'It is recommended to use an [link:integration for your particular WSGI framework if available], as those are easier to use and capture more useful information.',
link: (
{t( 'If you use a WSGI framework not directly supported by the SDK, or wrote a raw WSGI app, you can use this generic WSGI middleware. It captures errors and attaches a basic amount of information for incoming requests.' )}
configurations: [
params.docsLocation === DocsPageLocation.PROFILING_PAGE
? tct(
'You need a minimum version [code:1.18.0] of the [code:sentry-python] SDK for the profiling feature.',
: undefined,
language: 'bash',
code: getInstallSnippet(),
configure: params => [
type: StepType.CONFIGURE,
description: t(
'Then you can use this generic WSGI middleware. It captures errors and attaches a basic amount of information for incoming requests.'
configurations: [
language: 'python',
code: getSdkSetupSnippet(params),
additionalInfo: params.isProfilingSelected &&
params.profilingOptions?.defaultProfilingMode === 'continuous' && (
'When you point your browser to [link:http://localhost:8000/] a transaction in the Performance section of Sentry will be created.',
{t( 'Additionally, an error event will be sent to Sentry and will be connected to the transaction.' )}
{t('It takes a couple of moments for the data to appear in Sentry.')}