import {Component, useContext} from 'react'; import {useQuery} from '@tanstack/react-query'; import type {Location} from 'history'; import type {EventQuery} from 'sentry/actionCreators/events'; import type {ResponseMeta} from 'sentry/api'; import {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import type {ImmutableEventView, LocationQuery} from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import type EventView from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import {isAPIPayloadSimilar} from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import type {QueryBatching} from 'sentry/utils/performance/contexts/genericQueryBatcher'; import {PerformanceEventViewContext} from 'sentry/utils/performance/contexts/performanceEventViewContext'; import useApi from '../useApi'; import useOrganization from '../useOrganization'; export interface DiscoverQueryExtras { useOnDemandMetrics?: boolean; } interface _DiscoverQueryExtras { queryExtras?: DiscoverQueryExtras; } export class QueryError extends Error { message: string; private originalError: any; // For debugging in case parseError picks a value that doesn't make sense. constructor(errorMessage: string, originalError?: any) { super(errorMessage); this.message = errorMessage; this.originalError = originalError; } getOriginalError() { return this.originalError; } } export type GenericChildrenProps = { /** * Error, if not null. */ error: null | QueryError; /** * Loading state of this query. */ isLoading: boolean; /** * Pagelinks, if applicable. Can be provided to the Pagination component. */ pageLinks: null | string; /** * Data / result. */ tableData: T | null; }; type OptionalContextProps = { eventView?: EventView | ImmutableEventView; orgSlug?: string; }; type BaseDiscoverQueryProps = { /** * Used as the default source for cursor values. */ location: Location; /** * Explicit cursor value if you aren't using `location.query.cursor` because there are * multiple paginated results on the page. */ cursor?: string; /** * Appends a raw string to query to be able to sidestep the tokenizer. * @deprecated */ forceAppendRawQueryString?: string; /** * Record limit to get. */ limit?: number; /** * Include this whenever pagination won't be used. Limit can still be used when this is * passed, but cursor will be ignored. */ noPagination?: boolean; options?: Omit[2], 'initialData'>; /** * A container for query batching data and functions. */ queryBatching?: QueryBatching; /** * Extra query parameters to be added. */ queryExtras?: Record; /** * Sets referrer parameter in the API Payload. Set of allowed referrers are defined * on the OrganizationDiscoverEndpoint view. */ referrer?: string; /** * A callback to set an error so that the error can be rendered in parent components */ setError?: (errObject: QueryError | undefined) => void; /** * A flag to skip aborting the request when api.clear() is called, which happens * frequently on component unmounts. */ skipAbort?: boolean; }; export type DiscoverQueryPropsWithContext = BaseDiscoverQueryProps & OptionalContextProps; export type DiscoverQueryProps = BaseDiscoverQueryProps & { eventView: EventView | ImmutableEventView; orgSlug: string; }; type InnerRequestProps

= DiscoverQueryProps & P; type OuterRequestProps

= DiscoverQueryPropsWithContext & P; export type ReactProps = { children?: (props: GenericChildrenProps) => React.ReactNode; }; type ComponentProps = { /** * Route to the endpoint */ route: string; /** * A hook to modify data into the correct output after data has been received */ afterFetch?: (data: any, props?: Props) => T; /** * A hook before fetch that can be used to do things like clearing the api */ beforeFetch?: (api: Client) => void; /** * A hook for parent orchestrators to pass down data based on query results, unlike afterFetch it is not meant for specializations as it will not modify data. */ didFetch?: (data: T) => void; /** * Allows components to modify the payload before it is set. */ getRequestPayload?: (props: Props) => any; options?: Omit[2], 'initialData'>; /** * An external hook to parse errors in case there are differences for a specific api. */ parseError?: (error: any) => QueryError | null; /** * An external hook in addition to the event view check to check if data should be refetched */ shouldRefetchData?: (prevProps: Props, props: Props) => boolean; }; type Props = InnerRequestProps

& ReactProps & ComponentProps; type OuterProps = OuterRequestProps

& ReactProps & ComponentProps; type State = { api: Client; tableFetchID: symbol | undefined; } & GenericChildrenProps; /** * Generic component for discover queries */ class _GenericDiscoverQuery extends Component, State> { state: State = { isLoading: true, tableFetchID: undefined, error: null, tableData: null, pageLinks: null, api: new Client(), }; componentDidMount() { this.fetchData(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { // Reload data if the payload changes const refetchCondition = this._shouldRefetchData(prevProps); // or if we've moved from an invalid view state to a valid one, const eventViewValidation = prevProps.eventView.isValid() === false && this.props.eventView.isValid(); const shouldRefetchExternal = this.props.shouldRefetchData ? this.props.shouldRefetchData(prevProps, this.props) : false; if (refetchCondition || eventViewValidation || shouldRefetchExternal) { this.fetchData(); } } _shouldRefetchData = (prevProps: Props): boolean => { const thisAPIPayload = getPayload(this.props); const otherAPIPayload = getPayload(prevProps); return ( !isAPIPayloadSimilar(thisAPIPayload, otherAPIPayload) || prevProps.limit !== this.props.limit || prevProps.route !== this.props.route || prevProps.cursor !== this.props.cursor ); }; /** * The error type isn't consistent across APIs. We see detail as just string some times, other times as an object. */ _parseError = (error: any): QueryError | null => { if (this.props.parseError) { return this.props.parseError(error); } return parseError(error); }; fetchData = async () => { const { queryBatching, beforeFetch, afterFetch, didFetch, eventView, orgSlug, route, setError, } = this.props; const {api} = this.state; if (!eventView.isValid()) { return; } const url = `/organizations/${orgSlug}/${route}/`; const tableFetchID = Symbol(`tableFetchID`); const apiPayload: Partial = getPayload(this.props); this.setState({isLoading: true, tableFetchID}); setError?.(undefined); beforeFetch?.(api); // clear any inflight requests since they are now stale api.clear(); try { const [data, , resp] = await doDiscoverQuery(api, url, apiPayload, { queryBatching, }); if (this.state.tableFetchID !== tableFetchID) { // invariant: a different request was initiated after this request return; } const tableData = afterFetch ? afterFetch(data, this.props) : data; didFetch?.(tableData); this.setState(prevState => ({ isLoading: false, tableFetchID: undefined, error: null, pageLinks: resp?.getResponseHeader('Link') ?? prevState.pageLinks, tableData, })); } catch (err) { const error = this._parseError(err); this.setState({ isLoading: false, tableFetchID: undefined, error, tableData: null, }); if (setError) { setError(error ?? undefined); } } }; render() { const {isLoading, error, tableData, pageLinks} = this.state; const childrenProps: GenericChildrenProps = { isLoading, error, tableData, pageLinks, }; const children: ReactProps['children'] = this.props.children; // Explicitly setting type due to issues with generics and React's children return children?.(childrenProps); } } // Shim to allow us to use generic discover query or any specialization with or without passing org slug or eventview, which are now contexts. // This will help keep tests working and we can remove extra uses of context-provided props and update tests as we go. export function GenericDiscoverQuery(props: OuterProps) { const organizationSlug = useOrganization({allowNull: true})?.slug; const performanceEventView = useContext(PerformanceEventViewContext)?.eventView; const orgSlug = props.orgSlug ?? organizationSlug; const eventView = props.eventView ?? performanceEventView; if (orgSlug === undefined || eventView === undefined) { throw new Error('GenericDiscoverQuery requires both an orgSlug and eventView'); } const _props: Props = { ...props, orgSlug, eventView, }; return <_GenericDiscoverQuery {..._props} />; } export type DiscoverQueryRequestParams = Partial< EventQuery & LocationQuery & _DiscoverQueryExtras >; type RetryOptions = { statusCodes: number[]; tries: number; baseTimeout?: number; timeoutMultiplier?: number; }; const BASE_TIMEOUT = 200; const TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER = 2; const wait = duration => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, duration)); export async function doDiscoverQuery( api: Client, url: string, params: DiscoverQueryRequestParams, options: { queryBatching?: QueryBatching; retry?: RetryOptions; skipAbort?: boolean; } = {} ): Promise<[T, string | undefined, ResponseMeta | undefined]> { const {queryBatching, retry, skipAbort} = options; if (queryBatching?.batchRequest) { return queryBatching.batchRequest(api, url, { query: params, includeAllArgs: true, }); } const baseTimeout = retry?.baseTimeout ?? BASE_TIMEOUT; const timeoutMultiplier = retry?.timeoutMultiplier ?? TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER; const statusCodes = retry?.statusCodes ?? []; const maxTries = retry?.tries ?? 1; let tries = 0; let timeout = 0; let error; while (tries < maxTries && (!error || statusCodes.includes(error.status))) { if (timeout > 0) { await wait(timeout); } try { tries++; return await api.requestPromise(url, { method: 'GET', includeAllArgs: true, query: { // marking params as any so as to not cause typescript errors ...(params as any), }, skipAbort, }); } catch (err) { error = err; timeout = baseTimeout * timeoutMultiplier ** (tries - 1); } } throw error; } function getPayload(props: Props) { const { cursor, limit, noPagination, referrer, getRequestPayload, eventView, location, forceAppendRawQueryString, } = props; const payload = getRequestPayload ? getRequestPayload(props) : eventView.getEventsAPIPayload(location, forceAppendRawQueryString); if (cursor !== undefined) { payload.cursor = cursor; } if (limit) { payload.per_page = limit; } if (noPagination) { payload.noPagination = noPagination; } if (referrer) { payload.referrer = referrer; } Object.assign(payload, props.queryExtras ?? {}); return payload; } export function useGenericDiscoverQuery(props: Props) { const api = useApi(); const {orgSlug, route, options} = props; const url = `/organizations/${orgSlug}/${route}/`; const apiPayload = getPayload(props); const res = useQuery<[T, string | undefined, ResponseMeta | undefined], QueryError>( [route, apiPayload], ({signal: _signal}) => doDiscoverQuery(api, url, apiPayload, { queryBatching: props.queryBatching, skipAbort: props.skipAbort, }), options ); return { ...res, data:[0] ?? undefined, error: parseError(res.error), statusCode:[1] ?? undefined, response:[2] ?? undefined, }; } const parseError = (error: any): QueryError | null => { if (!error) { return null; } const detail = error.responseJSON?.detail; if (typeof detail === 'string') { return new QueryError(detail, error); } const message = detail?.message; if (typeof message === 'string') { return new QueryError(message, error); } return new QueryError(t('An unknown error occurred.'), error); }; export default GenericDiscoverQuery;