import {useMemo, useState} from 'react'; import {EventDataSection} from 'sentry/components/events/eventDataSection'; import {COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED} from 'sentry/components/gridEditable'; import {SegmentedControl} from 'sentry/components/segmentedControl'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import type {Event, Project} from 'sentry/types'; import {useRelativeDateTime} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/hooks/useRelativeDateTime'; import {useApiQuery} from 'sentry/utils/queryClient'; import {MutableSearch} from 'sentry/utils/tokenizeSearch'; import {useLocation} from 'sentry/utils/useLocation'; import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization'; import {spanDetailsRouteWithQuery} from 'sentry/views/performance/transactionSummary/transactionSpans/spanDetails/utils'; import {useSpanMetrics} from 'sentry/views/starfish/queries/useDiscover'; import {EventRegressionTable} from './eventRegressionTable'; interface SpanDiff { p95_after: number; p95_before: number; score: number; span_description: string; span_group: string; span_op: string; spm_after: number; spm_before: number; } interface UseFetchAdvancedAnalysisProps { breakpoint: string; enabled: boolean; end: string; projectId: string; start: string; transaction: string; } function useFetchAdvancedAnalysis({ transaction, start, end, breakpoint, projectId, enabled, }: UseFetchAdvancedAnalysisProps) { const organization = useOrganization(); return useApiQuery( [ `/organizations/${organization.slug}/events-root-cause-analysis/`, { query: { transaction, project: projectId, start, end, breakpoint, per_page: 10, }, }, ], { staleTime: 60000, retry: false, enabled, } ); } const ADDITIONAL_COLUMNS = [ {key: 'operation', name: t('Operation'), width: 120}, {key: 'description', name: t('Description'), width: COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED}, ]; interface AggregateSpanDiffProps { event: Event; project: Project; } function AggregateSpanDiff({event, project}: AggregateSpanDiffProps) { const location = useLocation(); const organization = useOrganization(); const isSpansOnly = organization.features.includes( 'statistical-detectors-rca-spans-only' ); const [causeType, setCauseType] = useState<'duration' | 'throughput'>('duration'); const {transaction, breakpoint} = event?.occurrence?.evidenceData ?? {}; const breakpointTimestamp = new Date(breakpoint * 1000).toISOString(); const {start, end} = useRelativeDateTime({ anchor: breakpoint, relativeDays: 7, retentionDays: 30, }); const { data: rcaData, isLoading: isRcaLoading, isError: isRcaError, } = useFetchAdvancedAnalysis({ transaction, start: (start as Date).toISOString(), end: (end as Date).toISOString(), breakpoint: breakpointTimestamp, projectId:, enabled: !isSpansOnly, }); // Initialize the search query with because only // specific operations have their recorded in the span // metrics dataset const search = new MutableSearch(''); search.addFilterValue('transaction', transaction); const { data: spansData, isLoading: isSpansDataLoading, isError: isSpansDataError, } = useSpanMetrics( { search, fields: [ 'span.op', 'any(span.description)', '', `regression_score(span.self_time,${breakpoint})`, `avg_by_timestamp(span.self_time,less,${breakpoint})`, `avg_by_timestamp(span.self_time,greater,${breakpoint})`, `epm_by_timestamp(less,${breakpoint})`, `epm_by_timestamp(greater,${breakpoint})`, ], sorts: [{field: `regression_score(span.self_time,${breakpoint})`, kind: 'desc'}], limit: 10, enabled: isSpansOnly, }, 'api.performance.transactions.statistical-detector-root-cause-analysis' ); const tableData = useMemo(() => { if (isSpansOnly) { return spansData?.map(row => { const commonProps = { operation: row['span.op'], group: row[''], description: row['any(span.description)'] || undefined, }; if (causeType === 'throughput') { const throughputBefore = row[`epm_by_timestamp(less,${breakpoint})`]; const throughputAfter = row[`epm_by_timestamp(greater,${breakpoint})`]; return { ...commonProps, throughputBefore, throughputAfter, percentageChange: throughputAfter / throughputBefore - 1, }; } const durationBefore = row[`avg_by_timestamp(span.self_time,less,${breakpoint})`] / 1e3; const durationAfter = row[`avg_by_timestamp(span.self_time,greater,${breakpoint})`] / 1e3; return { ...commonProps, durationBefore, durationAfter, percentageChange: durationAfter / durationBefore - 1, }; }); } return ( rcaData?.map(row => { if (causeType === 'throughput') { return { operation: row.span_op, group: row.span_group, description: row.span_description, throughputBefore: row.spm_before, throughputAfter: row.spm_after, percentageChange: row.spm_after / row.spm_before - 1, }; } return { operation: row.span_op, group: row.span_group, description: row.span_description, durationBefore: row.p95_before / 1e3, durationAfter: row.p95_after / 1e3, percentageChange: row.p95_after / row.p95_before - 1, }; }) || [] ); }, [isSpansOnly, rcaData, spansData, causeType, breakpoint]); const tableOptions = useMemo(() => { return { description: { defaultValue: t('(unnamed span)'), link: dataRow => ({ target: spanDetailsRouteWithQuery({ orgSlug: organization.slug, spanSlug: {op: dataRow.operation, group:}, transaction, projectID:, query: { ...location.query, statsPeriod: undefined, query: undefined, start: (start as Date).toISOString(), end: (end as Date).toISOString(), }, }), }), }, }; }, [location, organization, project, transaction, start, end]); return ( {isSpansOnly ? t('Average Duration') : t('Duration (P95)')} {t('Throughput')} } > ); } export default AggregateSpanDiff;