import {cloneElement, Component, Fragment, isValidElement} from 'react'; import {browserHistory, RouteComponentProps} from 'react-router'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import * as PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import {fetchOrganizationEnvironments} from 'sentry/actionCreators/environments'; import {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import LoadingError from 'sentry/components/loadingError'; import LoadingIndicator from 'sentry/components/loadingIndicator'; import PageFiltersContainer from 'sentry/components/organizations/pageFilters/container'; import MissingProjectMembership from 'sentry/components/projects/missingProjectMembership'; import SentryDocumentTitle from 'sentry/components/sentryDocumentTitle'; import {Item, TabPanels, Tabs} from 'sentry/components/tabs'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import SentryTypes from 'sentry/sentryTypes'; import GroupStore from 'sentry/stores/groupStore'; import space from 'sentry/styles/space'; import { AvatarProject, Group, GroupActivityAssigned, GroupActivityType, IssueCategory, Organization, Project, } from 'sentry/types'; import {Event} from 'sentry/types/event'; import trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent from 'sentry/utils/analytics/trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent'; import {getUtcDateString} from 'sentry/utils/dates'; import {TableData} from 'sentry/utils/discover/discoverQuery'; import EventView from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import {doDiscoverQuery} from 'sentry/utils/discover/genericDiscoverQuery'; import {getAnalyicsDataForEvent, getMessage, getTitle} from 'sentry/utils/events'; import getDaysSinceDate from 'sentry/utils/getDaysSinceDate'; import Projects from 'sentry/utils/projects'; import recreateRoute from 'sentry/utils/recreateRoute'; import withRouteAnalytics, { WithRouteAnalyticsProps, } from 'sentry/utils/routeAnalytics/withRouteAnalytics'; import withApi from 'sentry/utils/withApi'; import {ERROR_TYPES} from './constants'; import GroupHeader from './header'; import SampleEventAlert from './sampleEventAlert'; import {Tab, TabPaths} from './types'; import { fetchGroupEvent, getGroupReprocessingStatus, markEventSeen, ReprocessingStatus, } from './utils'; /** * Return the integration type for the first assignment via integration */ function getAssignmentIntegration(group: Group) { if (!group.activity) { return ''; } const assignmentAcitivies = group.activity.filter( activity => activity.type === GroupActivityType.ASSIGNED ) as GroupActivityAssigned[]; const integrationAssignments = assignmentAcitivies.find( activity => !! ); return integrationAssignments?.data.integration || ''; } type Error = typeof ERROR_TYPES[keyof typeof ERROR_TYPES] | null; type Props = { api: Client; children: React.ReactNode; environments: string[]; isGlobalSelectionReady: boolean; organization: Organization; projects: Project[]; } & WithRouteAnalyticsProps & RouteComponentProps<{groupId: string; orgId: string; eventId?: string}, {}>; type State = { error: boolean; errorType: Error; eventError: boolean; group: Group | null; loading: boolean; loadingEvent: boolean; loadingGroup: boolean; loadingReplayIds: boolean; project: null | (Pick & Partial>); replayIds: null | string[]; event?: Event; }; class GroupDetails extends Component { static childContextTypes = { group: SentryTypes.Group, location: PropTypes.object, }; state = this.initialState; getChildContext() { return { group:, location: this.props.location, }; } componentDidMount() { // prevent duplicate analytics this.props.setDisableRouteAnalytics(); // only track the view if we are loading the event early this.fetchData(this.canLoadEventEarly(this.props)); if (this.props.organization.features.includes('session-replay-ui')) { this.fetchReplayIds(); } this.updateReprocessingProgress(); // Fetch environments early - used in GroupEventDetailsContainer fetchOrganizationEnvironments(this.props.api, this.props.organization.slug); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props, prevState: State) { const globalSelectionReadyChanged = prevProps.isGlobalSelectionReady !== this.props.isGlobalSelectionReady; if ( globalSelectionReadyChanged || prevProps.location.pathname !== this.props.location.pathname ) { // Skip tracking for other navigation events like switching events this.fetchData(globalSelectionReadyChanged && this.canLoadEventEarly(this.props)); } if ( (!this.canLoadEventEarly(prevProps) && !prevState?.group && || (prevProps.params?.eventId !== this.props.params?.eventId && ) { // if we are loading events we should record analytics after it's loaded this.getEvent( () => && this.trackView( ); } } componentWillUnmount() { GroupStore.reset(); this.listener?.(); if (this.refetchInterval) { window.clearInterval(this.refetchInterval); } } refetchInterval: number | null = null; get initialState(): State { return { group: null, loading: true, loadingReplayIds: true, loadingEvent: true, loadingGroup: true, error: false, eventError: false, errorType: null, project: null, replayIds: null, }; } trackView(project: Project) { const {group, event} = this.state; const {organization, params, location} = this.props; const {alert_date, alert_rule_id, alert_type} = location.query; trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('issue_details.viewed', { organization, project_id: parseInt(, 10), group_id: parseInt(params.groupId, 10), // group properties issue_category: group?.issueCategory ?? IssueCategory.ERROR, issue_status: group?.status, issue_age: group?.firstSeen ? getDaysSinceDate(group.firstSeen) : -1, issue_level: group?.level, is_assigned: !!group?.assignedTo, error_count: Number(group?.count || -1), error_has_replay: Boolean(event?.tags?.find(({key}) => key === 'replayId')), group_has_replay: Boolean(group?.tags?.find(({key}) => key === 'replayId')), num_comments: group ? group.numComments : -1, project_has_replay: group?.project.hasReplays, project_platform: group?.project.platform, has_external_issue: group?.annotations ? group?.annotations.length > 0 : false, has_owner: group?.owners ? group?.owners.length > 0 : false, integration_assignment_source: group ? getAssignmentIntegration(group) : '', // event properties ...getAnalyicsDataForEvent(event), // Alert properties track if the user came from email/slack alerts alert_date: typeof alert_date === 'string' ? getUtcDateString(Number(alert_date)) : undefined, alert_rule_id: typeof alert_rule_id === 'string' ? alert_rule_id : undefined, alert_type: typeof alert_type === 'string' ? alert_type : undefined, }); } remountComponent = () => { this.setState(this.initialState); this.fetchData(); }; canLoadEventEarly(props: Props) { return !props.params.eventId || ['oldest', 'latest'].includes(props.params.eventId); } get groupDetailsEndpoint() { return `/issues/${this.props.params.groupId}/`; } get groupReleaseEndpoint() { return `/issues/${this.props.params.groupId}/first-last-release/`; } async getEvent(group?: Group) { if (group) { this.setState({loadingEvent: true, eventError: false}); } const {params, environments, api} = this.props; const orgSlug = params.orgId; const groupId = params.groupId; const eventId = params.eventId ?? 'latest'; const projectId = group?.project?.slug; try { const event = await fetchGroupEvent( api, orgSlug, groupId, eventId, environments, projectId ); this.setState({event, loading: false, eventError: false, loadingEvent: false}); } catch (err) { // This is an expected error, capture to Sentry so that it is not considered as an unhandled error Sentry.captureException(err); this.setState({eventError: true, loading: false, loadingEvent: false}); } } getCurrentRouteInfo(group: Group): {baseUrl: string; currentTab: Tab} { const {organization, router, routes} = this.props; const {event} = this.state; const currentRoute = routes[routes.length - 1]; let currentTab: Tab; // If we're in the tag details page ("/tags/:tagKey/") if (router.params.tagKey) { currentTab = Tab.TAGS; } else { currentTab = Object.values(Tab).find(tab => currentRoute.path === TabPaths[tab]) ?? Tab.DETAILS; } const baseUrl = `/organizations/${organization.slug}/issues/${}/${ router.params.eventId && event ? `events/${}/` : '' }`; return {baseUrl, currentTab}; } updateReprocessingProgress() { const hasReprocessingV2Feature = this.hasReprocessingV2Feature(); if (!hasReprocessingV2Feature) { return; } if (this.refetchInterval) { window.clearInterval(this.refetchInterval); } this.refetchInterval = window.setInterval(this.refetchGroup, 30000); } hasReprocessingV2Feature() { const {organization} = this.props; return organization.features?.includes('reprocessing-v2'); } getReprocessingNewRoute(data: Group) { const {routes, location, params} = this.props; const {groupId} = params; const {id: nextGroupId} = data; const hasReprocessingV2Feature = this.hasReprocessingV2Feature(); const reprocessingStatus = getGroupReprocessingStatus(data); const {currentTab, baseUrl} = this.getCurrentRouteInfo(data); if (groupId !== nextGroupId) { if (hasReprocessingV2Feature) { // Redirects to the Activities tab if ( reprocessingStatus === ReprocessingStatus.REPROCESSED_AND_HASNT_EVENT && currentTab !== Tab.ACTIVITY ) { return { pathname: `${baseUrl}${Tab.ACTIVITY}/`, query: {...params, groupId: nextGroupId}, }; } } return recreateRoute('', { routes, location, params: {...params, groupId: nextGroupId}, }); } if (hasReprocessingV2Feature) { if ( reprocessingStatus === ReprocessingStatus.REPROCESSING && currentTab !== Tab.DETAILS ) { return { pathname: baseUrl, query: params, }; } if ( reprocessingStatus === ReprocessingStatus.REPROCESSED_AND_HASNT_EVENT && currentTab !== Tab.ACTIVITY && currentTab !== Tab.USER_FEEDBACK ) { return { pathname: `${baseUrl}${Tab.ACTIVITY}/`, query: params, }; } } return undefined; } getGroupQuery(): Record { const {environments} = this.props; // Note, we do not want to include the environment key at all if there are no environments const query: Record = { ...(environments ? {environment: environments} : {}), expand: ['inbox', 'owners'], collapse: 'release', }; return query; } getFetchDataRequestErrorType(status: any): Error { if (!status) { return null; } if (status === 404) { return ERROR_TYPES.GROUP_NOT_FOUND; } if (status === 403) { return ERROR_TYPES.MISSING_MEMBERSHIP; } return null; } handleRequestError(error: any) { Sentry.captureException(error); const errorType = this.getFetchDataRequestErrorType(error?.status); this.setState({ loadingGroup: false, loading: false, error: true, errorType, }); } refetchGroup = async () => { const {loadingGroup, loading, loadingEvent, group} = this.state; if ( group?.status !== ReprocessingStatus.REPROCESSING || loadingGroup || loading || loadingEvent ) { return; } const {api} = this.props; this.setState({loadingGroup: true}); try { const updatedGroup = await api.requestPromise(this.groupDetailsEndpoint, { query: this.getGroupQuery(), }); const reprocessingNewRoute = this.getReprocessingNewRoute(updatedGroup); if (reprocessingNewRoute) { browserHistory.push(reprocessingNewRoute); return; } this.setState({group: updatedGroup, loadingGroup: false}); } catch (error) { this.handleRequestError(error); } }; async fetchGroupReleases() { const {api} = this.props; const releases = await api.requestPromise(this.groupReleaseEndpoint); GroupStore.onPopulateReleases(this.props.params.groupId, releases); } async fetchReplayIds() { const {api, location, organization, params} = this.props; const {groupId} = params; this.setState({loadingReplayIds: true}); const eventView = EventView.fromNewQueryWithLocation( { id: '', name: `Errors within replay`, version: 2, fields: ['replayId', 'count()'], query: `${groupId} !replayId:""`, projects: [], }, location ); try { const [data] = await doDiscoverQuery( api, `/organizations/${organization.slug}/events/`, eventView.getEventsAPIPayload(location) ); const replayIds = => String(record.replayId)); this.setState({ replayIds, loadingReplayIds: false, }); } catch (err) { this.setState({loadingReplayIds: false}); } } async fetchData(trackView = false) { const {api, isGlobalSelectionReady, params} = this.props; // Need to wait for global selection store to be ready before making request if (!isGlobalSelectionReady) { return; } try { const eventPromise = this.canLoadEventEarly(this.props) ? this.getEvent() : undefined; const groupPromise = await api.requestPromise(this.groupDetailsEndpoint, { query: this.getGroupQuery(), }); const [data] = await Promise.all([groupPromise, eventPromise]); const groupReleasePromise = this.fetchGroupReleases(); const reprocessingNewRoute = this.getReprocessingNewRoute(data); if (reprocessingNewRoute) { browserHistory.push(reprocessingNewRoute); return; } const project = data.project; markEventSeen(api, params.orgId, project.slug, params.groupId); if (!project) { Sentry.withScope(() => { Sentry.captureException(new Error('Project not found')); }); } else { const locationWithProject = {...this.props.location}; if ( locationWithProject.query.project === undefined && locationWithProject.query._allp === undefined ) { // We use _allp as a temporary measure to know they came from the // issue list page with no project selected (all projects included in // filter). // // If it is not defined, we add the locked project id to the URL // (this is because if someone navigates directly to an issue on // single-project priveleges, then goes back - they were getting // assigned to the first project). // // If it is defined, we do not so that our back button will bring us // to the issue list page with no project selected instead of the // locked project. locationWithProject.query = {...locationWithProject.query, project:}; } // We delete _allp from the URL to keep the hack a bit cleaner, but // this is not an ideal solution and will ultimately be replaced with // something smarter. delete locationWithProject.query._allp; browserHistory.replace(locationWithProject); } this.setState({project, loadingGroup: false}); GroupStore.loadInitialData([data]); if (trackView) { // make sure releases have loaded before we track the view groupReleasePromise.then(() => this.trackView(project)); } } catch (error) { this.handleRequestError(error); } } listener = GroupStore.listen(itemIds => this.onGroupChange(itemIds), undefined); onGroupChange(itemIds: Set) { const id = this.props.params.groupId; if (itemIds.has(id)) { const group = GroupStore.get(id) as Group; if (group) { // TODO(ts) This needs a better approach. issueActions is splicing attributes onto // group objects to cheat here. if ((group as Group & {stale?: boolean}).stale) { this.fetchData(); return; } this.setState({ group, }); } } } getTitle() { const {organization} = this.props; const {group} = this.state; const defaultTitle = 'Sentry'; if (!group) { return defaultTitle; } const {title} = getTitle(group, organization?.features); const message = getMessage(group); const {project} = group; const eventDetails = `${organization.slug} - ${project.slug}`; if (title && message) { return `${title}: ${message} - ${eventDetails}`; } return `${title || message || defaultTitle} - ${eventDetails}`; } tabClickAnalyticsEvent(tab: Tab) { const {organization} = this.props; const {project, group, event} = this.state; if (!project || !group) { return; } trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('issue_details.tab_changed', { organization, group_id: parseInt(, 10), issue_category: group.issueCategory, project_id: parseInt(, 10), tab, }); if (group.issueCategory !== IssueCategory.ERROR) { return; } const analyticsData = event ? event.tags .filter(({key}) => ['device', 'os', 'browser'].includes(key)) .reduce((acc, {key, value}) => { acc[key] = value; return acc; }, {}) : {}; trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('', { organization, tab, platform: project.platform, ...analyticsData, }); } renderError() { const {projects, location} = this.props; const projectId = location.query.project; const project = projects.find(proj => === projectId); switch (this.state.errorType) { case ERROR_TYPES.GROUP_NOT_FOUND: return ( ); case ERROR_TYPES.MISSING_MEMBERSHIP: return ( ); default: return ; } } renderContent(project: AvatarProject, group: Group) { const {children, environments, organization, router} = this.props; const {loadingEvent, eventError, event, replayIds} = this.state; const {currentTab, baseUrl} = this.getCurrentRouteInfo(group); const groupReprocessingStatus = getGroupReprocessingStatus(group); let childProps: Record = { environments, group, project, }; if (currentTab === Tab.DETAILS) { if ( !== event?.groupID && !eventError) { // if user pastes only the event id into the url, but it's from another group, redirect to correct group/event const redirectUrl = `/organizations/${organization.slug}/issues/${event?.groupID}/events/${event?.id}/`; router.push(redirectUrl); } else { childProps = { ...childProps, event, loadingEvent, eventError, groupReprocessingStatus, onRetry: () => this.remountComponent(), }; } } if (currentTab === Tab.TAGS) { childProps = {...childProps, event, baseUrl}; } else if (currentTab === Tab.REPLAYS) { childProps = {...childProps, replayIds}; } return ( this.tabClickAnalyticsEvent(tab)}> {isValidElement(children) ? cloneElement(children, childProps) : children} ); } renderPageContent() { const {error: isError, group, project, loading} = this.state; const isLoading = loading || (!group && !isError); if (isLoading) { return ; } if (isError) { return this.renderError(); } const {organization} = this.props; return ( {({projects, initiallyLoaded, fetchError}) => initiallyLoaded ? ( fetchError ? ( ) : ( // TODO(ts): Update renderContent function to deal with empty group this.renderContent(projects[0], group!) ) ) : ( ) } ); } render() { const {project, group} = this.state; const {organization} = this.props; const isSampleError = group?.tags?.some(tag => tag.key === 'sample_event'); return ( {isSampleError && project && ( )} {this.renderPageContent()} ); } } export default withRouteAnalytics(withApi(Sentry.withProfiler(GroupDetails))); const StyledLoadingError = styled(LoadingError)` margin: ${space(2)}; `; const GroupTabPanels = styled(TabPanels)` flex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: stretch; `;