import {mountWithTheme, shallow} from 'sentry-test/enzyme'; import {Client} from 'app/api'; import PlatformPicker from 'app/components/platformPicker'; describe('PlatformPicker', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.stubbedApiRequest = jest.spyOn(Client.prototype, 'request'); }); afterEach(function () { Client.prototype.request.mockRestore(); }); describe('render()', function () { const baseProps = { platform: '', setPlatform: () => {}, location: {query: {}}, }; it('should only render Mobile platforms under Mobile tab', function () { const props = { ...baseProps, }; const wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.setState({category: 'mobile'}); const filteredPlatforms = wrapper .find('PlatformCard') .map(node => node.prop('platform').id); expect(filteredPlatforms).not.toContain('java'); expect(filteredPlatforms).toContain('apple-ios'); expect(filteredPlatforms).toContain('react-native'); }); it('should render renderPlatformList with Python when filtered with py', function () { const props = { ...baseProps, }; const wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.setState({category: 'all', filter: 'py'}); const filteredPlatforms = wrapper .find('PlatformCard') .map(node => node.prop('platform').id); expect(filteredPlatforms).not.toContain('java'); expect(filteredPlatforms).toContain('python-flask'); }); it('should render renderPlatformList with Native when filtered with c++ alias', function () { const props = { ...baseProps, }; const wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.setState({category: 'all', filter: 'c++'}); const filteredPlatforms = wrapper .find('PlatformCard') .map(node => node.prop('platform').id); expect(filteredPlatforms).toContain('native'); }); it('should render renderPlatformList with community SDKs message if platform not found', function () { const props = { ...baseProps, }; const wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.setState({filter: 'aaaaaa'}); expect(wrapper.find('EmptyMessage')).toHaveLength(1); }); it('should update onClick when particular tab is clicked', function () { const props = { ...baseProps, }; const wrapper = mountWithTheme( , TestStubs.routerContext() ); const testListLink = wrapper.find('ListLink').last().find('a'); expect(wrapper.state().category).toBe('popular'); testListLink.simulate('click'); expect(wrapper.state().category).toBe('all'); }); it('should clear the platform when clear is clicked', function () { const props = { ...baseProps, platform: 'java', setPlatform: jest.fn(), }; const wrapper = mountWithTheme( , TestStubs.routerContext() ); wrapper.find('ClearButton').simulate('click'); expect(props.setPlatform).toHaveBeenCalledWith(null); }); }); });