import padStart from 'lodash/padStart'; import {Crumb} from 'sentry/types/breadcrumbs'; import type {ReplaySpan} from 'sentry/views/replays/types'; function padZero(num: number, len = 2): string { const str = String(num); return padStart(str, len, '0'); } const SECOND = 1000; const MINUTE = 60 * SECOND; const HOUR = 60 * MINUTE; /** * @param timestamp The timestamp that is our reference point. Can be anything that `moment` accepts such as `'2022-05-04T19:47:52.915000Z'` or `1651664872.915` * @param diffMs Number of milliseconds to adjust the timestamp by, either positive (future) or negative (past) * @returns Unix timestamp of the adjusted timestamp, in milliseconds */ export function relativeTimeInMs( timestamp: ConstructorParameters[0], diffMs: number ): number { return Math.abs(new Date(timestamp).getTime() - diffMs); } export function showPlayerTime( timestamp: ConstructorParameters[0], relativeTimeMs: number, showMs: boolean = false ): string { return formatTime(relativeTimeInMs(timestamp, relativeTimeMs), showMs); } // TODO: move into 'sentry/utils/formatters' export function formatTime(ms: number, showMs?: boolean): string { if (ms <= 0 || isNaN(ms)) { if (showMs) { return '00:00.000'; } return '00:00'; } const hour = Math.floor(ms / HOUR); ms = ms % HOUR; const minute = Math.floor(ms / MINUTE); ms = ms % MINUTE; const second = Math.floor(ms / SECOND); let formattedTime = '00:00'; if (hour) { formattedTime = `${padZero(hour)}:${padZero(minute)}:${padZero(second)}`; } else { formattedTime = `${padZero(minute)}:${padZero(second)}`; } if (showMs) { const milliseconds = Math.floor(ms % SECOND); formattedTime = `${formattedTime}.${padZero(milliseconds, 3)}`; } return formattedTime; } /** * Figure out how many ticks to show in an area. * If there is more space available, we can show more granular ticks, but if * less space is available, fewer ticks. * Similarly if the duration is short, the ticks will represent a short amount * of time (like every second) but if the duration is long one tick may * represent an hour. * * @param durationMs The amount of time that we need to chop up into even sections * @param width Total width available, pixels * @param minWidth Minimum space for each column, pixels. Ex: So we can show formatted time like `1:00:00` between major ticks * @returns */ export function countColumns(durationMs: number, width: number, minWidth: number = 50) { let maxCols = Math.floor(width / minWidth); const remainder = durationMs - maxCols * width > 0 ? 1 : 0; maxCols -= remainder; // List of all the possible time granularities to display // We could generate the list, which is basically a version of fizzbuzz, hard-coding is quicker. const timeOptions = [ 1 * HOUR, 30 * MINUTE, 20 * MINUTE, 15 * MINUTE, 10 * MINUTE, 5 * MINUTE, 2 * MINUTE, 1 * MINUTE, 30 * SECOND, 10 * SECOND, 5 * SECOND, 1 * SECOND, ]; const timeBasedCols = timeOptions.reduce>((map, time) => { map.set(time, Math.floor(durationMs / time)); return map; }, new Map()); const [timespan, cols] = Array.from(timeBasedCols.entries()) .filter(([_span, c]) => c <= maxCols) // Filter for any valid timespan option where all ticks would fit .reduce((best, next) => (next[1] > best[1] ? next : best), [0, 0]); // select the timespan option with the most ticks const remaining = (durationMs - timespan * cols) / timespan; return {timespan, cols, remaining}; } /** * Group Crumbs for display along the timeline. * * The timeline is broken down into columns (aka buckets, or time-slices). * Columns translate to a fixed width on the screen, to prevent side-scrolling. * * This function groups crumbs into columns based on the number of columns available * and the timestamp of the crumb. */ export function getCrumbsByColumn( startTimestampMs: number, durationMs: number, crumbs: Crumb[], totalColumns: number ) { const safeDurationMs = isNaN(durationMs) ? 1 : durationMs; const columnCrumbPairs = => { const {timestamp} = breadcrumb; const timestampMilliSeconds = +new Date(String(timestamp)); const sinceStart = isNaN(timestampMilliSeconds) ? 0 : timestampMilliSeconds - startTimestampMs; const columnPositionCalc = Math.floor((sinceStart / safeDurationMs) * (totalColumns - 1)) + 1; // Should start at minimum in the first column const column = Math.max(1, columnPositionCalc); return [column, breadcrumb] as [number, Crumb]; }); const crumbsByColumn = columnCrumbPairs.reduce((map, [column, breadcrumb]) => { if (map.has(column)) { map.get(column)?.push(breadcrumb); } else { map.set(column, [breadcrumb]); } return map; }, new Map() as Map); return crumbsByColumn; } type FlattenedSpanRange = { /** * Duration of this range */ duration: number; /** * Absolute time in ms when the range ends */ endTimestamp: number; /** * Number of spans that got flattened into this range */ spanCount: number; /** * ID of the original span that created this range */ spanId: string; // /** * Absolute time in ms when the span starts */ startTimestamp: number; }; function doesOverlap(a: FlattenedSpanRange, b: FlattenedSpanRange) { const bStartsWithinA = a.startTimestamp <= b.startTimestamp && b.startTimestamp <= a.endTimestamp; const bEndsWithinA = a.startTimestamp <= b.endTimestamp && b.endTimestamp <= a.endTimestamp; return bStartsWithinA || bEndsWithinA; } export function flattenSpans(rawSpans: ReplaySpan[]): FlattenedSpanRange[] { if (!rawSpans.length) { return []; } const spans = => { const startTimestamp = span.startTimestamp * 1000; // `endTimestamp` is at least msPerPixel wide, otherwise it disappears const endTimestamp = span.endTimestamp * 1000; return { spanCount: 1, // spanId: span.span_id, startTimestamp, endTimestamp, duration: endTimestamp - startTimestamp, } as FlattenedSpanRange; }); const [firstSpan, ...restSpans] = spans; const flatSpans = [firstSpan]; for (const span of restSpans) { let overlap = false; for (const fspan of flatSpans) { if (doesOverlap(fspan, span)) { overlap = true; fspan.spanCount += 1; fspan.startTimestamp = Math.min(fspan.startTimestamp, span.startTimestamp); fspan.endTimestamp = Math.max(fspan.endTimestamp, span.endTimestamp); fspan.duration = fspan.endTimestamp - fspan.startTimestamp; break; } } if (!overlap) { flatSpans.push(span); } } return flatSpans; } /** * Divide two numbers safely */ export function divide(numerator: number, denominator: number | undefined) { if (denominator === undefined || isNaN(denominator) || denominator === 0) { return 0; } return numerator / denominator; }