import round from 'lodash/round'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {Organization, SessionFieldWithOperation} from 'sentry/types'; import {IssueAlertRule} from 'sentry/types/alerts'; import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; import {getUtcDateString} from 'sentry/utils/dates'; import {axisLabelFormatter, tooltipFormatter} from 'sentry/utils/discover/charts'; import { Dataset, Datasource, EventTypes, MetricRule, SavedMetricRule, SessionsAggregate, } from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/metric/types'; import {AlertRuleStatus, Incident, IncidentStats} from '../types'; /** * Gets start and end date query parameters from stats */ export function getStartEndFromStats(stats: IncidentStats) { const start = getUtcDateString([0][0] * 1000); const end = getUtcDateString([ - 1][0] * 1000 ); return {start, end}; } export function isIssueAlert( data: IssueAlertRule | SavedMetricRule | MetricRule ): data is IssueAlertRule { return !data.hasOwnProperty('triggers'); } export const DATA_SOURCE_LABELS = { [Dataset.ERRORS]: t('Errors'), [Dataset.TRANSACTIONS]: t('Transactions'), [Datasource.ERROR_DEFAULT]: 'event.type:error OR event.type:default', [Datasource.ERROR]: 'event.type:error', [Datasource.DEFAULT]: 'event.type:default', [Datasource.TRANSACTION]: 'event.type:transaction', }; // Maps a datasource to the relevant dataset and event_types for the backend to use export const DATA_SOURCE_TO_SET_AND_EVENT_TYPES = { [Datasource.ERROR_DEFAULT]: { dataset: Dataset.ERRORS, eventTypes: [EventTypes.ERROR, EventTypes.DEFAULT], }, [Datasource.ERROR]: { dataset: Dataset.ERRORS, eventTypes: [EventTypes.ERROR], }, [Datasource.DEFAULT]: { dataset: Dataset.ERRORS, eventTypes: [EventTypes.DEFAULT], }, [Datasource.TRANSACTION]: { dataset: Dataset.TRANSACTIONS, eventTypes: [EventTypes.TRANSACTION], }, }; // Converts the given dataset and event types array to a datasource for the datasource dropdown export function convertDatasetEventTypesToSource( dataset: Dataset, eventTypes: EventTypes[] ) { // transactions only has one datasource option regardless of event type if (dataset === Dataset.TRANSACTIONS) { return Datasource.TRANSACTION; } // if no event type was provided use the default datasource if (!eventTypes) { return Datasource.ERROR; } if (eventTypes.includes(EventTypes.DEFAULT) && eventTypes.includes(EventTypes.ERROR)) { return Datasource.ERROR_DEFAULT; } if (eventTypes.includes(EventTypes.DEFAULT)) { return Datasource.DEFAULT; } return Datasource.ERROR; } /** * Attempt to guess the data source of a discover query * * @returns An object containing the datasource and new query without the datasource. * Returns null on no datasource. */ export function getQueryDatasource( query: string ): {query: string; source: Datasource} | null { let match = query.match( /\(?\bevent\.type:(error|default|transaction)\)?\WOR\W\(?event\.type:(error|default|transaction)\)?/i ); if (match) { // should be [error, default] or [default, error] const eventTypes = match.slice(1, 3).sort().join(','); if (eventTypes !== 'default,error') { return null; } return {source: Datasource.ERROR_DEFAULT, query: query.replace(match[0], '').trim()}; } match = query.match(/(^|\s)event\.type:(error|default|transaction)/i); if (match && Datasource[match[2].toUpperCase()]) { return { source: Datasource[match[2].toUpperCase()], query: query.replace(match[0], '').trim(), }; } return null; } export function isSessionAggregate(aggregate: string) { return Object.values(SessionsAggregate).includes(aggregate as SessionsAggregate); } export const SESSION_AGGREGATE_TO_FIELD = { [SessionsAggregate.CRASH_FREE_SESSIONS]: SessionFieldWithOperation.SESSIONS, [SessionsAggregate.CRASH_FREE_USERS]: SessionFieldWithOperation.USERS, }; export function alertAxisFormatter(value: number, seriesName: string, aggregate: string) { if (isSessionAggregate(aggregate)) { return defined(value) ? `${round(value, 2)}%` : '\u2015'; } return axisLabelFormatter(value, seriesName); } export function alertTooltipValueFormatter( value: number, seriesName: string, aggregate: string ) { if (isSessionAggregate(aggregate)) { return defined(value) ? `${value}%` : '\u2015'; } return tooltipFormatter(value, seriesName); } export const ALERT_CHART_MIN_MAX_BUFFER = 1.03; export function shouldScaleAlertChart(aggregate: string) { // We want crash free rate charts to be scaled because they are usually too // close to 100% and therefore too fine to see the spikes on 0%-100% scale. return isSessionAggregate(aggregate); } export function alertDetailsLink(organization: Organization, incident: Incident) { return `/organizations/${organization.slug}/alerts/rules/details/${ incident.alertRule.status === AlertRuleStatus.SNAPSHOT && incident.alertRule.originalAlertRuleId ? incident.alertRule.originalAlertRuleId : }/`; } /** * Noramlizes a status string */ export function getQueryStatus(status: string | string[]): string { if (Array.isArray(status) || status === '') { return 'all'; } return ['open', 'closed'].includes(status) ? status : 'all'; } const ALERT_LIST_QUERY_DEFAULT_TEAMS = ['myteams', 'unassigned']; /** * Noramlize a team slug from the query */ export function getTeamParams(team?: string | string[]): string[] { if (team === undefined) { return ALERT_LIST_QUERY_DEFAULT_TEAMS; } if (team === '') { return []; } if (Array.isArray(team)) { return team; } return [team]; }