# This script is meant to be sourced by bash, not executed.
# As such, don't use exit, use return.

# This script is purely a python virtualenv bootstrap, not the entire development environment.
# For the entire thing, you should still use make bootstrap.
# Eventually, the goal would be to have an idempotent single script that does
# everything make bootstrap does and more (system dependencies and so on).

# So just going to sprinkle returns everywhere.

    cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
    pwd -P
source "${SCRIPTS_DIR}/lib.sh"

command -v pyenv >/dev/null || {
    echo "You need to install pyenv. https://develop.sentry.dev/environment/#python"
    return 1

command -v direnv >/dev/null || {
    echo "You need to install direnv. https://develop.sentry.dev/environment/#direnv"
    return 1

# This executes very quickly if the Python versions are already installed
# This calling approach activates pyenv correctly -> eval "$(pyenv init --path)"
. "$SCRIPTS_DIR/pyenv_setup.sh"

if [[ -f "${venv_name}/bin/activate" ]]; then
    echo "You have an existing virtualenv. This script will OVERWRITE it. Continue (y/N)?"
    read resp
    case "$resp" in
    y | Y) echo "Okay, let's do this." ;;
        echo "Aborted!"
        return 1

deactivate 2>/dev/null || true
rm -rf "$venv_name"

if [ -z "${SENTRY_PYTHON_VERSION-}" ] && ! query-valid-python-version; then
    echo "Your python3 version isn't as expected. Please run: make setup-pyenv"
    return 1

python3 -m venv "${venv_name}" || {
    echo "bootstrap failed!"
    return 1
source "${venv_name}/bin/activate" || {
    echo "bootstrap failed!"
    return 1
make install-py-dev || {
    echo "bootstrap failed!"
    return 1
make setup-git || {
    echo "bootstrap failed!"
    return 1
deactivate || {
    echo "bootstrap failed!"
    return 1
direnv allow || {
    echo "bootstrap failed!"
    return 1