import {Component, Fragment} from 'react'; import type {WithRouterProps} from 'react-router'; import type {useSortable} from '@dnd-kit/sortable'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import type {Location} from 'history'; import type {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import {Alert} from 'sentry/components/alert'; import ErrorPanel from 'sentry/components/charts/errorPanel'; import {HeaderTitle} from 'sentry/components/charts/styles'; import ErrorBoundary from 'sentry/components/errorBoundary'; import {LazyRender} from 'sentry/components/lazyRender'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import Panel from 'sentry/components/panels/panel'; import PanelAlert from 'sentry/components/panels/panelAlert'; import Placeholder from 'sentry/components/placeholder'; import {parseSearch} from 'sentry/components/searchSyntax/parser'; import {Tooltip} from 'sentry/components/tooltip'; import {IconWarning} from 'sentry/icons'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space'; import type {Organization, PageFilters} from 'sentry/types'; import type {Series} from 'sentry/types/echarts'; import {getFormattedDate} from 'sentry/utils/dates'; import type {TableDataWithTitle} from 'sentry/utils/discover/discoverQuery'; import type {AggregationOutputType} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import {parseFunction} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import {hasCustomMetrics} from 'sentry/utils/metrics/features'; import {hasOnDemandMetricWidgetFeature} from 'sentry/utils/onDemandMetrics/features'; import {ExtractedMetricsTag} from 'sentry/utils/performance/contexts/metricsEnhancedPerformanceDataContext'; import { MEPConsumer, MEPState, } from 'sentry/utils/performance/contexts/metricsEnhancedSetting'; import {VisuallyCompleteWithData} from 'sentry/utils/performanceForSentry'; import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization'; import withApi from 'sentry/utils/withApi'; import withOrganization from 'sentry/utils/withOrganization'; import withPageFilters from 'sentry/utils/withPageFilters'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports import withSentryRouter from 'sentry/utils/withSentryRouter'; import {DASHBOARD_CHART_GROUP} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/dashboard'; import {MetricWidgetCard} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/metrics/widgetCard'; import {Toolbar} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/widgetCard/toolbar'; import type {DashboardFilters, Widget} from '../types'; import {DisplayType, OnDemandExtractionState, WidgetType} from '../types'; import {getColoredWidgetIndicator, hasThresholdMaxValue} from '../utils'; import {DEFAULT_RESULTS_LIMIT} from '../widgetBuilder/utils'; import {DashboardsMEPConsumer, DashboardsMEPProvider} from './dashboardsMEPContext'; import WidgetCardChartContainer from './widgetCardChartContainer'; import WidgetCardContextMenu from './widgetCardContextMenu'; const SESSION_DURATION_INGESTION_STOP_DATE = new Date('2023-01-12'); export const SESSION_DURATION_ALERT = ( {t( 'session.duration is no longer being recorded as of %s. Data in this widget may be incomplete.', getFormattedDate(SESSION_DURATION_INGESTION_STOP_DATE, 'MMM D, YYYY') )} ); type DraggableProps = Pick, 'attributes' | 'listeners'>; type Props = WithRouterProps & { api: Client; isEditingDashboard: boolean; location: Location; organization: Organization; selection: PageFilters; widget: Widget; widgetLimitReached: boolean; dashboardFilters?: DashboardFilters; draggableProps?: DraggableProps; hideToolbar?: boolean; index?: string; isEditingWidget?: boolean; isMobile?: boolean; isPreview?: boolean; isWidgetInvalid?: boolean; noDashboardsMEPProvider?: boolean; noLazyLoad?: boolean; onDataFetched?: (results: TableDataWithTitle[]) => void; onDelete?: () => void; onDuplicate?: () => void; onEdit?: () => void; onUpdate?: (widget: Widget | null) => void; renderErrorMessage?: (errorMessage?: string) => React.ReactNode; showContextMenu?: boolean; showStoredAlert?: boolean; tableItemLimit?: number; windowWidth?: number; }; type State = { pageLinks?: string; seriesData?: Series[]; seriesResultsType?: Record; tableData?: TableDataWithTitle[]; totalIssuesCount?: string; }; type SearchFilterKey = {key?: {value: string}}; const ERROR_FIELDS = [ 'error.handled', 'error.unhandled', 'error.mechanism', 'error.type', 'error.value', ]; class WidgetCard extends Component { state: State = {}; renderToolbar() { const { onEdit, onDelete, onDuplicate, draggableProps, hideToolbar, isEditingDashboard, isMobile, } = this.props; if (!isEditingDashboard) { return null; } return ( ); } renderContextMenu() { const { widget, selection, organization, showContextMenu, isPreview, widgetLimitReached, onEdit, onDuplicate, onDelete, isEditingDashboard, router, location, index, } = this.props; const {seriesData, tableData, pageLinks, totalIssuesCount, seriesResultsType} = this.state; if (isEditingDashboard) { return null; } return ( ); } setData = ({ tableResults, timeseriesResults, totalIssuesCount, pageLinks, timeseriesResultsTypes, }: { pageLinks?: string; tableResults?: TableDataWithTitle[]; timeseriesResults?: Series[]; timeseriesResultsTypes?: Record; totalIssuesCount?: string; }) => { const {onDataFetched} = this.props; if (onDataFetched && tableResults) { onDataFetched(tableResults); } this.setState({ seriesData: timeseriesResults, tableData: tableResults, totalIssuesCount, pageLinks, seriesResultsType: timeseriesResultsTypes, }); }; render() { const { api, organization, selection, widget, isMobile, renderErrorMessage, tableItemLimit, windowWidth, noLazyLoad, showStoredAlert, noDashboardsMEPProvider, dashboardFilters, isWidgetInvalid, location, } = this.props; if (widget.displayType === DisplayType.TOP_N) { const queries = => ({ ...query, // Use the last aggregate because that's where the y-axis is stored aggregates: query.aggregates.length ? [query.aggregates[query.aggregates.length - 1]] : [], })); widget.queries = queries; widget.limit = DEFAULT_RESULTS_LIMIT; } const hasSessionDuration = widget.queries.some(query => query.aggregates.some(aggregate => aggregate.includes('session.duration')) ); function conditionalWrapWithDashboardsMEPProvider(component: React.ReactNode) { if (noDashboardsMEPProvider) { return component; } return {component}; } // prettier-ignore const widgetContainsErrorFields = widget.queries.some( ({columns, aggregates, conditions}) => ERROR_FIELDS.some( errorField => columns.includes(errorField) || aggregates.some( aggregate => parseFunction(aggregate)?.arguments.includes(errorField) ) || parseSearch(conditions)?.some( filter => (filter as SearchFilterKey).key?.value === errorField ) ) ); if (widget.widgetType === WidgetType.METRICS) { if (hasCustomMetrics(organization)) { return ( ); } } return ( {t('Error loading widget data')}} > {conditionalWrapWithDashboardsMEPProvider( 0 } disabled={Number(this.props.index) !== 0} > {widget.title} {widget.thresholds && hasThresholdMaxValue(widget.thresholds) && this.state.tableData && organization.features.includes('dashboard-widget-indicators') && getColoredWidgetIndicator( widget.thresholds, this.state.tableData )} {widget.description && ( {widget.description} )} {this.renderContextMenu()} {hasSessionDuration && SESSION_DURATION_ALERT} {isWidgetInvalid ? ( {renderErrorMessage?.('Widget query condition is invalid.')} ) : noLazyLoad ? ( ) : ( )} {this.renderToolbar()} {!organization.features.includes('performance-mep-bannerless-ui') && ( {metricSettingContext => { return ( {({isMetricsData}) => { if ( showStoredAlert && isMetricsData === false && widget.widgetType === WidgetType.DISCOVER && metricSettingContext && metricSettingContext.metricSettingState !== MEPState.TRANSACTIONS_ONLY ) { if (!widgetContainsErrorFields) { return ( {tct( "Your selection is only applicable to [indexedData: indexed event data]. We've automatically adjusted your results.", { indexedData: ( ), } )} ); } } return null; }} ); }} )} )} ); } } export default withApi(withOrganization(withPageFilters(withSentryRouter(WidgetCard)))); function DisplayOnDemandWarnings(props: {widget: Widget}) { const organization = useOrganization(); if (!hasOnDemandMetricWidgetFeature(organization)) { return null; } // prettier-ignore const widgetContainsHighCardinality = props.widget.queries.some( wq => wq.onDemand?.some( d => d.extractionState === OnDemandExtractionState.DISABLED_HIGH_CARDINALITY ) ); // prettier-ignore const widgetReachedSpecLimit = props.widget.queries.some( wq => wq.onDemand?.some( d => d.extractionState === OnDemandExtractionState.DISABLED_SPEC_LIMIT ) ); if (widgetContainsHighCardinality) { return ( ); } if (widgetReachedSpecLimit) { return ( ); } return null; } const ErrorCard = styled(Placeholder)` display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; background-color: ${p => p.theme.alert.error.backgroundLight}; border: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.alert.error.border}; color: ${p => p.theme.alert.error.textLight}; border-radius: ${p => p.theme.borderRadius}; margin-bottom: ${space(2)}; `; export const WidgetCardPanel = styled(Panel, { shouldForwardProp: prop => prop !== 'isDragging', })<{ isDragging: boolean; }>` margin: 0; visibility: ${p => (p.isDragging ? 'hidden' : 'visible')}; /* If a panel overflows due to a long title stretch its grid sibling */ height: 100%; min-height: 96px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; `; const StoredDataAlert = styled(Alert)` margin-top: ${space(1)}; margin-bottom: 0; `; const StyledErrorPanel = styled(ErrorPanel)` padding: ${space(2)}; `; export const WidgetTitleRow = styled('span')` display: flex; align-items: center; gap: ${space(0.75)}; `; export const WidgetDescription = styled('small')` ${p => p.theme.overflowEllipsis} color: ${p => p.theme.gray300}; `; const WidgetTitle = styled(HeaderTitle)` ${p => p.theme.overflowEllipsis}; font-weight: ${p => p.theme.fontWeightNormal}; `; const WidgetHeaderWrapper = styled('div')` padding: ${space(2)} ${space(1)} 0 ${space(3)}; min-height: 36px; width: 100%; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; `; const WidgetHeaderDescription = styled('div')` display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: ${space(0.5)}; `;