import {Fragment, useCallback, useState} from 'react'; import { addErrorMessage, addLoadingMessage, addSuccessMessage, } from 'sentry/actionCreators/indicator'; import Access from 'sentry/components/acl/access'; import FieldGroup from 'sentry/components/forms/fieldGroup'; import BooleanField from 'sentry/components/forms/fields/booleanField'; import SelectField from 'sentry/components/forms/fields/selectField'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import TextCopyInput from 'sentry/components/textCopyInput'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import type {Project, ProjectKey} from 'sentry/types'; import getDynamicText from 'sentry/utils/getDynamicText'; import {handleXhrErrorResponse} from 'sentry/utils/handleXhrErrorResponse'; import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi'; type Props = { data: ProjectKey; keyId: string; orgSlug: string; project: Project; updateData: (data: ProjectKey) => void; }; export function LoaderSettings({keyId, orgSlug, project, data, updateData}: Props) { const api = useApi(); const [requestPending, setRequestPending] = useState(false); const [optimisticState, setOptimisticState] = useState({ browserSdkVersion: data.browserSdkVersion, hasDebug: data.dynamicSdkLoaderOptions.hasDebug, hasPerformance: data.dynamicSdkLoaderOptions.hasPerformance, hasReplay: data.dynamicSdkLoaderOptions.hasReplay, }); const values = requestPending ? optimisticState : { browserSdkVersion: // "latest" was an option that we don't let users select anymore. It will be phased out when version v8 of // the SDK is released, meaning we want to map the backend's response to v7 when it responds with "latest". // "7.x" was the "latest" version when "latest" was phased out. data.browserSdkVersion === 'latest' ? '7.x' : data.browserSdkVersion, hasDebug: data.dynamicSdkLoaderOptions.hasDebug, hasPerformance: data.dynamicSdkLoaderOptions.hasPerformance, hasReplay: data.dynamicSdkLoaderOptions.hasReplay, }; const sdkVersionChoices = data.browserSdk ? // "latest" was an option that we do not want to allow users to select anymore. It was phased out with v7, before v8 was released. data.browserSdk.choices.filter(([value]) => value !== 'latest') : []; const apiEndpoint = `/projects/${orgSlug}/${project.slug}/keys/${keyId}/`; const loaderLink = getDynamicText({ value: data.dsn.cdn, fixed: '__JS_SDK_LOADER_URL__', }); const updateLoaderOption = useCallback( async (changes: { browserSdkVersion?: string; hasDebug?: boolean; hasPerformance?: boolean; hasReplay?: boolean; }) => { setRequestPending(true); setOptimisticState({ browserSdkVersion: data.browserSdkVersion, hasDebug: data.dynamicSdkLoaderOptions.hasDebug, hasPerformance: data.dynamicSdkLoaderOptions.hasPerformance, hasReplay: data.dynamicSdkLoaderOptions.hasReplay, ...changes, }); addLoadingMessage(); const browserSdkVersion = changes.browserSdkVersion ?? data.browserSdkVersion; let payload: any; if (sdkVersionSupportsPerformanceAndReplay(browserSdkVersion)) { payload = { browserSdkVersion, dynamicSdkLoaderOptions: { hasDebug: changes.hasDebug ?? data.dynamicSdkLoaderOptions.hasDebug, hasPerformance: changes.hasPerformance ?? data.dynamicSdkLoaderOptions.hasPerformance, hasReplay: changes.hasReplay ?? data.dynamicSdkLoaderOptions.hasReplay, }, }; } else { payload = { browserSdkVersion, dynamicSdkLoaderOptions: { hasDebug: changes.hasDebug ?? data.dynamicSdkLoaderOptions.hasDebug, hasPerformance: false, hasReplay: false, }, }; } try { const response = await api.requestPromise(apiEndpoint, { method: 'PUT', data: payload, }); updateData(response); addSuccessMessage(t('Successfully updated dynamic SDK loader configuration')); } catch (error) { const message = t('Unable to updated dynamic SDK loader configuration'); handleXhrErrorResponse(message, error); addErrorMessage(message); } finally { setRequestPending(false); } }, [ api, apiEndpoint, data.browserSdkVersion, data.dynamicSdkLoaderOptions.hasDebug, data.dynamicSdkLoaderOptions.hasPerformance, data.dynamicSdkLoaderOptions.hasReplay, setRequestPending, updateData, ] ); return ( {({hasAccess}) => ( {t(' What does the script provide?')} ), } )} inline={false} flexibleControlStateSize > {``} ({ value, label, }))} value={values.browserSdkVersion} onChange={value => { updateLoaderOption({browserSdkVersion: value}); }} disabledReason={ sdkVersionChoices.length === 1 ? t( 'At the moment, only the shown SDK version is available. New versions of the SDK will appear here as soon as they are released, and you will be able to upgrade by selecting them.' ) : undefined } placeholder="7.x" allowClear={false} disabled={!hasAccess || requestPending || sdkVersionChoices.length === 1} /> { updateLoaderOption({hasPerformance: value}); }} disabled={ !hasAccess || requestPending || !sdkVersionSupportsPerformanceAndReplay(data.browserSdkVersion) } help={ !sdkVersionSupportsPerformanceAndReplay(data.browserSdkVersion) ? t('Only available in SDK version 7.x and above') : undefined } disabledReason={ !hasAccess ? t('You do not have permission to edit this setting') : undefined } /> { updateLoaderOption({hasReplay: value}); }} disabled={ !hasAccess || requestPending || !sdkVersionSupportsPerformanceAndReplay(data.browserSdkVersion) } help={ !sdkVersionSupportsPerformanceAndReplay(data.browserSdkVersion) ? t('Only available in SDK version 7.x and above') : data.dynamicSdkLoaderOptions.hasReplay ? t( 'When using Replay, the loader will load the ES6 bundle instead of the ES5 bundle.' ) : undefined } disabledReason={ !hasAccess ? t('You do not have permission to edit this setting') : undefined } /> { updateLoaderOption({hasDebug: value}); }} disabled={!hasAccess || requestPending} disabledReason={ !hasAccess ? t('You do not have permission to edit this setting') : undefined } /> )} ); } function sdkVersionSupportsPerformanceAndReplay(sdkVersion: string): boolean { return sdkVersion === 'latest' || sdkVersion === '7.x'; }