#!/usr/bin/env bash

red="$(tput setaf 1)"
yellow="$(tput setaf 3)"
bold="$(tput bold)"
reset="$(tput sgr0)"

trap "rm -f ${files_changed_upstream}" EXIT

git diff-tree -r --name-only --no-commit-id ORIG_HEAD HEAD > "$files_changed_upstream"

grep --quiet 'requirements-dev-frozen.txt' "$files_changed_upstream" && py="install-py-dev "
grep --quiet 'yarn.lock' "$files_changed_upstream"                   && js="install-js-dev "
grep --quiet 'migrations' "$files_changed_upstream"                  && migrations="apply-migrations "

[[ "$pc" || "$py" || "$js" || "$migrations" ]] && needs_update=1
update_command="make ${pc}${py}${js}${migrations}"

[[ "$needs_update" ]] && cat <<EOF

[${red}${bold}!!!${reset}] ${red} It looks like some dependencies have changed that will require your intervention. Run the following to update:${reset}


${yellow}If you want these commands to automatically be executed after pulling code you can export the SENTRY_POST_MERGE_AUTO_UPDATE variable.${reset}


if [[ "$SENTRY_POST_MERGE_AUTO_UPDATE" && "$needs_update" ]]; then