import 'prism-sentry/index.css'; import {useEffect, useState} from 'react'; import * as React from 'react'; import {browserHistory} from 'react-router'; import {css} from '@emotion/react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import {motion} from 'framer-motion'; import * as qs from 'query-string'; import {loadDocs} from 'sentry/actionCreators/projects'; import Alert, {alertStyles} from 'sentry/components/alert'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import LoadingError from 'sentry/components/loadingError'; import {PlatformKey} from 'sentry/data/platformCategories'; import platforms from 'sentry/data/platforms'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import space from 'sentry/styles/space'; import {Project} from 'sentry/types'; import trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent from 'sentry/utils/analytics/trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent'; import getDynamicText from 'sentry/utils/getDynamicText'; import {Theme} from 'sentry/utils/theme'; import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi'; import withProjects from 'sentry/utils/withProjects'; import FirstEventFooter from './components/firstEventFooter'; import FullIntroduction from './components/fullIntroduction'; import TargetedOnboardingSidebar from './components/sidebar'; import {StepProps} from './types'; import {usePersistedOnboardingState} from './utils'; /** * The documentation will include the following string should it be missing the * verification example, which currently a lot of docs are. */ const INCOMPLETE_DOC_FLAG = 'TODO-ADD-VERIFICATION-EXAMPLE'; type PlatformDoc = {html: string; link: string}; type Props = { projects: Project[]; search: string; } & StepProps; function SetupDocs({organization, projects, search}: Props) { const api = useApi(); const [clientState, setClientState] = usePersistedOnboardingState(); const selectedProjectsSet = new Set( clientState? platform => clientState.platformToProjectIdMap[platform] ) || [] ); const [hasError, setHasError] = useState(false); const [platformDocs, setPlatformDocs] = useState(null); const [loadedPlatform, setLoadedPlatform] = useState(null); // store what projects have sent first event in state based project.firstEvent const [hasFirstEventMap, setHasFirstEventMap] = useState>( projects.reduce((accum, project: Project) => { accum[] = !!project.firstEvent; return accum; }, {} as Record) ); const checkProjectHasFirstEvent = (project: Project) => { return !!hasFirstEventMap[]; }; // TODO: Check no projects const {sub_step: rawSubStep, project_id: rawProjectId} = qs.parse(search); const subStep = rawSubStep === 'integration' ? 'integration' : 'project'; const rawProjectIndex = projects.findIndex(p => === rawProjectId); const firstProjectNoError = projects.findIndex( p => selectedProjectsSet.has(p.slug) && !checkProjectHasFirstEvent(p) ); // Select a project based on search params. If non exist, use the first project without first event. const projectIndex = rawProjectIndex >= 0 ? rawProjectIndex : firstProjectNoError; const project = projects[projectIndex]; useEffect(() => { if (clientState && !project && projects.length > 0) { // Can't find a project to show, probably because all projects are either deleted or finished. browserHistory.push('/'); } }, [clientState, project, projects]); const currentPlatform = loadedPlatform ?? project?.platform ?? 'other'; const fetchData = async () => { // const {platform} = project || {}; // TODO: add better error handling logic if (!project?.platform) { return; } try { const loadedDocs = await loadDocs( api, organization.slug, project.slug, project.platform ); setPlatformDocs(loadedDocs); setLoadedPlatform(project.platform); setHasError(false); } catch (error) { setHasError(error); throw error; } }; useEffect(() => { fetchData(); }, [project]); // TODO: add better error handling logic if (!project && subStep === 'project') { return null; } const setNewProject = (newProjectId: string) => { const searchParams = new URLSearchParams({ project_id: newProjectId, }); browserHistory.push(`${window.location.pathname}?${searchParams}`); if (clientState) { setClientState({ ...clientState, state: 'projects_selected', url: `setup-docs/?${searchParams}`, }); } }; const selectProject = (newProjectId: string) => { const matchedProject = projects.find(p => === newProjectId); trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('growth.onboarding_clicked_project_in_sidebar', { organization, platform: matchedProject?.platform || 'unknown', }); setNewProject(newProjectId); }; const missingExampleWarning = () => { const missingExample = platformDocs && platformDocs.html.includes(INCOMPLETE_DOC_FLAG); if (!missingExample) { return null; } return ( {tct( `Looks like this getting started example is still undergoing some work and doesn't include an example for triggering an event quite yet. If you have trouble sending your first event be sure to consult the [docsLink:full documentation] for [platform].`, { docsLink: , platform: platforms.find(p => === loadedPlatform)?.name, } )} ); }; const docs = platformDocs !== null && ( {missingExampleWarning()} ); const loadingError = ( ); const testOnlyAlert = ( Platform documentation is not rendered in for tests in CI ); return ( [ platform, clientState.platformToProjectIdMap[platform], ]) ) : {} } activeProject={project} {...{checkProjectHasFirstEvent, selectProject}} /> {getDynamicText({ value: !hasError ? docs : loadingError, fixed: testOnlyAlert, })} {project && ( { const orgIssuesURL = `/organizations/${organization.slug}/issues/?project=${}`; trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent( 'growth.onboarding_clicked_setup_platform_later', { organization, platform: currentPlatform, project_index: projectIndex, } ); if (!project.platform || !clientState) { browserHistory.push(orgIssuesURL); return; } const platformIndex = clientState.selectedPlatforms.indexOf(project.platform); const nextPlatform = clientState.selectedPlatforms[platformIndex + 1]; const nextProjectSlug = nextPlatform && clientState.platformToProjectIdMap[nextPlatform]; const nextProject = projects.find(p => p.slug === nextProjectSlug); if (!nextProject) { // We're done here. setClientState({ ...clientState, state: 'finished', }); // TODO: integrations browserHistory.push(orgIssuesURL); return; } setNewProject(; }} handleFirstIssueReceived={() => { const newHasFirstEventMap = {...hasFirstEventMap, []: true}; setHasFirstEventMap(newHasFirstEventMap); }} /> )} ); } export default withProjects(SetupDocs); type AlertType = React.ComponentProps['type']; const getAlertSelector = (type: AlertType) => type === 'muted' ? null : `.alert[level="${type}"], .alert-${type}`; const mapAlertStyles = (p: {theme: Theme}, type: AlertType) => css` ${getAlertSelector(type)} { ${alertStyles({theme: p.theme, type})}; display: block; } `; const Content = styled(motion.div)` h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p { margin-bottom: 18px; } div[data-language] { margin-bottom: ${space(2)}; } code { font-size: 87.5%; color: ${p => p.theme.pink300}; } pre code { color: inherit; font-size: inherit; white-space: pre; } h2 { font-size: 1.4em; } .alert h5 { font-size: 1em; margin-bottom: 0.625rem; } /** * XXX(epurkhiser): This comes from the doc styles and avoids bottom margin issues in alerts */ .content-flush-bottom *:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } ${p => Object.keys(p.theme.alert).map(type => mapAlertStyles(p, type as AlertType))} `; const DocsWrapper = styled(motion.div)``; DocsWrapper.defaultProps = { initial: {opacity: 0, y: 40}, animate: {opacity: 1, y: 0}, exit: {opacity: 0}, }; const Wrapper = styled('div')` display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin: ${space(2)}; justify-content: center; `; const MainContent = styled('div')` max-width: 850px; min-width: 0; flex-grow: 1; `;