import {mountWithTheme} from 'sentry-test/enzyme'; import {render, waitFor} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import {doEventsRequest} from 'sentry/actionCreators/events'; import EventsRequest from 'sentry/components/charts/eventsRequest'; const COUNT_OBJ = { count: 123, }; jest.mock('sentry/actionCreators/events', () => ({ doEventsRequest: jest.fn(), })); describe('EventsRequest', function () { const project = TestStubs.Project(); const organization = TestStubs.Organization(); const mock = jest.fn(() => null); const DEFAULTS = { api: new MockApiClient(), projects: [parseInt(, 10)], environments: [], period: '24h', organization, tag: 'release', includePrevious: false, includeTimeseries: true, }; let wrapper; describe('with props changes', function () { beforeAll(function () { doEventsRequest.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ data: [[new Date(), [COUNT_OBJ]]], }) ); wrapper = mountWithTheme({mock}); }); it('makes requests', function () { expect(mock).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith( 1, expect.objectContaining({ loading: true, }) ); expect(mock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ loading: false, timeseriesData: [ { seriesName: expect.anything(), data: [ expect.objectContaining({ name: expect.any(Number), value: 123, }), ], }, ], originalTimeseriesData: [[expect.anything(), expect.anything()]], }) ); expect(doEventsRequest).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('makes a new request if projects prop changes', async function () { doEventsRequest.mockClear(); wrapper.setProps({projects: [123]}); await tick(); wrapper.update(); expect(doEventsRequest).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.anything(), expect.objectContaining({ projects: [123], }) ); }); it('makes a new request if environments prop changes', async function () { doEventsRequest.mockClear(); wrapper.setProps({environments: ['dev']}); await tick(); wrapper.update(); expect(doEventsRequest).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.anything(), expect.objectContaining({ environments: ['dev'], }) ); }); it('makes a new request if period prop changes', async function () { doEventsRequest.mockClear(); wrapper.setProps({period: '7d'}); await tick(); wrapper.update(); expect(doEventsRequest).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.anything(), expect.objectContaining({ period: '7d', }) ); }); }); describe('transforms', function () { beforeEach(function () { doEventsRequest.mockClear(); }); it('expands period in query if `includePrevious`', async function () { doEventsRequest.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ data: [ [ new Date(), [ {...COUNT_OBJ, count: 321}, {...COUNT_OBJ, count: 79}, ], ], [new Date(), [COUNT_OBJ]], ], }) ); wrapper = mountWithTheme( {mock} ); await tick(); wrapper.update(); // actionCreator handles expanding the period when calling the API expect(doEventsRequest).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.anything(), expect.objectContaining({ period: '24h', }) ); expect(mock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ loading: false, allTimeseriesData: [ [ expect.anything(), [ expect.objectContaining({count: 321}), expect.objectContaining({count: 79}), ], ], [expect.anything(), [expect.objectContaining({count: 123})]], ], timeseriesData: [ { seriesName: expect.anything(), data: [ expect.objectContaining({ name: expect.anything(), value: 123, }), ], }, ], previousTimeseriesData: [ expect.objectContaining({ seriesName: 'Previous', data: [ expect.objectContaining({ name: expect.anything(), value: 400, }), ], }), ], originalTimeseriesData: [ [expect.anything(), [expect.objectContaining({count: 123})]], ], originalPreviousTimeseriesData: [ [ expect.anything(), [ expect.objectContaining({count: 321}), expect.objectContaining({count: 79}), ], ], ], }) ); }); it('expands multiple periods in query if `includePrevious`', async function () { doEventsRequest.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ 'count()': { data: [ [ new Date(), [ {...COUNT_OBJ, count: 321}, {...COUNT_OBJ, count: 79}, ], ], [new Date(), [COUNT_OBJ]], ], }, 'failure_count()': { data: [ [ new Date(), [ {...COUNT_OBJ, count: 421}, {...COUNT_OBJ, count: 79}, ], ], [new Date(), [COUNT_OBJ]], ], }, }) ); const multiYOptions = { yAxis: ['count()', 'failure_count()'], previousSeriesNames: ['previous count()', 'previous failure_count()'], }; wrapper = mountWithTheme( {mock} ); await tick(); wrapper.update(); // actionCreator handles expanding the period when calling the API expect(doEventsRequest).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.anything(), expect.objectContaining({ period: '24h', }) ); expect(mock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ loading: false, yAxis: ['count()', 'failure_count()'], previousSeriesNames: ['previous count()', 'previous failure_count()'], results: [ expect.objectContaining({ data: [expect.objectContaining({name: expect.anything(), value: 123})], seriesName: 'count()', }), expect.objectContaining({ data: [expect.objectContaining({name: expect.anything(), value: 123})], seriesName: 'failure_count()', }), ], previousTimeseriesData: [ expect.objectContaining({ data: [expect.objectContaining({name: expect.anything(), value: 400})], seriesName: 'previous count()', stack: 'previous', }), expect.objectContaining({ data: [expect.objectContaining({name: expect.anything(), value: 500})], seriesName: 'previous failure_count()', stack: 'previous', }), ], }) ); }); it('aggregates counts per timestamp only when `includeTimeAggregation` prop is true', async function () { doEventsRequest.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ data: [[new Date(), [COUNT_OBJ, {...COUNT_OBJ, count: 100}]]], }) ); wrapper = mountWithTheme( {mock} ); await tick(); wrapper.update(); expect(mock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ timeAggregatedData: {}, }) ); wrapper.setProps({ includeTimeAggregation: true, timeAggregationSeriesName: 'aggregated series', }); await tick(); wrapper.update(); expect(mock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ timeAggregatedData: { seriesName: 'aggregated series', data: [{name: expect.anything(), value: 223}], }, }) ); }); it('aggregates all counts per timestamp when category name identical', async function () { doEventsRequest.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ data: [[new Date(), [COUNT_OBJ, {...COUNT_OBJ, count: 100}]]], }) ); wrapper = mountWithTheme( {mock} ); await tick(); wrapper.update(); expect(mock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ timeAggregatedData: {}, }) ); wrapper.setProps({ includeTimeAggregation: true, timeAggregationSeriesName: 'aggregated series', }); await tick(); wrapper.update(); expect(mock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ timeAggregatedData: { seriesName: 'aggregated series', data: [{name: expect.anything(), value: 223}], }, }) ); }); }); describe('yAxis', function () { beforeEach(function () { doEventsRequest.mockClear(); }); it('supports yAxis', async function () { doEventsRequest.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ data: [ [ new Date(), [ {...COUNT_OBJ, count: 321}, {...COUNT_OBJ, count: 79}, ], ], [new Date(), [COUNT_OBJ]], ], }) ); wrapper = mountWithTheme( {mock} ); await tick(); wrapper.update(); expect(mock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ loading: false, allTimeseriesData: [ [ expect.anything(), [ expect.objectContaining({count: 321}), expect.objectContaining({count: 79}), ], ], [expect.anything(), [expect.objectContaining({count: 123})]], ], timeseriesData: [ { seriesName: expect.anything(), data: [ expect.objectContaining({ name: expect.anything(), value: 123, }), ], }, ], previousTimeseriesData: [ expect.objectContaining({ seriesName: 'Previous', data: [ expect.objectContaining({ name: expect.anything(), value: 400, }), ], }), ], originalTimeseriesData: [ [expect.anything(), [expect.objectContaining({count: 123})]], ], originalPreviousTimeseriesData: [ [ expect.anything(), [ expect.objectContaining({count: 321}), expect.objectContaining({count: 79}), ], ], ], }) ); }); it('supports multiple yAxis', async function () { doEventsRequest.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ 'epm()': { data: [ [ new Date(), [ {...COUNT_OBJ, count: 321}, {...COUNT_OBJ, count: 79}, ], ], [new Date(), [COUNT_OBJ]], ], }, 'apdex()': { data: [ [ new Date(), [ {...COUNT_OBJ, count: 321}, {...COUNT_OBJ, count: 79}, ], ], [new Date(), [COUNT_OBJ]], ], }, }) ); wrapper = mountWithTheme( {mock} ); await tick(); wrapper.update(); const generateExpected = name => { return { seriesName: name, data: [ {name: expect.anything(), value: 400}, {name: expect.anything(), value: 123}, ], }; }; expect(mock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ loading: false, results: [generateExpected('epm()'), generateExpected('apdex()')], }) ); }); }); describe('topEvents', function () { beforeEach(function () { doEventsRequest.mockClear(); }); it('supports topEvents parameter', async function () { doEventsRequest.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ 'project1,error': { data: [ [ new Date(), [ {...COUNT_OBJ, count: 321}, {...COUNT_OBJ, count: 79}, ], ], [new Date(), [COUNT_OBJ]], ], }, 'project1,warning': { data: [ [ new Date(), [ {...COUNT_OBJ, count: 321}, {...COUNT_OBJ, count: 79}, ], ], [new Date(), [COUNT_OBJ]], ], }, }) ); wrapper = mountWithTheme( {mock} ); await tick(); wrapper.update(); const generateExpected = name => { return { seriesName: name, data: [ {name: expect.anything(), value: 400}, {name: expect.anything(), value: 123}, ], }; }; expect(mock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ loading: false, results: [ generateExpected('project1,error'), generateExpected('project1,warning'), ], }) ); }); }); describe('out of retention', function () { beforeEach(function () { doEventsRequest.mockClear(); }); it('does not make request', function () { wrapper = mountWithTheme( {mock} ); expect(doEventsRequest).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('errors', function () { wrapper = mountWithTheme( {mock} ); expect(mock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ expired: true, errored: true, }) ); }); }); describe('timeframe', function () { beforeEach(function () { doEventsRequest.mockClear(); }); it('passes query timeframe start and end to the child if supplied by timeseriesData', async function () { doEventsRequest.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ p95: { data: [[new Date(), [COUNT_OBJ]]], start: 1627402280, end: 1627402398, }, }) ); wrapper = mountWithTheme({mock}); await tick(); wrapper.update(); expect(mock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ timeframe: { start: 1627402280000, end: 1627402398000, }, }) ); }); }); describe('custom performance metrics', function () { beforeEach(function () { doEventsRequest.mockClear(); }); it('passes timeseriesResultTypes to child', async function () { doEventsRequest.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ data: [[new Date(), [COUNT_OBJ]]], start: 1627402280, end: 1627402398, meta: { fields: { p95_measurements_custom: 'size', }, units: { p95_measurements_custom: 'kibibyte', }, }, }) ); render( {mock} ); await waitFor(() => expect(mock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ timeseriesResultsTypes: {'p95(measurements.custom)': 'size'}, }) ) ); }); it('scales timeseries values according to unit meta', async function () { doEventsRequest.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ data: [[new Date(), [COUNT_OBJ]]], start: 1627402280, end: 1627402398, meta: { fields: { p95_measurements_custom: 'size', }, units: { p95_measurements_custom: 'mebibyte', }, }, }) ); render( {mock} ); await waitFor(() => expect(mock).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ timeseriesData: [ { data: [{name: 1508208080000000, value: 128974848}], seriesName: 'p95(measurements.custom)', }, ], }) ) ); }); }); });