beautifulsoup4==4.7.1 boto3==1.10.49 botocore==1.13.50 celery==4.4.7 click==7.1.2 confluent-kafka==1.5.0; python_version <= '3.8' confluent-kafka==1.6.0; python_version == '3.9' croniter==0.3.37 dataclasses==0.8; python_version <= '3.6' datadog==0.29.3 django-crispy-forms==1.7.2 django-manifest-loader==1.0.0 django-picklefield==1.0.0 Django==1.11.29 djangorestframework==3.11.2 email-reply-parser==0.5.12 google-api-core==1.25.1 google-auth==1.24.0 google-cloud-bigtable==1.6.1 google-cloud-core==1.5.0 googleapis-common-protos==1.52.0 google-cloud-pubsub==2.2.0 google-cloud-storage==1.35.0 jsonschema==3.2.0 lxml==4.6.3 maxminddb==2.0.3 mistune==0.8.4 mmh3==3.0.0 parsimonious==0.8.0 petname==2.6 phonenumberslite==8.12.0 Pillow==8.2.0 progressbar2==3.32.0 # If we bump it to 2.8.4 or greater then Python 3.6 & 3.8 would use the same version psycopg2-binary==2.7.7; python_version == '3.6' psycopg2-binary==2.8.6; python_version > '3.6' PyJWT==2.1.0 python-dateutil==2.8.1 python-memcached==1.59 python-u2flib-server==5.0.0 python3-saml==1.10.1 PyYAML==5.4 rb==1.9.0 redis-py-cluster==2.1.0 redis==3.4.1 requests-oauthlib==1.2.0 requests==2.25.1 # [start] jsonschema format validators rfc3339-validator==0.1.2 rfc3986-validator==0.1.1 # [end] jsonschema format validators sentry-relay==0.8.7 sentry-sdk>=1.0.0,<1.2.0 snuba-sdk>=0.0.18,<1.0.0 simplejson==3.17.2 statsd==3.3 structlog==21.1.0 symbolic==8.1.0 toronado==0.1.0 ua-parser==0.10.0 unidiff==0.6.0 urllib3==1.24.2 uWSGI== zstandard==0.14.1 msgpack==1.0.0 # for encrypting stored user credentials cryptography==3.3.2 # celery billiard==3.6.3 kombu==4.6.11 # Note, grpcio>1.30.0 requires setting GRPC_POLL_STRATEGY=epoll1 # See and # grpcio==1.35.0 # not directly used, but provides a speedup for redis hiredis==0.3.1 # not directly used, but pinned for at least semaphore/symbolic cffi==1.14.5 # not directly used, but pinned for toronado because it doesn't pin these cssutils==1.0.2 cssselect==1.0.3 # sentry-plugins specific dependencies phabricator==0.7.0 # test dependencies, but unable to move to requirements-test until # sentry.utils.pytest and sentry.testutils are moved to tests/ selenium==3.141.0 sqlparse==0.2.4 # We're still using mock in Python 3.6 because it contains a fix to Python issue37972. # We should be able to fully swap it out for stdlib once we're on 3.8. mock==4.0.3