monitor config with a crontab sentry_monitor_check_ins slug: '${slug}', monitor_config: Sentry::Cron::MonitorConfig.from_crontab('5 * * * *')`; return (
{tct( '[installLink:Install and configure] the Sentry Ruby and Rails SDKs (min v5.12.0), then instrument your job with our mixin module:', { installLink: ( ), } )}
{t('You can pass in optional attributes as follows:')}
); } export function RubySidekiqCronQuickStart(props: QuickStartProps) { const {slug} = withDefaultProps(props); const mixinCode = `class ExampleJob incude Sidekiq::Job include Sentry::Cron::MonitorCheckIns # slug defaults to the job class name sentry_monitor_check_ins slug: '${slug}' def perform(*args) # do stuff end end`; const customCode = `# define the monitor config with an interval sentry_monitor_check_ins slug: '${slug}', monitor_config: Sentry::Cron::MonitorConfig.from_interval(1, :minute) # define the monitor config with a crontab sentry_monitor_check_ins slug: '${slug}', monitor_config: Sentry::Cron::MonitorConfig.from_crontab('5 * * * *')`; return (
{tct( '[installLink:Install and configure] the Sentry Ruby and Sidekiq SDKs (min v5.12.0), then instrument your job with our mixin module:', { installLink: ( ), } )}
{t('You can pass in optional attributes as follows:')}
); }