import {Component, Fragment} from 'react'; import {browserHistory, InjectedRouter} from 'react-router'; import {withTheme} from '@emotion/react'; import {Location} from 'history'; import {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import BarChart from 'sentry/components/charts/barChart'; import LoadingPanel from 'sentry/components/charts/loadingPanel'; import OptionSelector from 'sentry/components/charts/optionSelector'; import { ChartContainer, ChartControls, InlineContainer, SectionHeading, SectionValue, } from 'sentry/components/charts/styles'; import { getDiffInMinutes, ONE_HOUR, ONE_WEEK, TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS, TWO_WEEKS, } from 'sentry/components/charts/utils'; import {Panel} from 'sentry/components/panels'; import Placeholder from 'sentry/components/placeholder'; import CHART_PALETTE from 'sentry/constants/chartPalette'; import NOT_AVAILABLE_MESSAGES from 'sentry/constants/notAvailableMessages'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {Organization, SelectValue} from 'sentry/types'; import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; import {trackAnalyticsEvent} from 'sentry/utils/analytics'; import {decodeScalar} from 'sentry/utils/queryString'; import {Theme} from 'sentry/utils/theme'; import {MutableSearch} from 'sentry/utils/tokenizeSearch'; import withApi from 'sentry/utils/withApi'; import { getSessionTermDescription, SessionTerm, } from 'sentry/views/releases/utils/sessionTerm'; import {getTermHelp, PERFORMANCE_TERM} from '../performance/data'; import ProjectBaseEventsChart from './charts/projectBaseEventsChart'; import ProjectBaseSessionsChart from './charts/projectBaseSessionsChart'; import ProjectErrorsBasicChart from './charts/projectErrorsBasicChart'; export enum DisplayModes { APDEX = 'apdex', FAILURE_RATE = 'failure_rate', TPM = 'tpm', ERRORS = 'errors', TRANSACTIONS = 'transactions', STABILITY = 'crash_free', STABILITY_USERS = 'crash_free_users', SESSIONS = 'sessions', } type Props = { api: Client; chartId: string; chartIndex: number; hasSessions: boolean | null; hasTransactions: boolean; location: Location; organization: Organization; router: InjectedRouter; theme: Theme; visibleCharts: string[]; projectId?: string; query?: string; }; type State = { totalValues: number | null; }; class ProjectCharts extends Component { state: State = { totalValues: null, }; get defaultDisplayModes() { const {hasSessions, hasTransactions} = this.props; if (!hasSessions && !hasTransactions) { return [DisplayModes.ERRORS]; } if (hasSessions && !hasTransactions) { return [DisplayModes.STABILITY, DisplayModes.ERRORS]; } if (!hasSessions && hasTransactions) { return [DisplayModes.FAILURE_RATE, DisplayModes.APDEX]; } return [DisplayModes.STABILITY, DisplayModes.APDEX]; } get otherActiveDisplayModes() { const {location, visibleCharts, chartId} = this.props; return visibleCharts .filter(visibleChartId => visibleChartId !== chartId) .map(urlKey => { return decodeScalar( location.query[urlKey], this.defaultDisplayModes[visibleCharts.findIndex(value => value === urlKey)] ); }); } get displayMode() { const {location, chartId, chartIndex} = this.props; const displayMode = decodeScalar(location.query[chartId]) || this.defaultDisplayModes[chartIndex]; if (!Object.values(DisplayModes).includes(displayMode as DisplayModes)) { return this.defaultDisplayModes[chartIndex]; } return displayMode; } get displayModes(): SelectValue[] { const {organization, hasSessions, hasTransactions} = this.props; const hasPerformance = organization.features.includes('performance-view'); const noPerformanceTooltip = NOT_AVAILABLE_MESSAGES.performance; const noHealthTooltip = NOT_AVAILABLE_MESSAGES.releaseHealth; return [ { value: DisplayModes.STABILITY, label: t('Crash Free Sessions'), disabled: this.otherActiveDisplayModes.includes(DisplayModes.STABILITY) || !hasSessions, tooltip: !hasSessions ? noHealthTooltip : undefined, }, { value: DisplayModes.STABILITY_USERS, label: t('Crash Free Users'), disabled: this.otherActiveDisplayModes.includes(DisplayModes.STABILITY_USERS) || !hasSessions, tooltip: !hasSessions ? noHealthTooltip : undefined, }, { value: DisplayModes.APDEX, label: t('Apdex'), disabled: this.otherActiveDisplayModes.includes(DisplayModes.APDEX) || !hasPerformance || !hasTransactions, tooltip: hasPerformance && hasTransactions ? getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.APDEX) : noPerformanceTooltip, }, { value: DisplayModes.FAILURE_RATE, label: t('Failure Rate'), disabled: this.otherActiveDisplayModes.includes(DisplayModes.FAILURE_RATE) || !hasPerformance || !hasTransactions, tooltip: hasPerformance && hasTransactions ? getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.FAILURE_RATE) : noPerformanceTooltip, }, { value: DisplayModes.TPM, label: t('Transactions Per Minute'), disabled: this.otherActiveDisplayModes.includes(DisplayModes.TPM) || !hasPerformance || !hasTransactions, tooltip: hasPerformance && hasTransactions ? getTermHelp(organization, PERFORMANCE_TERM.TPM) : noPerformanceTooltip, }, { value: DisplayModes.ERRORS, label: t('Number of Errors'), disabled: this.otherActiveDisplayModes.includes(DisplayModes.ERRORS), }, { value: DisplayModes.SESSIONS, label: t('Number of Sessions'), disabled: this.otherActiveDisplayModes.includes(DisplayModes.SESSIONS) || !hasSessions, tooltip: !hasSessions ? noHealthTooltip : undefined, }, { value: DisplayModes.TRANSACTIONS, label: t('Number of Transactions'), disabled: this.otherActiveDisplayModes.includes(DisplayModes.TRANSACTIONS) || !hasPerformance || !hasTransactions, tooltip: hasPerformance && hasTransactions ? undefined : noPerformanceTooltip, }, ]; } get summaryHeading() { switch (this.displayMode) { case DisplayModes.ERRORS: return t('Total Errors'); case DisplayModes.STABILITY: case DisplayModes.SESSIONS: return t('Total Sessions'); case DisplayModes.STABILITY_USERS: return t('Total Users'); case DisplayModes.APDEX: case DisplayModes.FAILURE_RATE: case DisplayModes.TPM: case DisplayModes.TRANSACTIONS: default: return t('Total Transactions'); } } get barChartInterval() { const {query} = this.props.location; const diffInMinutes = getDiffInMinutes({ ...query, period: decodeScalar(query.statsPeriod), }); if (diffInMinutes >= TWO_WEEKS) { return '1d'; } if (diffInMinutes >= ONE_WEEK) { return '12h'; } if (diffInMinutes > TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS) { return '6h'; } if (diffInMinutes === TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS) { return '1h'; } if (diffInMinutes <= ONE_HOUR) { return '1m'; } return '15m'; } handleDisplayModeChange = (value: string) => { const {location, chartId, chartIndex, organization} = this.props; trackAnalyticsEvent({ eventKey: `project_detail.change_chart${chartIndex + 1}`, eventName: `Project Detail: Change Chart #${chartIndex + 1}`, organization_id: parseInt(, 10), metric: value, }); browserHistory.push({ pathname: location.pathname, query: {...location.query, [chartId]: value}, }); }; handleTotalValuesChange = (value: number | null) => { if (value !== this.state.totalValues) { this.setState({totalValues: value}); } }; render() { const {api, router, location, organization, theme, projectId, hasSessions, query} = this.props; const {totalValues} = this.state; const hasDiscover = organization.features.includes('discover-basic'); const displayMode = this.displayMode; return ( {!defined(hasSessions) ? ( ) : ( {displayMode === DisplayModes.APDEX && ( )} {displayMode === DisplayModes.FAILURE_RATE && ( )} {displayMode === DisplayModes.TPM && ( )} {displayMode === DisplayModes.ERRORS && (hasDiscover ? ( ) : ( ))} {displayMode === DisplayModes.TRANSACTIONS && ( )} {displayMode === DisplayModes.STABILITY && ( )} {displayMode === DisplayModes.STABILITY_USERS && ( )} {displayMode === DisplayModes.SESSIONS && ( )} )} {/* if hasSessions is not yet defined, it means that request is still in progress and we can't decide what default chart to show */} {defined(hasSessions) ? ( {this.summaryHeading} {typeof totalValues === 'number' ? totalValues.toLocaleString() : '\u2014'} ) : ( )} ); } } export default withApi(withTheme(ProjectCharts));