{ "html": "



If you haven’t already, start by downloading Raven. The easiest way is\nwith pip:

pip install raven --upgrade\n

WSGI Middleware


A Pylons-specific middleware exists to enable easy configuration from settings:

from raven.contrib.pylons import Sentry\n\napplication = Sentry(application, config)\n

Configuration is handled via the sentry namespace:


Logger setup


Add the following lines to your project’s .ini file to setup SentryHandler:

[loggers]\nkeys = root, sentry\n\n[handlers]\nkeys = console, sentry\n\n[formatters]\nkeys = generic\n\n[logger_root]\nlevel = INFO\nhandlers = console, sentry\n\n[logger_sentry]\nlevel = WARN\nhandlers = console\nqualname = sentry.errors\npropagate = 0\n\n[handler_console]\nclass = StreamHandler\nargs = (sys.stderr,)\nlevel = NOTSET\nformatter = generic\n\n[handler_sentry]\nclass = raven.handlers.logging.SentryHandler\nargs = ('SENTRY_DSN',)\nlevel = NOTSET\nformatter = generic\n\n[formatter_generic]\nformat = %(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s\ndatefmt = %H:%M:%S\n



You may want to setup other loggers as well.

\n", "link": "https://docs.getsentry.com/hosted/clients/python/integrations/pylons/", "id": "python-pylons", "name": "Pylons" }