import {Component, createRef} from 'react'; import type {Theme} from '@emotion/react'; import {withTheme} from '@emotion/react'; import type {PieSeriesOption} from 'echarts'; import type {ReactEchartsRef, Series} from 'sentry/types/echarts'; import Legend from './components/legend'; import PieSeries from './series/pieSeries'; import type {BaseChartProps} from './baseChart'; import BaseChart from './baseChart'; export interface PieChartSeries extends Series, Omit<PieSeriesOption, 'id' | 'color' | 'data'> {} interface Props extends Omit<BaseChartProps, 'series'> { series: PieChartSeries[]; theme: Theme; selectOnRender?: boolean; } class PieChart extends Component<Props> { componentDidMount() { const {selectOnRender} = this.props; if (!selectOnRender) { return; } // Timeout is because we need to wait for rendering animation to complete // And I haven't found a callback for this this.highlightTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => this.highlight(0), 1000); } componentWillUnmount() { window.clearTimeout(this.highlightTimeout); } highlightTimeout: number | undefined = undefined; isInitialSelected = true; selected = 0; chart = createRef<ReactEchartsRef>(); // Select a series to highlight (e.g. shows details of series) // This is the same event as when you hover over a series in the chart highlight = dataIndex => { if (!this.chart.current) { return; } this.chart.current.getEchartsInstance().dispatchAction({ type: 'highlight', seriesIndex: 0, dataIndex, }); }; // Opposite of `highlight` downplay = dataIndex => { if (!this.chart.current) { return; } this.chart.current.getEchartsInstance().dispatchAction({ type: 'downplay', seriesIndex: 0, dataIndex, }); }; // echarts Legend does not have access to percentages (but tooltip does :/) getSeriesPercentages = (series: PieChartSeries) => { const total =, {value}) => acc + value, 0); return .map(({name, value}) => [name, Math.round((value / total) * 10000) / 100]) .reduce( (acc, [name, value]) => ({ ...acc, [name]: value, }), {} ); }; render() { const {series, theme, ...props} = this.props; if (!series || !series.length) { return null; } if (series.length > 1) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn('PieChart only uses the first series!'); } // Note, we only take the first series unit! const [firstSeries] = series; const seriesPercentages = this.getSeriesPercentages(firstSeries); return ( <BaseChart ref={this.chart} colors={ firstSeries?.data && [...theme.charts.getColorPalette(] } // when legend highlights it does NOT pass dataIndex :( onHighlight={({name}) => { if ( !this.isInitialSelected || !name ||[this.selected].name === name ) { return; } // Unhighlight if not initial "highlight" event and // if name exists (i.e. not dispatched from cDM) and // highlighted series name is different than the initially selected series name this.downplay(this.selected); this.isInitialSelected = false; }} onMouseOver={({dataIndex}) => { if (!this.isInitialSelected) { return; } if (dataIndex === this.selected) { return; } this.downplay(this.selected); this.isInitialSelected = false; }} {...props} legend={Legend({ theme, orient: 'vertical', align: 'left', show: true, left: 10, top: 10, bottom: 10, formatter: name => `${name} ${ typeof seriesPercentages[name] !== 'undefined' ? `(${seriesPercentages[name]}%)` : '' }`, })} tooltip={{ formatter: data => { return [ '<div class="tooltip-series">', `<div><span class="tooltip-label">${data.marker}<strong>${}</strong></span> ${data.percent}%</div>`, '</div>', `<div class="tooltip-footer">${data.value}</div>`, '</div>', '<div class="tooltip-arrow"></div>', ].join(''); }, }} series={[ PieSeries({ name: firstSeries.seriesName, data:, avoidLabelOverlap: false, label: { formatter: ({name, percent}) => `${name}\n${percent}%`, show: false, position: 'center', fontSize: '18', }, emphasis: { label: { show: true, }, }, labelLine: { show: false, }, }), ]} xAxis={null} yAxis={null} /> ); } } export default withTheme(PieChart);