import {render} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import DetailedError from 'sentry/components/errors/detailedError'; describe('DetailedError', function () { it('renders', function () { const {container} = render( <DetailedError heading="Error heading" message={<div>Message</div>} /> ); expect(container).toSnapshot(); }); it('renders with "Retry" button', function () { const {container} = render( <DetailedError onRetry={() => {}} heading="Error heading" message={<div>Message</div>} /> ); expect(container).toSnapshot(); }); it('can hide support links', function () { const {container} = render( <DetailedError hideSupportLinks onRetry={() => {}} heading="Error heading" message={<div>Message</div>} /> ); expect(container).toSnapshot(); }); it('hides footer when no "Retry" and no support links', function () { const {container} = render( <DetailedError hideSupportLinks heading="Error heading" message={<div>Message</div>} /> ); expect(container).toSnapshot(); }); });