import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import {StepType} from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/step'; import type { Docs, DocsParams, OnboardingConfig, } from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/types'; import {CrashReportWebApiOnboarding} from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/utils/feedbackOnboarding'; import {getRubyMetricsOnboarding} from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/utils/metricsOnboarding'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; type Params = DocsParams; const getInstallSnippet = (params: Params) => `${params.isProfilingSelected ? 'gem "stackprof"\n' : ''}gem "sentry-ruby"`; const getConfigureSnippet = (params: Params) => ` Sentry.init do |config| config.dsn = '${params.dsn.public}'${ params.isPerformanceSelected ? ` # Set traces_sample_rate to 1.0 to capture 100% # of transactions for tracing. # We recommend adjusting this value in production. config.traces_sample_rate = 1.0 # or config.traces_sampler = lambda do |context| true end` : '' }${ params.isProfilingSelected ? ` # Set profiles_sample_rate to profile 100% # of sampled transactions. # We recommend adjusting this value in production. config.profiles_sample_rate = 1.0` : '' } end`; const getVerifySnippet = () => ` begin 1 / 0 rescue ZeroDivisionError => exception Sentry.capture_exception(exception) end Sentry.capture_message("test message")`; const onboarding: OnboardingConfig = { install: (params: Params) => [ { type: StepType.INSTALL, description: tct( 'The Sentry SDK for Ruby comes as a gem that should be added to your [gemfileCode:Gemfile]:', { gemfileCode: , } ), configurations: [ { description: params.isProfilingSelected ? tct( 'Ruby Profiling beta is available since SDK version 5.9.0. We use the [stackprofLink:stackprof gem] to collect profiles for Ruby. Make sure [code:stackprof] is loaded before [code:sentry-ruby].', { stackprofLink: ( ), code: , } ) : undefined, language: 'ruby', code: getInstallSnippet(params), }, { description: t('After adding the gems, run the following to install the SDK:'), language: 'ruby', code: 'bundle install', }, ], }, ], configure: params => [ { type: StepType.CONFIGURE, description: tct( 'To use Sentry Ruby all you need is your DSN. Like most Sentry libraries it will honor the [code:SENTRY_DSN] environment variable. You can find it on the project settings page under API Keys. You can either export it as environment variable or manually configure it with [code:Sentry.init]:', {code: } ), configurations: [ { language: 'ruby', code: getConfigureSnippet(params), }, ], }, ], verify: () => [ { type: StepType.VERIFY, description: t( "This snippet contains a deliberate error and message sent to Sentry and can be used as a test to make sure that everything's working as expected." ), configurations: [ { language: 'ruby', code: getVerifySnippet(), }, ], }, ], }; const docs: Docs = { onboarding, customMetricsOnboarding: getRubyMetricsOnboarding(), crashReportOnboarding: CrashReportWebApiOnboarding, }; export default docs;