import * as React from 'react'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import omitBy from 'lodash/omitBy'; import {doEventsRequest} from 'app/actionCreators/events'; import {addErrorMessage} from 'app/actionCreators/indicator'; import {Client} from 'app/api'; import LoadingPanel from 'app/components/charts/loadingPanel'; import {canIncludePreviousPeriod, isMultiSeriesStats} from 'app/components/charts/utils'; import {t} from 'app/locale'; import { DateString, EventsStats, EventsStatsData, MultiSeriesEventsStats, OrganizationSummary, } from 'app/types'; import {Series, SeriesDataUnit} from 'app/types/echarts'; export type TimeSeriesData = { // timeseries data timeseriesData?: Series[]; allTimeseriesData?: EventsStatsData; originalTimeseriesData?: EventsStatsData; timeseriesTotals?: {count: number}; originalPreviousTimeseriesData?: EventsStatsData | null; previousTimeseriesData?: Series | null; timeAggregatedData?: Series | {}; }; type LoadingStatus = { loading: boolean; reloading: boolean; /** * Whether there was an error retrieving data */ errored: boolean; }; // Chart format for multiple series. type MultiSeriesResults = Series[]; type RenderProps = LoadingStatus & TimeSeriesData & {results?: MultiSeriesResults}; type DefaultProps = { /** * Relative time period for query. * * Use `start` and `end` for absolute dates. * * e.g. 24h, 7d, 30d */ period?: string; /** * Absolute start date for query */ start?: DateString; /** * Absolute end date for query */ end?: DateString; /** * Interval to group results in * * e.g. 1d, 1h, 1m, 1s */ interval: string; /** * number of rows to return */ limit: number; /** * The query string to search events by */ query: string; /** * Include data for previous period */ includePrevious: boolean; /** * Transform the response data to be something ingestible by charts */ includeTransformedData: boolean; }; type EventsRequestPartialProps = { /** * API client instance */ api: Client; organization: OrganizationSummary; /** * List of project ids to query */ project?: Readonly; /** * List of environments to query */ environment?: Readonly; /** * List of team ids to query */ team?: Readonly; /** * List of fields to group with when doing a topEvents request. */ field?: string[]; /** * Initial loading state */ loading?: boolean; /** * Should loading be shown. */ showLoading?: boolean; /** * The yAxis being plotted. If multiple yAxis are requested, * the child render function will be called with `results` */ yAxis?: string | string[]; /** * Name used for display current series data set tooltip */ currentSeriesName?: string; previousSeriesName?: string; children: (renderProps: RenderProps) => React.ReactNode; /** * The number of top results to get. When set a multi-series result will be returned * in the `results` child render function. */ topEvents?: number; /** * How to order results when getting top events. */ orderby?: string; /** * Discover needs confirmation to run >30 day >10 project queries, * optional and when not passed confirmation is not required. */ confirmedQuery?: boolean; /** * Is query out of retention */ expired?: boolean; /** * Query name used for displaying error toast if it is out of retention */ name?: string; /** * Whether or not to include the last partial bucket. This happens for example when the * current time is 11:26 and the last bucket ranges from 11:25-11:30. This means that * the last bucket contains 1 minute worth of data while the rest contains 5 minutes. * * This flag indicates whether or not this last bucket should be included in the result. */ partial: boolean; /** * Hide error toast (used for pages which also query eventsV2) */ hideError?: boolean; }; type TimeAggregationProps = | {includeTimeAggregation: true; timeAggregationSeriesName: string} | {includeTimeAggregation?: false; timeAggregationSeriesName?: undefined}; type EventsRequestProps = DefaultProps & TimeAggregationProps & EventsRequestPartialProps; type EventsRequestState = { reloading: boolean; errored: boolean; timeseriesData: null | EventsStats | MultiSeriesEventsStats; fetchedWithPrevious: boolean; }; const propNamesToIgnore = ['api', 'children', 'organization', 'loading']; const omitIgnoredProps = (props: EventsRequestProps) => omitBy(props, (_value, key) => propNamesToIgnore.includes(key)); class EventsRequest extends React.PureComponent { static defaultProps: DefaultProps = { period: undefined, start: null, end: null, interval: '1d', limit: 15, query: '', includePrevious: true, includeTransformedData: true, }; state: EventsRequestState = { reloading: !!this.props.loading, errored: false, timeseriesData: null, fetchedWithPrevious: false, }; componentDidMount() { this.fetchData(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: EventsRequestProps) { if (isEqual(omitIgnoredProps(prevProps), omitIgnoredProps(this.props))) { return; } this.fetchData(); } componentWillUnmount() { this.unmounting = true; } private unmounting: boolean = false; fetchData = async () => { const {api, confirmedQuery, expired, name, hideError, ...props} = this.props; let timeseriesData: EventsStats | MultiSeriesEventsStats | null = null; if (confirmedQuery === false) { return; } this.setState(state => ({ reloading: state.timeseriesData !== null, errored: false, })); if (expired) { addErrorMessage( t('%s has an invalid date range. Please try a more recent date range.', name), {append: true} ); this.setState({ errored: true, }); } else { try { api.clear(); timeseriesData = await doEventsRequest(api, props); } catch (resp) { if (!hideError) { if (resp && resp.responseJSON && resp.responseJSON.detail) { addErrorMessage(resp.responseJSON.detail); } else { addErrorMessage(t('Error loading chart data')); } } this.setState({ errored: true, }); } } if (this.unmounting) { return; } this.setState({ reloading: false, timeseriesData, fetchedWithPrevious: props.includePrevious, }); }; /** * Retrieves data set for the current period (since data can potentially * contain previous period's data), as well as the previous period if * possible. * * Returns `null` if data does not exist */ getData = ( data: EventsStatsData ): {previous: EventsStatsData | null; current: EventsStatsData} => { const {fetchedWithPrevious} = this.state; const {period, includePrevious} = this.props; const hasPreviousPeriod = fetchedWithPrevious || canIncludePreviousPeriod(includePrevious, period); // Take the floor just in case, but data should always be divisible by 2 const dataMiddleIndex = Math.floor(data.length / 2); return { current: hasPreviousPeriod ? data.slice(dataMiddleIndex) : data, previous: hasPreviousPeriod ? data.slice(0, dataMiddleIndex) : null, }; }; // This aggregates all values per `timestamp` calculateTotalsPerTimestamp( data: EventsStatsData, getName: ( timestamp: number, countArray: {count: number}[], i: number ) => number = timestamp => timestamp * 1000 ): SeriesDataUnit[] { return[timestamp, countArray], i) => ({ name: getName(timestamp, countArray, i), value: countArray.reduce((acc, {count}) => acc + count, 0), })); } /** * Get previous period data, but transform timestamps so that data fits unto * the current period's data axis */ transformPreviousPeriodData( current: EventsStatsData, previous: EventsStatsData | null ): Series | null { // Need the current period data array so we can take the timestamp // so we can be sure the data lines up if (!previous) { return null; } return { seriesName: this.props.previousSeriesName ?? 'Previous', data: this.calculateTotalsPerTimestamp( previous, (_timestamp, _countArray, i) => current[i][0] * 1000 ), }; } /** * Aggregate all counts for each time stamp */ transformAggregatedTimeseries(data: EventsStatsData, seriesName: string = ''): Series { return { seriesName, data: this.calculateTotalsPerTimestamp(data), }; } /** * Transforms query response into timeseries data to be used in a chart */ transformTimeseriesData(data: EventsStatsData, seriesName?: string): Series[] { return [ { seriesName: seriesName || 'Current', data:[timestamp, countsForTimestamp]) => ({ name: timestamp * 1000, value: countsForTimestamp.reduce((acc, {count}) => acc + count, 0), })), }, ]; } processData(response: EventsStats | null) { if (!response) { return {}; } const {data, totals} = response; const { includeTransformedData, includeTimeAggregation, timeAggregationSeriesName, } = this.props; const {current, previous} = this.getData(data); const transformedData = includeTransformedData ? this.transformTimeseriesData(current, this.props.currentSeriesName) : []; const previousData = includeTransformedData ? this.transformPreviousPeriodData(current, previous) : null; const timeAggregatedData = includeTimeAggregation ? this.transformAggregatedTimeseries(current, timeAggregationSeriesName || '') : {}; return { data: transformedData, allData: data, originalData: current, totals, originalPreviousData: previous, previousData, timeAggregatedData, }; } render() { const {children, showLoading, ...props} = this.props; const {timeseriesData, reloading, errored} = this.state; // Is "loading" if data is null const loading = this.props.loading || timeseriesData === null; if (showLoading && loading) { return ; } if (isMultiSeriesStats(timeseriesData)) { // Convert multi-series results into chartable series. Multi series results // are created when multiple yAxis are used or a topEvents request is made. // Convert the timeseries data into a multi-series result set. // As the server will have replied with a map like: // {[titleString: string]: EventsStats} const results: MultiSeriesResults = Object.keys(timeseriesData) .map((seriesName: string): [number, Series] => { const seriesData: EventsStats = timeseriesData[seriesName]; const transformed = this.transformTimeseriesData(, seriesName )[0]; return [seriesData.order || 0, transformed]; }) .sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]) .map(item => item[1]); return children({ loading, reloading, errored, results, // sometimes we want to reference props that were given to EventsRequest ...props, }); } const { data: transformedTimeseriesData, allData: allTimeseriesData, originalData: originalTimeseriesData, totals: timeseriesTotals, originalPreviousData: originalPreviousTimeseriesData, previousData: previousTimeseriesData, timeAggregatedData, } = this.processData(timeseriesData); return children({ loading, reloading, errored, // timeseries data timeseriesData: transformedTimeseriesData, allTimeseriesData, originalTimeseriesData, timeseriesTotals, originalPreviousTimeseriesData, previousTimeseriesData, timeAggregatedData, // sometimes we want to reference props that were given to EventsRequest ...props, }); } } export default EventsRequest;