/*eslint-env node*/ /*eslint import/no-nodejs-modules:0 */ /** * When our locales are codesplit into cache groups, webpack expects that all * chunks *must* be loaded before the main entrypoint can be executed. However, * since we will only be using one locale at a time we do not want to load all * locale chunks, just the one the user has enabled. * * This plugin removes the locale chunks from the app entrypoint's immediate * chunk dependants list, ensuring that the compiled entrypoint will execute * *without* all locale chunks loaded. * * Note that the locale actually gets initially loaded in the server template and * the frontend code (in `app/translations`) may be redundant. */ const PLUGIN_NAME = 'OptionalLocaleChunkPlugin'; const clearLocaleChunks = chunks => { Array.from(chunks) .filter(chunk => chunk.name !== 'app') .forEach(chunk => { const mainGroup = Array.from(chunk.groupsIterable)[0]; // With the upgrade from webpack4 -> 5, we have a lot more chunks without a name // Not entirely sure why, but we want to keep these chunks without names mainGroup.chunks = mainGroup.chunks.filter( c => !c.name || !c.name.startsWith('locale') ); }); }; class OptionalLocaleChunkPlugin { apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, compilation => compilation.hooks.afterOptimizeChunks.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, clearLocaleChunks) ); } } module.exports = OptionalLocaleChunkPlugin;