import Reflux from 'reflux'; import {Indicator} from 'app/actionCreators/indicator'; import IndicatorActions from 'app/actions/indicatorActions'; import {t} from 'app/locale'; type IndicatorStoreInterface = { init(): void; get(): Indicator[]; addSuccess(message: string): Indicator; addError(message?: string): Indicator; /** * Appends a message to be displayed in list of indicators * * @param message Toast message to be displayed * @param type One of ['error', 'success', ''] * @param options Options object */ append( message: string, type: Indicator['type'], options?: Indicator['options'] ): Indicator; /** * When this method is called directly via older parts of the application, * we want to maintain the old behavior in that it is replaced (and not queued up) * * @param message Toast message to be displayed * @param type One of ['error', 'success', ''] * @param options Options object */ add( message: string, type?: Indicator['type'], options?: Indicator['options'] ): Indicator; /** * Alias for add() */ addMessage( message: string, type: Indicator['type'], options?: Indicator['options'] ): Indicator; /** * Remove all current indicators. */ clear(): void; /** * Remove an indicator */ remove(indicator: Indicator): void; }; type Internals = { items: any[]; lastId: number; }; const storeConfig: Reflux.StoreDefinition & Internals & IndicatorStoreInterface = { items: [], lastId: 0, init() { this.items = []; this.lastId = 0; this.listenTo(IndicatorActions.append, this.append); this.listenTo(IndicatorActions.replace, this.add); this.listenTo(IndicatorActions.remove, this.remove); this.listenTo(IndicatorActions.clear, this.clear); }, get() { return this.items; }, addSuccess(message) { return this.add(message, 'success', {duration: 2000}); }, addError(message = t('An error occurred')) { return this.add(message, 'error', {duration: 2000}); }, addMessage(message, type, {append, ...options} = {}) { const indicator: Indicator = { id: this.lastId++, message, type, options, clearId: null, }; if (options.duration) { indicator.clearId = window.setTimeout(() => { this.remove(indicator); }, options.duration); } const newItems = append ? [...this.items, indicator] : [indicator]; this.items = newItems; this.trigger(this.items); return indicator; }, append(message, type, options) { return this.addMessage(message, type, { ...options, append: true, }); }, add(message, type = 'loading', options = {}) { return this.addMessage(message, type, { ...options, append: false, }); }, clear() { this.items = []; this.trigger(this.items); }, remove(indicator) { if (!indicator) { return; } this.items = this.items.filter(item => item !== indicator); if (indicator.clearId) { window.clearTimeout(indicator.clearId); indicator.clearId = null; } this.trigger(this.items); }, }; const IndicatorStore = Reflux.createStore(storeConfig) as Reflux.Store & IndicatorStoreInterface; export default IndicatorStore;