import {createContext, useContext, useEffect, useState} from 'react'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import type {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import {ProfileHeader} from 'sentry/components/profiling/profileHeader'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import type {EventTransaction, Organization, Project} from 'sentry/types'; import type {RequestState} from 'sentry/types/core'; import {isSchema, isSentrySampledProfile} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/guards/profile'; import {useSentryEvent} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/hooks/useSentryEvent'; import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi'; import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization'; import {useParams} from 'sentry/utils/useParams'; function fetchFlamegraphs( api: Client, eventId: string, projectSlug: Project['slug'], orgSlug: Organization['slug'] ): Promise<Profiling.ProfileInput> { return api .requestPromise( `/projects/${orgSlug}/${projectSlug}/profiling/profiles/${eventId}/`, { method: 'GET', includeAllArgs: true, } ) .then(([data]) => data); } function getTransactionId(input: Profiling.ProfileInput): string | null { if (isSchema(input)) { return input.metadata.transactionID; } if (isSentrySampledProfile(input)) { return; } return null; } interface FlamegraphViewProps { children: React.ReactNode; } type ProfileProviderValue = RequestState<Profiling.ProfileInput>; type SetProfileProviderValue = React.Dispatch< React.SetStateAction<RequestState<Profiling.ProfileInput>> >; export const ProfileContext = createContext<ProfileProviderValue | null>(null); const SetProfileProvider = createContext<SetProfileProviderValue | null>(null); export function useProfiles() { const context = useContext(ProfileContext); if (!context) { throw new Error('useProfiles was called outside of ProfileProvider'); } return context; } export function useSetProfiles() { const context = useContext(SetProfileProvider); if (!context) { throw new Error('useSetProfiles was called outside of SetProfileProvider'); } return context; } export const ProfileTransactionContext = createContext<RequestState<EventTransaction | null> | null>(null); export function useProfileTransaction() { const context = useContext(ProfileTransactionContext); if (!context) { throw new Error( 'useProfileTransaction was called outside of ProfileTransactionContext' ); } return context; } function ProfilesAndTransactionProvider(props: FlamegraphViewProps): React.ReactElement { const organization = useOrganization(); const params = useParams(); const [profiles, setProfiles] = useState<RequestState<Profiling.ProfileInput>>({ type: 'initial', }); const profileTransaction = useSentryEvent<EventTransaction>( organization.slug, params.projectId, profiles.type === 'resolved' ? getTransactionId( : null ); return ( <ProfilesProvider onUpdateProfiles={setProfiles} orgSlug={organization.slug} profileId={params.eventId} projectSlug={params.projectId} > <SetProfileProvider.Provider value={setProfiles}> <ProfileTransactionContext.Provider value={profileTransaction}> <ProfileHeader eventId={params.eventId} projectId={params.projectId} transaction={ profileTransaction.type === 'resolved' ? : null } /> {props.children} </ProfileTransactionContext.Provider> </SetProfileProvider.Provider> </ProfilesProvider> ); } interface ProfilesProviderProps { children: React.ReactNode; orgSlug: Organization['slug']; profileId: string; projectSlug: Project['slug']; onUpdateProfiles?: (any) => void; } export function ProfilesProvider({ children, onUpdateProfiles, orgSlug, projectSlug, profileId, }: ProfilesProviderProps) { const api = useApi(); const [profiles, setProfiles] = useState<RequestState<Profiling.ProfileInput>>({ type: 'initial', }); useEffect(() => { if (!profileId || !projectSlug || !orgSlug) { return undefined; } setProfiles({type: 'loading'}); fetchFlamegraphs(api, profileId, projectSlug, orgSlug) .then(p => { setProfiles({type: 'resolved', data: p}); onUpdateProfiles?.({type: 'resolved', data: p}); }) .catch(err => { // XXX: our API client mock implementation does not mimick the real // implementation, so we need to check for an empty object here. #sad const isEmptyObject = err.toString() === '[object Object]'; const message = isEmptyObject ? t('Error: Unable to load profiles') : err.toString(); setProfiles({type: 'errored', error: message}); onUpdateProfiles?.({type: 'errored', error: message}); Sentry.captureException(err); }); return () => { api.clear(); }; }, [api, onUpdateProfiles, orgSlug, projectSlug, profileId]); return <ProfileContext.Provider value={profiles}>{children}</ProfileContext.Provider>; } export default ProfilesAndTransactionProvider;