import {addErrorMessage} from 'app/actionCreators/indicator'; import SavedSearchesActions from 'app/actions/savedSearchesActions'; import {Client} from 'app/api'; import {MAX_AUTOCOMPLETE_RECENT_SEARCHES} from 'app/constants'; import {t} from 'app/locale'; import {RecentSearch, SavedSearch, SavedSearchType} from 'app/types'; import handleXhrErrorResponse from 'app/utils/handleXhrErrorResponse'; export function resetSavedSearches() { SavedSearchesActions.resetSavedSearches(); } export function fetchSavedSearches(api: Client, orgSlug: string): Promise { const url = `/organizations/${orgSlug}/searches/`; SavedSearchesActions.startFetchSavedSearches(); const promise = api.requestPromise(url, { method: 'GET', }); promise .then(resp => { SavedSearchesActions.fetchSavedSearchesSuccess(resp); }) .catch(err => { SavedSearchesActions.fetchSavedSearchesError(err); addErrorMessage(t('Unable to load saved searches')); }); return promise; } export function fetchProjectSavedSearches( api: Client, orgSlug: string, projectId: string ): Promise { const url = `/projects/${orgSlug}/${projectId}/searches/`; return api.requestPromise(url, { method: 'GET', }); } const getRecentSearchUrl = (orgSlug: string): string => `/organizations/${orgSlug}/recent-searches/`; /** * Saves search term for `user` + `orgSlug` * * @param api API client * @param orgSlug Organization slug * @param type Context for where search happened, 0 for issue, 1 for event * @param query The search term that was used */ export function saveRecentSearch( api: Client, orgSlug: string, type: SavedSearchType, query: string ): Promise { const url = getRecentSearchUrl(orgSlug); const promise = api.requestPromise(url, { method: 'POST', data: { query, type, }, }); promise.catch(handleXhrErrorResponse('Unable to save a recent search')); return promise; } /** * Creates a saved search * * @param api API client * @param orgSlug Organization slug * @param name Saved search name * @param query Query to save */ export function createSavedSearch( api: Client, orgSlug: string, name: string, query: string, sort: string | null ): Promise { const promise = api.requestPromise(`/organizations/${orgSlug}/searches/`, { method: 'POST', data: { type: SavedSearchType.ISSUE, query, name, sort, }, }); // Need to wait for saved search to save unfortunately because we need to redirect // to saved search URL promise.then(resp => { SavedSearchesActions.createSavedSearchSuccess(resp); }); return promise; } /** * Fetches a list of recent search terms conducted by `user` for `orgSlug` * * @param api API client * @param orgSlug Organization slug * @param type Context for where search happened, 0 for issue, 1 for event * @param query A query term used to filter results * * @return Returns a list of objects of recent search queries performed by user */ export function fetchRecentSearches( api: Client, orgSlug: string, type: SavedSearchType, query?: string ): Promise { const url = getRecentSearchUrl(orgSlug); const promise = api.requestPromise(url, { query: { query, type, limit: MAX_AUTOCOMPLETE_RECENT_SEARCHES, }, }); promise.catch(resp => { if (resp.status !== 401 && resp.status !== 403) { handleXhrErrorResponse('Unable to fetch recent searches')(resp); } }); return promise; } const getPinSearchUrl = (orgSlug: string): string => `/organizations/${orgSlug}/pinned-searches/`; export function pinSearch( api: Client, orgSlug: string, type: SavedSearchType, query: string, sort?: string ): Promise { const url = getPinSearchUrl(orgSlug); // Optimistically update store SavedSearchesActions.pinSearch(type, query, sort); const promise = api.requestPromise(url, { method: 'PUT', data: { query, type, sort, }, }); promise.then(SavedSearchesActions.pinSearchSuccess); promise.catch(handleXhrErrorResponse('Unable to pin search')); promise.catch(() => { SavedSearchesActions.unpinSearch(type); }); return promise; } export function unpinSearch( api: Client, orgSlug: string, type: SavedSearchType, pinnedSearch: SavedSearch ) { const url = getPinSearchUrl(orgSlug); // Optimistically update store SavedSearchesActions.unpinSearch(type); const promise = api.requestPromise(url, { method: 'DELETE', data: { type, }, }); promise.catch(handleXhrErrorResponse('Unable to un-pin search')); promise.catch(() => { const {type: pinnedType, query} = pinnedSearch; SavedSearchesActions.pinSearch(pinnedType, query); }); return promise; } /** * Send a DELETE request to remove a saved search * * @param api API client * @param orgSlug Organization slug * @param search The search to remove. */ export function deleteSavedSearch( api: Client, orgSlug: string, search: SavedSearch ): Promise { const url = `/organizations/${orgSlug}/searches/${}/`; const promise = api .requestPromise(url, { method: 'DELETE', }) .then(() => SavedSearchesActions.deleteSavedSearchSuccess(search)) .catch(handleXhrErrorResponse('Unable to delete a saved search')); return promise; }