import omit from 'lodash/omit'; import trimStart from 'lodash/trimStart'; import {doReleaseHealthRequest} from 'sentry/actionCreators/metrics'; import {doSessionsRequest} from 'sentry/actionCreators/sessions'; import type {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import type { MetricsApiResponse, Organization, PageFilters, SelectValue, SessionApiResponse, SessionsMeta, } from 'sentry/types'; import {SessionField} from 'sentry/types'; import type {Series} from 'sentry/types/echarts'; import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; import type {TableData} from 'sentry/utils/discover/discoverQuery'; import {getFieldRenderer} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fieldRenderers'; import type {QueryFieldValue} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import {statsPeriodToDays} from 'sentry/utils/duration/statsPeriodToDays'; import type {OnDemandControlContext} from 'sentry/utils/performance/contexts/onDemandControl'; import type {FieldValueOption} from 'sentry/views/discover/table/queryField'; import type {FieldValue} from 'sentry/views/discover/table/types'; import {FieldValueKind} from 'sentry/views/discover/table/types'; import type {Widget, WidgetQuery} from '../types'; import {DisplayType} from '../types'; import {getWidgetInterval} from '../utils'; import {ReleaseSearchBar} from '../widgetBuilder/buildSteps/filterResultsStep/releaseSearchBar'; import { DERIVED_STATUS_METRICS_PATTERN, DerivedStatusFields, DISABLED_SORT, FIELD_TO_METRICS_EXPRESSION, generateReleaseWidgetFieldOptions, SESSIONS_FIELDS, SESSIONS_TAGS, TAG_SORT_DENY_LIST, } from '../widgetBuilder/releaseWidget/fields'; import { derivedMetricsToField, requiresCustomReleaseSorting, resolveDerivedStatusFields, } from '../widgetCard/releaseWidgetQueries'; import {getSeriesName} from '../widgetCard/transformSessionsResponseToSeries'; import { changeObjectValuesToTypes, getDerivedMetrics, mapDerivedMetricsToFields, } from '../widgetCard/transformSessionsResponseToTable'; import type {DatasetConfig} from './base'; import {handleOrderByReset} from './base'; const DEFAULT_WIDGET_QUERY: WidgetQuery = { name: '', fields: [`crash_free_rate(${SessionField.SESSION})`], columns: [], fieldAliases: [], aggregates: [`crash_free_rate(${SessionField.SESSION})`], conditions: '', orderby: `-crash_free_rate(${SessionField.SESSION})`, }; const METRICS_BACKED_SESSIONS_START_DATE = new Date('2022-07-12'); export const ReleasesConfig: DatasetConfig< SessionApiResponse | MetricsApiResponse, SessionApiResponse | MetricsApiResponse > = { defaultWidgetQuery: DEFAULT_WIDGET_QUERY, enableEquations: false, disableSortOptions, getTableRequest: ( api: Client, _: Widget, query: WidgetQuery, organization: Organization, pageFilters: PageFilters, __?: OnDemandControlContext, limit?: number, cursor?: string ) => getReleasesRequest( 0, 1, api, query, organization, pageFilters, undefined, limit, cursor ), getSeriesRequest: getReleasesSeriesRequest, getTableSortOptions, getTimeseriesSortOptions, filterTableOptions: filterPrimaryReleaseTableOptions, filterAggregateParams, filterYAxisAggregateParams: (_fieldValue: QueryFieldValue, _displayType: DisplayType) => filterAggregateParams, filterYAxisOptions, getCustomFieldRenderer: (field, meta) => getFieldRenderer(field, meta, false), SearchBar: ReleaseSearchBar, getTableFieldOptions: getReleasesTableFieldOptions, getGroupByFieldOptions: (_organization: Organization) => generateReleaseWidgetFieldOptions([] as SessionsMeta[], SESSIONS_TAGS), handleColumnFieldChangeOverride, handleOrderByReset: handleReleasesTableOrderByReset, filterSeriesSortOptions, supportedDisplayTypes: [ DisplayType.AREA, DisplayType.BAR, DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER, DisplayType.LINE, DisplayType.TABLE, DisplayType.TOP_N, ], transformSeries: transformSessionsResponseToSeries, transformTable: transformSessionsResponseToTable, }; function disableSortOptions(widgetQuery: WidgetQuery) { const {columns} = widgetQuery; if (columns.includes('session.status')) { return { disableSort: true, disableSortDirection: true, disableSortReason: t('Sorting currently not supported with session.status'), }; } return { disableSort: false, disableSortDirection: false, }; } function getTableSortOptions(_organization: Organization, widgetQuery: WidgetQuery) { const {columns, aggregates} = widgetQuery; const options: SelectValue[] = []; [...aggregates, ...columns] .filter(field => !!field) .filter(field => !DISABLED_SORT.includes(field)) .filter(field => !TAG_SORT_DENY_LIST.includes(field)) .forEach(field => { options.push({label: field, value: field}); }); return options; } function getTimeseriesSortOptions(_organization: Organization, widgetQuery: WidgetQuery) { const columnSet = new Set(widgetQuery.columns); const releaseFieldOptions = generateReleaseWidgetFieldOptions( Object.values(SESSIONS_FIELDS), SESSIONS_TAGS ); const options: Record> = {}; Object.entries(releaseFieldOptions).forEach(([key, option]) => { if (['count_healthy', 'count_errored'].includes( { return; } if (option.value.kind === FieldValueKind.FIELD) { // Only allow sorting by release tag if ( === 'release' && columnSet.has( { options[key] = option; } return; } options[key] = option; }); return options; } function filterSeriesSortOptions(columns: Set) { return (option: FieldValueOption) => { if (['count_healthy', 'count_errored'].includes( { return false; } if (option.value.kind === FieldValueKind.FIELD) { // Only allow sorting by release tag return columns.has( && === 'release'; } return filterPrimaryReleaseTableOptions(option); }; } function getReleasesSeriesRequest( api: Client, widget: Widget, queryIndex: number, organization: Organization, pageFilters: PageFilters ) { const query = widget.queries[queryIndex]; const {displayType, limit} = widget; const {datetime} = pageFilters; const {start, end, period} = datetime; const isCustomReleaseSorting = requiresCustomReleaseSorting(query); const includeTotals = query.columns.length > 0 ? 1 : 0; const interval = getWidgetInterval( displayType, {start, end, period}, '5m', // requesting low fidelity for release sort because metrics api can't return 100 rows of high fidelity series data isCustomReleaseSorting ? 'low' : undefined ); return getReleasesRequest( 1, includeTotals, api, query, organization, pageFilters, interval, limit ); } function filterPrimaryReleaseTableOptions(option: FieldValueOption) { return [ FieldValueKind.FUNCTION, FieldValueKind.FIELD, FieldValueKind.NUMERIC_METRICS, ].includes(option.value.kind); } function filterAggregateParams(option: FieldValueOption) { return option.value.kind === FieldValueKind.METRICS; } function filterYAxisOptions(_displayType: DisplayType) { return (option: FieldValueOption) => { return [FieldValueKind.FUNCTION, FieldValueKind.NUMERIC_METRICS].includes( option.value.kind ); }; } function handleReleasesTableOrderByReset(widgetQuery: WidgetQuery, newFields: string[]) { const disableSortBy = widgetQuery.columns.includes('session.status'); if (disableSortBy) { widgetQuery.orderby = ''; } return handleOrderByReset(widgetQuery, newFields); } function handleColumnFieldChangeOverride(widgetQuery: WidgetQuery): WidgetQuery { if (widgetQuery.aggregates.length === 0) { // Release Health widgets require an aggregate in tables const defaultReleaseHealthAggregate = `crash_free_rate(${SessionField.SESSION})`; widgetQuery.aggregates = [defaultReleaseHealthAggregate]; widgetQuery.fields = widgetQuery.fields ? [...widgetQuery.fields, defaultReleaseHealthAggregate] : [defaultReleaseHealthAggregate]; } return widgetQuery; } function getReleasesTableFieldOptions(_organization: Organization) { return generateReleaseWidgetFieldOptions(Object.values(SESSIONS_FIELDS), SESSIONS_TAGS); } export function transformSessionsResponseToTable( data: SessionApiResponse | MetricsApiResponse, widgetQuery: WidgetQuery ): TableData { const useSessionAPI = widgetQuery.columns.includes('session.status'); const {derivedStatusFields, injectedFields} = resolveDerivedStatusFields( widgetQuery.aggregates, widgetQuery.orderby, useSessionAPI ); const rows =, index) => ({ id: String(index), ...mapDerivedMetricsToFields(, // if `sum(session)` or `count_unique(user)` are not // requested as a part of the payload for // derived status metrics through the Sessions API, // they are injected into the payload and need to be // stripped. ...omit(mapDerivedMetricsToFields(group.totals), injectedFields), // if session.status is a groupby, some post processing // is needed to calculate the status derived metrics // from grouped results of `sum(session)` or `count_unique(user)` ...getDerivedMetrics(, group.totals, derivedStatusFields), })); const singleRow = rows[0]; const meta = { ...changeObjectValuesToTypes(omit(singleRow, 'id')), }; return {meta, data: rows}; } export function transformSessionsResponseToSeries( data: SessionApiResponse | MetricsApiResponse, widgetQuery: WidgetQuery ) { if (data === null) { return []; } const queryAlias =; const useSessionAPI = widgetQuery.columns.includes('session.status'); const {derivedStatusFields: requestedStatusMetrics, injectedFields} = resolveDerivedStatusFields( widgetQuery.aggregates, widgetQuery.orderby, useSessionAPI ); const results: Series[] = []; if (!data.groups.length) { return [ { seriesName: `(${t('no results')})`, data: => ({ name: interval, value: 0, })), }, ]; } data.groups.forEach(group => { Object.keys(group.series).forEach(field => { // if `sum(session)` or `count_unique(user)` are not // requested as a part of the payload for // derived status metrics through the Sessions API, // they are injected into the payload and need to be // stripped. if (!injectedFields.includes(derivedMetricsToField(field))) { results.push({ seriesName: getSeriesName(field, group, queryAlias), data:, index) => ({ name: interval, value: group.series[field][index] ?? 0, })), }); } }); // if session.status is a groupby, some post processing // is needed to calculate the status derived metrics // from grouped results of `sum(session)` or `count_unique(user)` if (requestedStatusMetrics.length && defined(['session.status'])) { requestedStatusMetrics.forEach(status => { const result = status.match(DERIVED_STATUS_METRICS_PATTERN); if (result) { let metricField: string | undefined = undefined; if (['session.status'] === result[1]) { if (result[2] === 'session') { metricField = 'sum(session)'; } else if (result[2] === 'user') { metricField = 'count_unique(user)'; } } results.push({ seriesName: getSeriesName(status, group, queryAlias), data:, index) => ({ name: interval, value: metricField ? group.series[metricField][index] ?? 0 : 0, })), }); } }); } }); return results; } function fieldsToDerivedMetrics(field: string): string { return FIELD_TO_METRICS_EXPRESSION[field] ?? field; } function getReleasesRequest( includeSeries: number, includeTotals: number, api: Client, query: WidgetQuery, organization: Organization, pageFilters: PageFilters, interval?: string, limit?: number, cursor?: string ) { const {environments, projects, datetime} = pageFilters; const {start, end, period} = datetime; let showIncompleteDataAlert: boolean = false; if (start) { let startDate: Date | undefined = undefined; if (typeof start === 'string') { startDate = new Date(start); } else { startDate = start; } showIncompleteDataAlert = startDate < METRICS_BACKED_SESSIONS_START_DATE; } else if (period) { const periodInDays = statsPeriodToDays(period); const current = new Date(); const prior = new Date(new Date().setDate(current.getDate() - periodInDays)); showIncompleteDataAlert = prior < METRICS_BACKED_SESSIONS_START_DATE; } if (showIncompleteDataAlert) { return Promise.reject( new Error( t( 'Releases data is only available from Jul 12. Please retry your query with a more recent date range.' ) ) ); } // Only time we need to use sessions API is when session.status is requested // as a group by. const useSessionAPI = query.columns.includes('session.status'); const isCustomReleaseSorting = requiresCustomReleaseSorting(query); const isDescending = query.orderby.startsWith('-'); const rawOrderby = trimStart(query.orderby, '-'); const unsupportedOrderby = DISABLED_SORT.includes(rawOrderby) || useSessionAPI || rawOrderby === 'release'; const columns = query.columns; // Temporary solution to support sorting on releases when querying the // Metrics API: // // We first request the top 50 recent releases from postgres. Note that the // release request is based on the project and environment selected in the // page filters. // // We then construct a massive OR condition and append it to any specified // filter condition. We also maintain an ordered array of release versions // to order the results returned from the metrics endpoint. // // Also note that we request a limit of 100 on the metrics endpoint, this // is because in a query, the limit should be applied after the results are // sorted based on the release version. The larger number of rows we // request, the more accurate our results are going to be. // // After the results are sorted, we truncate the data to the requested // limit. This will result in a few edge cases: // // 1. low to high sort may not show releases at the beginning of the // selected period if there are more than 50 releases in the selected // period. // // 2. if a recent release is not returned due to the 100 row limit // imposed on the metrics query the user won't see it on the // table/chart/ // const {aggregates, injectedFields} = resolveDerivedStatusFields( query.aggregates, query.orderby, useSessionAPI ); let requestData; let requester; if (useSessionAPI) { const sessionAggregates = aggregates.filter( agg => !Object.values(DerivedStatusFields).includes(agg as DerivedStatusFields) ); requestData = { field: sessionAggregates, orgSlug: organization.slug, end, environment: environments, groupBy: columns, limit: undefined, orderBy: '', // Orderby not supported with session.status interval, project: projects, query: query.conditions, start, statsPeriod: period, includeAllArgs: true, cursor, }; requester = doSessionsRequest; } else { requestData = { field:, orgSlug: organization.slug, end, environment: environments, groupBy:, limit: columns.length === 0 ? 1 : isCustomReleaseSorting ? 100 : limit, orderBy: unsupportedOrderby ? '' : isDescending ? `-${fieldsToDerivedMetrics(rawOrderby)}` : fieldsToDerivedMetrics(rawOrderby), interval, project: projects, query: query.conditions, start, statsPeriod: period, includeAllArgs: true, cursor, includeSeries, includeTotals, }; requester = doReleaseHealthRequest; if ( rawOrderby && !unsupportedOrderby && !aggregates.includes(rawOrderby) && !columns.includes(rawOrderby) ) { requestData.field = [...requestData.field, fieldsToDerivedMetrics(rawOrderby)]; if (!injectedFields.includes(rawOrderby)) { injectedFields.push(rawOrderby); } } } return requester(api, requestData); }