#!/usr/bin/env python import glob import os import sys os.environ['PYFLAKES_NODOCTEST'] = '1' # pep8.py uses sys.argv to find setup.cfg sys.argv = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir)] # git usurbs your bin path for hooks and will always run system python if 'VIRTUAL_ENV' in os.environ: site_packages = glob.glob( '%s/lib/*/site-packages' % os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'])[0] sys.path.insert(0, site_packages) def py_lint(files_modified): from flake8.main import DEFAULT_CONFIG from flake8.engine import get_style_guide # remove non-py files and files which no longer exist files_modified = filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.py'), files_modified) flake8_style = get_style_guide(parse_argv=True, config_file=DEFAULT_CONFIG) report = flake8_style.check_files(files_modified) return report.total_errors != 0 def js_lint(files_modified): has_errors = False if os.system('node_modules/.bin/jshint src'): has_errors = True if os.system('node_modules/.bin/jsxhint --jsx-only src'): has_errors = True return has_errors def main(): from flake8.hooks import run gitcmd = "git diff-index --cached --name-only HEAD" _, files_modified, _ = run(gitcmd) files_modified = filter(lambda x: os.path.exists(x), files_modified) if any((py_lint(files_modified), js_lint(files_modified))): return 1 return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())