import * as React from 'react'; import {InjectedRouter} from 'react-router'; import {withTheme} from '@emotion/react'; import type { EChartsOption, LegendComponentOption, XAXisComponentOption, YAXisComponentOption, } from 'echarts'; import {Query} from 'history'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import {AreaChart, AreaChartProps} from 'sentry/components/charts/areaChart'; import {BarChart, BarChartProps} from 'sentry/components/charts/barChart'; import ChartZoom, {ZoomRenderProps} from 'sentry/components/charts/chartZoom'; import ErrorPanel from 'sentry/components/charts/errorPanel'; import {LineChart, LineChartProps} from 'sentry/components/charts/lineChart'; import ReleaseSeries from 'sentry/components/charts/releaseSeries'; import TransitionChart from 'sentry/components/charts/transitionChart'; import TransparentLoadingMask from 'sentry/components/charts/transparentLoadingMask'; import { getInterval, processTableResults, RELEASE_LINES_THRESHOLD, } from 'sentry/components/charts/utils'; import {WorldMapChart, WorldMapChartProps} from 'sentry/components/charts/worldMapChart'; import {IconWarning} from 'sentry/icons'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {DateString, OrganizationSummary} from 'sentry/types'; import {Series} from 'sentry/types/echarts'; import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; import {axisLabelFormatter, tooltipFormatter} from 'sentry/utils/discover/charts'; import {TableDataWithTitle} from 'sentry/utils/discover/discoverQuery'; import { aggregateMultiPlotType, aggregateOutputType, getEquation, isEquation, } from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import {decodeList} from 'sentry/utils/queryString'; import {Theme} from 'sentry/utils/theme'; import EventsGeoRequest from './eventsGeoRequest'; import EventsRequest from './eventsRequest'; type ChartComponent = | React.ComponentType<BarChartProps> | React.ComponentType<AreaChartProps> | React.ComponentType<LineChartProps> | React.ComponentType<WorldMapChartProps>; type ChartProps = { currentSeriesNames: string[]; loading: boolean; previousSeriesNames: string[]; reloading: boolean; stacked: boolean; tableData: TableDataWithTitle[]; theme: Theme; timeseriesData: Series[]; yAxis: string; zoomRenderProps: ZoomRenderProps; chartComponent?: ChartComponent; chartOptions?: Omit<EChartsOption, 'xAxis' | 'yAxis'> & { xAxis?: XAXisComponentOption; yAxis?: YAXisComponentOption; }; colors?: string[]; /** * By default, only the release series is disableable. This adds * a list of series names that are also disableable. */ disableableSeries?: string[]; fromDiscover?: boolean; height?: number; interval?: string; legendOptions?: LegendComponentOption; minutesThresholdToDisplaySeconds?: number; previousSeriesTransformer?: (series?: Series | null) => Series | null | undefined; previousTimeseriesData?: Series[] | null; referrer?: string; releaseSeries?: Series[]; /** * A callback to allow for post-processing of the series data. * Can be used to rename series or even insert a new series. */ seriesTransformer?: (series: Series[]) => Series[]; showDaily?: boolean; showLegend?: boolean; timeframe?: {end: number; start: number}; topEvents?: number; }; type State = { forceUpdate: boolean; seriesSelection: Record<string, boolean>; }; class Chart extends React.Component<ChartProps, State> { state: State = { seriesSelection: {}, forceUpdate: false, }; shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: ChartProps, nextState: State) { if (nextState.forceUpdate) { return true; } if (!isEqual(this.state.seriesSelection, nextState.seriesSelection)) { return true; } if (nextProps.reloading || !nextProps.timeseriesData) { return false; } if ( isEqual(this.props.timeseriesData, nextProps.timeseriesData) && isEqual(this.props.releaseSeries, nextProps.releaseSeries) && isEqual(this.props.previousTimeseriesData, nextProps.previousTimeseriesData) && isEqual(this.props.tableData, nextProps.tableData) ) { return false; } return true; } getChartComponent(): ChartComponent { const {showDaily, timeseriesData, yAxis, chartComponent} = this.props; if (defined(chartComponent)) { return chartComponent; } if (showDaily) { return BarChart; } if (timeseriesData.length > 1) { switch (aggregateMultiPlotType(yAxis)) { case 'line': return LineChart; case 'area': return AreaChart; default: throw new Error(`Unknown multi plot type for ${yAxis}`); } } return AreaChart; } handleLegendSelectChanged = legendChange => { const {disableableSeries = []} = this.props; const {selected} = legendChange; const seriesSelection = Object.keys(selected).reduce((state, key) => { // we only want them to be able to disable the Releases&Other series, // and not any of the other possible series here const disableable = ['Releases', 'Other'].includes(key) || disableableSeries.includes(key); state[key] = disableable ? selected[key] : true; return state; }, {}); // we have to force an update here otherwise ECharts will // update its internal state and disable the series this.setState({seriesSelection, forceUpdate: true}, () => this.setState({forceUpdate: false}) ); }; render() { const { theme, loading: _loading, reloading: _reloading, yAxis, releaseSeries, zoomRenderProps, timeseriesData, previousTimeseriesData, showLegend, legendOptions, chartOptions: chartOptionsProp, currentSeriesNames, previousSeriesNames, seriesTransformer, previousSeriesTransformer, colors, height, timeframe, topEvents, tableData, fromDiscover, ...props } = this.props; const {seriesSelection} = this.state; let Component = this.getChartComponent(); if (Component === WorldMapChart) { const {data, title} = processTableResults(tableData); const tableSeries = [ { seriesName: title, data, }, ]; return <WorldMapChart series={tableSeries} fromDiscover={fromDiscover} />; } Component = Component as Exclude< ChartComponent, React.ComponentType<WorldMapChartProps> >; const data = [ ...(currentSeriesNames.length > 0 ? currentSeriesNames : [t('Current')]), ...(previousSeriesNames.length > 0 ? previousSeriesNames : [t('Previous')]), ]; const releasesLegend = t('Releases'); const hasOther = topEvents && topEvents + 1 === timeseriesData.length; if (hasOther) { data.push('Other'); } if (Array.isArray(releaseSeries)) { data.push(releasesLegend); } // Temporary fix to improve performance on pages with a high number of releases. const releases = releaseSeries && releaseSeries[0]; const hideReleasesByDefault = Array.isArray(releaseSeries) && (releases as any)?.markLine?.data && (releases as any) >= RELEASE_LINES_THRESHOLD; const selected = !Array.isArray(releaseSeries) ? seriesSelection : Object.keys(seriesSelection).length === 0 && hideReleasesByDefault ? {[releasesLegend]: false} : seriesSelection; const legend = showLegend ? { right: 16, top: 12, data, selected, ...(legendOptions ?? {}), } : undefined; let series = Array.isArray(releaseSeries) ? [...timeseriesData, ...releaseSeries] : timeseriesData; let previousSeries = previousTimeseriesData; if (seriesTransformer) { series = seriesTransformer(series); } if (previousSeriesTransformer) { previousSeries = previousSeries?.map( prev => previousSeriesTransformer(prev) as Series ); } const chartColors = timeseriesData.length ? colors?.slice(0, series.length) ?? [ ...theme.charts.getColorPalette(timeseriesData.length - 2 - (hasOther ? 1 : 0)), ] : undefined; if (chartColors && chartColors.length && hasOther) { chartColors.push(theme.chartOther); } const chartOptions = { colors: chartColors, grid: { left: '24px', right: '24px', top: '32px', bottom: '12px', }, seriesOptions: { showSymbol: false, }, tooltip: { trigger: 'axis' as const, truncate: 80, valueFormatter: (value: number) => tooltipFormatter(value, aggregateOutputType(yAxis)), }, xAxis: timeframe ? { min: timeframe.start, max: timeframe.end, } : undefined, yAxis: { axisLabel: { color: theme.chartLabel, formatter: (value: number) => axisLabelFormatter(value, aggregateOutputType(yAxis)), }, }, ...(chartOptionsProp ?? {}), animation: typeof Component === typeof BarChart ? false : undefined, }; return ( <Component {...props} {...zoomRenderProps} {...chartOptions} legend={legend} onLegendSelectChanged={this.handleLegendSelectChanged} series={series} previousPeriod={previousSeries ? previousSeries : undefined} height={height} /> ); } } const ThemedChart = withTheme(Chart); export type EventsChartProps = { api: Client; /** * Absolute end date. */ end: DateString; /** * Environment condition. */ environments: string[]; organization: OrganizationSummary; /** * Project ids */ projects: number[]; /** * The discover query string to find events with. */ query: string; router: InjectedRouter; /** * Absolute start date. */ start: DateString; /** * The aggregate/metric to plot. */ yAxis: string | string[]; /** * Markup for optional chart header */ chartHeader?: React.ReactNode; /** * Override the default color palette. */ colors?: string[]; confirmedQuery?: boolean; /** * Name of the series */ currentSeriesName?: string; /** * Don't show the previous period's data. Will automatically disable * when start/end are used. */ disablePrevious?: boolean; /** * Don't show the release marklines. */ disableReleases?: boolean; /** * A list of release names to visually emphasize. Can only be used when `disableReleases` is false. */ emphasizeReleases?: string[]; /** * The fields that act as grouping conditions when generating a topEvents chart. */ field?: string[]; /** * The interval resolution for a chart e.g. 1m, 5m, 1d */ interval?: string; /** * Order condition when showing topEvents */ orderby?: string; /** * Relative datetime expression. eg. 14d */ period?: string | null; preserveReleaseQueryParams?: boolean; /** * Name of the previous series */ previousSeriesName?: string; /** * A unique name for what's triggering this request, see organization_events_stats for an allowlist */ referrer?: string; releaseQueryExtra?: Query; /** * Override the interval calculation and show daily results. */ showDaily?: boolean; /** * Fetch n top events as dictated by the field and orderby props. */ topEvents?: number; /** * Chart zoom will change 'pageStart' instead of 'start' */ usePageZoom?: boolean; /** * Should datetimes be formatted in UTC? */ utc?: boolean | null; /** * Whether or not to zerofill results */ withoutZerofill?: boolean; } & Pick< ChartProps, | 'seriesTransformer' | 'previousSeriesTransformer' | 'showLegend' | 'minutesThresholdToDisplaySeconds' | 'disableableSeries' | 'legendOptions' | 'chartOptions' | 'chartComponent' | 'height' | 'fromDiscover' >; type ChartDataProps = { errored: boolean; loading: boolean; reloading: boolean; zoomRenderProps: ZoomRenderProps; previousTimeseriesData?: Series[] | null; releaseSeries?: Series[]; results?: Series[]; tableData?: TableDataWithTitle[]; timeframe?: {end: number; start: number}; timeseriesData?: Series[]; topEvents?: number; }; class EventsChart extends React.Component<EventsChartProps> { isStacked() { const {topEvents, yAxis} = this.props; return ( (typeof topEvents === 'number' && topEvents > 0) || (Array.isArray(yAxis) && yAxis.length > 1) ); } render() { const { api, organization, period, utc, query, router, start, end, projects, environments, showLegend, minutesThresholdToDisplaySeconds, yAxis, disablePrevious, disableReleases, emphasizeReleases, currentSeriesName: currentName, previousSeriesName: previousName, seriesTransformer, previousSeriesTransformer, field, interval, showDaily, topEvents, orderby, confirmedQuery, colors, chartHeader, legendOptions, chartOptions, preserveReleaseQueryParams, releaseQueryExtra, disableableSeries, chartComponent, usePageZoom, height, withoutZerofill, fromDiscover, ...props } = this.props; // Include previous only on relative dates (defaults to relative if no start and end) const includePrevious = !disablePrevious && !start && !end; const yAxisArray = decodeList(yAxis); const yAxisSeriesNames = => { let yAxisLabel = name && isEquation(name) ? getEquation(name) : name; if (yAxisLabel && yAxisLabel.length > 60) { yAxisLabel = yAxisLabel.substr(0, 60) + '...'; } return yAxisLabel; }); const previousSeriesNames = previousName ? [previousName] : => t('previous %s', name)); const currentSeriesNames = currentName ? [currentName] : yAxisSeriesNames; const intervalVal = showDaily ? '1d' : interval || getInterval(this.props, 'high'); let chartImplementation = ({ zoomRenderProps, releaseSeries, errored, loading, reloading, results, timeseriesData, previousTimeseriesData, timeframe, tableData, }: ChartDataProps) => { if (errored) { return ( <ErrorPanel> <IconWarning color="gray300" size="lg" /> </ErrorPanel> ); } const seriesData = results ? results : timeseriesData; return ( <TransitionChart loading={loading} reloading={reloading} height={height ? `${height}px` : undefined} > <TransparentLoadingMask visible={reloading} /> {React.isValidElement(chartHeader) && chartHeader} <ThemedChart zoomRenderProps={zoomRenderProps} loading={loading} reloading={reloading} showLegend={showLegend} minutesThresholdToDisplaySeconds={minutesThresholdToDisplaySeconds} releaseSeries={releaseSeries || []} timeseriesData={seriesData ?? []} previousTimeseriesData={previousTimeseriesData} currentSeriesNames={currentSeriesNames} previousSeriesNames={previousSeriesNames} seriesTransformer={seriesTransformer} previousSeriesTransformer={previousSeriesTransformer} stacked={this.isStacked()} yAxis={yAxisArray[0]} showDaily={showDaily} colors={colors} legendOptions={legendOptions} chartOptions={chartOptions} disableableSeries={disableableSeries} chartComponent={chartComponent} height={height} timeframe={timeframe} topEvents={topEvents} tableData={tableData ?? []} fromDiscover={fromDiscover} /> </TransitionChart> ); }; if (!disableReleases) { const previousChart = chartImplementation; chartImplementation = chartProps => ( <ReleaseSeries utc={utc} period={period} start={start} end={end} projects={projects} environments={environments} emphasizeReleases={emphasizeReleases} preserveQueryParams={preserveReleaseQueryParams} queryExtra={releaseQueryExtra} > {({releaseSeries}) => previousChart({...chartProps, releaseSeries})} </ReleaseSeries> ); } return ( <ChartZoom router={router} period={period} start={start} end={end} utc={utc} usePageDate={usePageZoom} {...props} > {zoomRenderProps => { if (chartComponent === WorldMapChart) { return ( <EventsGeoRequest api={api} organization={organization} yAxis={yAxis} query={query} orderby={orderby} projects={projects} period={period} start={start} end={end} environments={environments} referrer={props.referrer} > {({errored, loading, reloading, tableData}) => chartImplementation({ errored, loading, reloading, zoomRenderProps, tableData, }) } </EventsGeoRequest> ); } return ( <EventsRequest {...props} api={api} organization={organization} period={period} project={projects} environment={environments} start={start} end={end} interval={intervalVal} query={query} includePrevious={includePrevious} currentSeriesNames={currentSeriesNames} previousSeriesNames={previousSeriesNames} yAxis={yAxis} field={field} orderby={orderby} topEvents={topEvents} confirmedQuery={confirmedQuery} partial // Cannot do interpolation when stacking series withoutZerofill={withoutZerofill && !this.isStacked()} > {eventData => { return chartImplementation({ ...eventData, zoomRenderProps, }); }} </EventsRequest> ); }} </ChartZoom> ); } } export default EventsChart;