import { Fragment, ReactElement, useCallback, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useState, } from 'react'; import {mat3, vec2} from 'gl-matrix'; import {FlamegraphOptionsMenu} from 'sentry/components/profiling/flamegraphOptionsMenu'; import {FlamegraphSearch} from 'sentry/components/profiling/flamegraphSearch'; import {FlamegraphToolbar} from 'sentry/components/profiling/flamegraphToolbar'; import {FlamegraphViewSelectMenu} from 'sentry/components/profiling/flamegraphViewSelectMenu'; import {FlamegraphZoomView} from 'sentry/components/profiling/flamegraphZoomView'; import {FlamegraphZoomViewMinimap} from 'sentry/components/profiling/flamegraphZoomViewMinimap'; import {FrameStack} from 'sentry/components/profiling/FrameStack/frameStack'; import { ProfileDragDropImport, ProfileDragDropImportProps, } from 'sentry/components/profiling/profileDragDropImport'; import {ThreadMenuSelector} from 'sentry/components/profiling/threadSelector'; import {CanvasPoolManager, CanvasScheduler} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/canvasScheduler'; import {Flamegraph as FlamegraphModel} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/flamegraph'; import {useFlamegraphPreferences} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/flamegraph/useFlamegraphPreferences'; import {useFlamegraphProfiles} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/flamegraph/useFlamegraphProfiles'; import {useFlamegraphTheme} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/flamegraph/useFlamegraphTheme'; import {FlamegraphCanvas} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/flamegraphCanvas'; import {FlamegraphFrame} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/flamegraphFrame'; import {FlamegraphView} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/flamegraphView'; import { computeConfigViewWithStategy, formatColorForFrame, Rect, watchForResize, } from 'sentry/utils/profiling/gl/utils'; import {ProfileGroup} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/profile/importProfile'; import {Profile} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/profile/profile'; import {FlamegraphRenderer} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/renderers/flamegraphRenderer'; import {useDevicePixelRatio} from 'sentry/utils/useDevicePixelRatio'; import {useMemoWithPrevious} from 'sentry/utils/useMemoWithPrevious'; import {FlamegraphWarnings} from './FlamegraphWarnings'; import {ProfilingFlamechartLayout} from './profilingFlamechartLayout'; function getTransactionConfigSpace(profiles: Profile[]): Rect { const startedAt = Math.min( => p.startedAt)); const endedAt = Math.max( => p.endedAt)); return new Rect(startedAt, 0, endedAt - startedAt, 0); } const noopFormatDuration = () => ''; interface FlamegraphProps { onImport: ProfileDragDropImportProps['onImport']; profiles: ProfileGroup; } function Flamegraph(props: FlamegraphProps): ReactElement { const [canvasBounds, setCanvasBounds] = useState(Rect.Empty()); const devicePixelRatio = useDevicePixelRatio(); const flamegraphTheme = useFlamegraphTheme(); const [{sorting, view, xAxis}, dispatch] = useFlamegraphPreferences(); const [{threadId, selectedRoot}, dispatchThreadId] = useFlamegraphProfiles(); const [flamegraphCanvasRef, setFlamegraphCanvasRef] = useState(null); const [flamegraphOverlayCanvasRef, setFlamegraphOverlayCanvasRef] = useState(null); const [flamegraphMiniMapCanvasRef, setFlamegraphMiniMapCanvasRef] = useState(null); const [flamegraphMiniMapOverlayCanvasRef, setFlamegraphMiniMapOverlayCanvasRef] = useState(null); const canvasPoolManager = useMemo(() => new CanvasPoolManager(), []); const scheduler = useMemo(() => new CanvasScheduler(), []); const flamegraph = useMemo(() => { if (typeof threadId !== 'number') { return FlamegraphModel.Empty(); } // This could happen if threadId was initialized from query string, but for some // reason the profile was removed from the list of profiles. const profile = props.profiles.profiles.find(p => p.threadId === threadId); if (!profile) { return FlamegraphModel.Empty(); } return new FlamegraphModel(profile, threadId, { inverted: view === 'bottom up', leftHeavy: sorting === 'left heavy', configSpace: xAxis === 'transaction' ? getTransactionConfigSpace(props.profiles.profiles) : undefined, }); }, [props.profiles, sorting, threadId, view, xAxis]); const flamegraphCanvas = useMemo(() => { if (!flamegraphCanvasRef) { return null; } return new FlamegraphCanvas( flamegraphCanvasRef, vec2.fromValues(0, flamegraphTheme.SIZES.TIMELINE_HEIGHT * devicePixelRatio) ); }, [devicePixelRatio, flamegraphCanvasRef, flamegraphTheme]); const flamegraphMiniMapCanvas = useMemo(() => { if (!flamegraphMiniMapCanvasRef) { return null; } return new FlamegraphCanvas(flamegraphMiniMapCanvasRef, vec2.fromValues(0, 0)); }, [flamegraphMiniMapCanvasRef]); const flamegraphView = useMemoWithPrevious( previousView => { if (!flamegraphCanvas) { return null; } const newView = new FlamegraphView({ canvas: flamegraphCanvas, flamegraph, theme: flamegraphTheme, }); // if the profile or the config space of the flamegraph has changed, we do not // want to persist the config view. This is to avoid a case where the new config space // is larger than the previous one, meaning the new view could now be zoomed in even // though the user did not fire any zoom events. if ( previousView?.flamegraph.profile === newView.flamegraph.profile && previousView.configSpace.equals(newView.configSpace) ) { // if we're still looking at the same profile but only a preference other than // left heavy has changed, we do want to persist the config view if (previousView.flamegraph.leftHeavy === newView.flamegraph.leftHeavy) { newView.setConfigView( previousView.configView.withHeight(newView.configView.height) ); } } return newView; }, [flamegraph, flamegraphCanvas, flamegraphTheme] ); useEffect(() => { if (!flamegraphCanvas || !flamegraphView) { return undefined; } const onConfigViewChange = (rect: Rect) => { flamegraphView.setConfigView(rect); canvasPoolManager.draw(); }; const onTransformConfigView = (mat: mat3) => { flamegraphView.transformConfigView(mat); canvasPoolManager.draw(); }; const onResetZoom = () => { flamegraphView.resetConfigView(flamegraphCanvas); canvasPoolManager.draw(); }; const onZoomIntoFrame = (frame: FlamegraphFrame, strategy: 'min' | 'exact') => { const newConfigView = computeConfigViewWithStategy( strategy, flamegraphView.configView, new Rect(frame.start, frame.depth, frame.end - frame.start, 1) ); flamegraphView.setConfigView(newConfigView); canvasPoolManager.draw(); }; scheduler.on('set config view', onConfigViewChange); scheduler.on('transform config view', onTransformConfigView); scheduler.on('reset zoom', onResetZoom); scheduler.on('zoom at frame', onZoomIntoFrame); return () => {'set config view', onConfigViewChange);'transform config view', onTransformConfigView);'reset zoom', onResetZoom);'zoom at frame', onZoomIntoFrame); }; }, [canvasPoolManager, flamegraphCanvas, flamegraphView, scheduler]); useEffect(() => { canvasPoolManager.registerScheduler(scheduler); return () => canvasPoolManager.unregisterScheduler(scheduler); }, [canvasPoolManager, scheduler]); useLayoutEffect(() => { if ( !flamegraphView || !flamegraphCanvas || !flamegraphMiniMapCanvas || !flamegraphCanvasRef || !flamegraphOverlayCanvasRef || !flamegraphMiniMapCanvasRef || !flamegraphMiniMapOverlayCanvasRef ) { return undefined; } const flamegraphObserver = watchForResize( [flamegraphCanvasRef, flamegraphOverlayCanvasRef], () => { const bounds = flamegraphCanvasRef.getBoundingClientRect(); setCanvasBounds(new Rect(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height)); flamegraphCanvas.initPhysicalSpace(); flamegraphView.resizeConfigSpace(flamegraphCanvas); canvasPoolManager.drawSync(); } ); const flamegraphMiniMapObserver = watchForResize( [flamegraphMiniMapCanvasRef, flamegraphMiniMapOverlayCanvasRef], () => { flamegraphMiniMapCanvas.initPhysicalSpace(); canvasPoolManager.drawSync(); } ); return () => { flamegraphObserver.disconnect(); flamegraphMiniMapObserver.disconnect(); }; }, [ canvasPoolManager, flamegraphCanvas, flamegraphCanvasRef, flamegraphMiniMapCanvas, flamegraphMiniMapCanvasRef, flamegraphMiniMapOverlayCanvasRef, flamegraphOverlayCanvasRef, flamegraphView, ]); const flamegraphRenderer = useMemo(() => { if (!flamegraphCanvasRef) { return null; } return new FlamegraphRenderer(flamegraphCanvasRef, flamegraph, flamegraphTheme, { draw_border: true, }); }, [flamegraph, flamegraphCanvasRef, flamegraphTheme]); const getFrameColor = useCallback( (frame: FlamegraphFrame) => { if (!flamegraphRenderer) { return ''; } return formatColorForFrame(frame, flamegraphRenderer); }, [flamegraphRenderer] ); // referenceNode is passed down to the frameStack and is used to determine // the weights of each frame. In other words, in case there is no user selected root, then all // of the frame weights and timing are relative to the entire profile. If there is a user selected // root however, all weights are relative to that sub tree. const referenceNode = useMemo( () => (selectedRoot ? selectedRoot : flamegraph.root), [selectedRoot, flamegraph.root] ); // In case a user selected root is present, we will display that root + it's entire sub tree. // If no root is selected, we will display the entire sub tree down from the root. We start at // root.children because flamegraph.root is a virtual node that we do not want to show in the table. const rootNodes = useMemo(() => { return selectedRoot ? [selectedRoot] : flamegraph.root.children; }, [selectedRoot, flamegraph.root]); return ( dispatchThreadId({type: 'set thread id', payload: newThreadId}) } /> { dispatch({type: 'set sorting', payload: s}); }} onViewChange={v => { dispatch({type: 'set view', payload: v}); }} /> } flamechart={ } frameStack={ } /> ); } export {Flamegraph};