import {ResponseMeta} from 'sentry/api'; import RequestError from './requestError'; const ERROR_MAP = { 0: 'CancelledError', 400: 'BadRequestError', 401: 'UnauthorizedError', 403: 'ForbiddenError', 404: 'NotFoundError', 426: 'UpgradeRequiredError', 429: 'TooManyRequestsError', 500: 'InternalServerError', 501: 'NotImplementedError', 502: 'BadGatewayError', 503: 'ServiceUnavailableError', 504: 'GatewayTimeoutError', }; /** * Create a RequestError whose name is equal to HTTP status text defined above * * @param {Object} resp A XHR response object * @param {String} stack The stack trace to use. Helpful for async calls and we want to preserve a different stack. */ export default function createRequestError( resp: ResponseMeta, cause: Error, method: 'POST' | 'GET' | 'DELETE' | 'PUT' | undefined, path: string ) { const err = new RequestError(method, path, {cause}); if (resp) { const errorName = ERROR_MAP[resp.status]; if (errorName) { err.setName(errorName); } err.setResponse(resp); } return err; }