import type React from 'react'; import { Fragment, useCallback, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useReducer, useRef, useState, } from 'react'; import {flushSync} from 'react-dom'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import * as qs from 'query-string'; import {addSuccessMessage} from 'sentry/actionCreators/indicator'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space'; import type {EventTransaction} from 'sentry/types/event'; import type {Organization} from 'sentry/types/organization'; import type {Project} from 'sentry/types/project'; import {trackAnalytics} from 'sentry/utils/analytics'; import {browserHistory} from 'sentry/utils/browserHistory'; import type EventView from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import type {TraceSplitResults} from 'sentry/utils/performance/quickTrace/types'; import { cancelAnimationTimeout, requestAnimationTimeout, } from 'sentry/utils/profiling/hooks/useVirtualizedTree/virtualizedTreeUtils'; import type {UseApiQueryResult} from 'sentry/utils/queryClient'; import type RequestError from 'sentry/utils/requestError/requestError'; import {capitalize} from 'sentry/utils/string/capitalize'; import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi'; import type {DispatchingReducerMiddleware} from 'sentry/utils/useDispatchingReducer'; import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization'; import usePageFilters from 'sentry/utils/usePageFilters'; import useProjects from 'sentry/utils/useProjects'; import {TraceTree} from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceModels/traceTree'; import {useDividerResizeSync} from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/useDividerResizeSync'; import {useHasTraceNewUi} from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/useHasTraceNewUi'; import {useTraceSpaceListeners} from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/useTraceSpaceListeners'; import type {ReplayTrace} from 'sentry/views/replays/detail/trace/useReplayTraces'; import type {ReplayRecord} from 'sentry/views/replays/types'; import type {TraceMetaQueryResults} from './traceApi/useTraceMeta'; import {TraceDrawer} from './traceDrawer/traceDrawer'; import type {TraceTreeNode} from './traceModels/traceTreeNode'; import {TraceScheduler} from './traceRenderers/traceScheduler'; import {TraceView as TraceViewModel} from './traceRenderers/traceView'; import { type ViewManagerScrollAnchor, VirtualizedViewManager, } from './traceRenderers/virtualizedViewManager'; import { searchInTraceTreeText, searchInTraceTreeTokens, } from './traceSearch/traceSearchEvaluator'; import {TraceSearchInput} from './traceSearch/traceSearchInput'; import {parseTraceSearch} from './traceSearch/traceTokenConverter'; import { useTraceState, useTraceStateDispatch, useTraceStateEmitter, } from './traceState/traceStateProvider'; import {usePerformanceSubscriptionDetails} from './traceTypeWarnings/usePerformanceSubscriptionDetails'; import {Trace} from './trace'; import TraceActionsMenu from './traceActionsMenu'; import {traceAnalytics, type TraceWaterFallSource} from './traceAnalytics'; import { isAutogroupedNode, isParentAutogroupedNode, isSiblingAutogroupedNode, isTraceNode, } from './traceGuards'; import {TracePreferencesDropdown} from './tracePreferencesDropdown'; import {TraceResetZoomButton} from './traceResetZoomButton'; import {TraceShortcuts} from './traceShortcutsModal'; import type {TraceReducer, TraceReducerState} from './traceState'; import { traceNodeAdjacentAnalyticsProperties, traceNodeAnalyticsName, } from './traceTreeAnalytics'; import TraceTypeWarnings from './traceTypeWarnings'; import {TraceWaterfallState} from './traceWaterfallState'; import {useTraceOnLoad} from './useTraceOnLoad'; import {useTraceQueryParamStateSync} from './useTraceQueryParamStateSync'; import {useTraceScrollToPath} from './useTraceScrollToPath'; import {useTraceTimelineChangeSync} from './useTraceTimelineChangeSync'; const TRACE_TAB: TraceReducerState['tabs']['tabs'][0] = { node: 'trace', label: t('Trace'), }; const VITALS_TAB: TraceReducerState['tabs']['tabs'][0] = { node: 'vitals', label: t('Vitals'), }; export interface TraceWaterfallProps { meta: TraceMetaQueryResults; organization: Organization; replay: ReplayRecord | null; rootEvent: UseApiQueryResult; source: string; trace: UseApiQueryResult, RequestError>; traceEventView: EventView; traceSlug: string | undefined; tree: TraceTree; replayTraces?: ReplayTrace[]; } export function TraceWaterfall(props: TraceWaterfallProps) { const api = useApi(); const filters = usePageFilters(); const {projects} = useProjects(); const organization = useOrganization(); const traceState = useTraceState(); const traceDispatch = useTraceStateDispatch(); const traceStateEmitter = useTraceStateEmitter(); const hasTraceNewUi = useHasTraceNewUi(); const [forceRender, rerender] = useReducer(x => (x + 1) % Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 0); const traceView = useMemo(() => new TraceViewModel(), []); const traceScheduler = useMemo(() => new TraceScheduler(), []); const projectsRef = useRef(projects); projectsRef.current = projects; const scrollQueueRef = useTraceScrollToPath(undefined); const forceRerender = useCallback(() => { flushSync(rerender); }, []); useEffect(() => { trackAnalytics('performance_views.trace_view_v1_page_load', { organization: props.organization, source: props.source, }); }, [props.organization, props.source]); const previouslyFocusedNodeRef = useRef | null>( null ); const previouslyScrolledToNodeRef = useRef | null>( null ); useEffect(() => { if (!props.replayTraces?.length || props.tree?.type !== 'trace') { return undefined; } const cleanup = props.tree.fetchAdditionalTraces({ api, filters, replayTraces: props.replayTraces, organization: props.organization, urlParams: qs.parse(, rerender: forceRerender, meta: props.meta, }); return () => cleanup(); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [props.tree, props.replayTraces]); // Assign the trace state to a ref so we can access it without re-rendering const traceStateRef = useRef(traceState); traceStateRef.current = traceState; const traceStatePreferencesRef = useRef< Pick >(traceState.preferences); traceStatePreferencesRef.current = traceState.preferences; // Initialize the view manager right after the state reducer const viewManager = useMemo(() => { return new VirtualizedViewManager( { list: {width: traceState.preferences.list.width}, span_list: {width: 1 - traceState.preferences.list.width}, }, traceScheduler, traceView ); // We only care about initial state when we initialize the view manager // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); // Initialize the tabs reducer when the tree initializes useLayoutEffect(() => { return traceDispatch({ type: 'set roving count', items: props.tree.list.length - 1, }); }, [props.tree.list.length, traceDispatch]); // Initialize the tabs reducer when the tree initializes useLayoutEffect(() => { if (props.tree.type !== 'trace') { return; } // New trace UI has the trace info and web vitalsin the bottom drawer const newTabs = hasTraceNewUi ? [] : [TRACE_TAB]; if (props.tree.vitals.size > 0 && !hasTraceNewUi) { const types = Array.from(props.tree.vital_types.values()); const label = types.length > 1 ? t('Vitals') : capitalize(types[0]!) + ' Vitals'; newTabs.push({ ...VITALS_TAB, label, }); } if (props.tree.profiled_events.size > 0) { newTabs.push({ node: 'profiles', label: 'Profiles', }); } traceDispatch({ type: 'initialize tabs reducer', payload: { current_tab: traceStateRef?.current?.tabs?.tabs?.[0] ?? null, tabs: newTabs, last_clicked_tab: null, }, }); // We only want to update the tabs when the tree changes // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [props.tree]); const searchingRaf = useRef<{id: number | null} | null>(null); const onTraceSearch = useCallback( ( query: string, activeNode: TraceTreeNode | null, behavior: 'track result' | 'persist' ) => { if (searchingRaf.current?.id) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(; searchingRaf.current = null; } // @ts-expect-error TS(7031): Binding element 'matches' implicitly has an 'any' ... Remove this comment to see the full error message function done([matches, lookup, activeNodeSearchResult]) { // If the previous node is still in the results set, we want to keep it if (activeNodeSearchResult) { traceDispatch({ type: 'set results', results: matches, resultsLookup: lookup, resultIteratorIndex: activeNodeSearchResult?.resultIteratorIndex, resultIndex: activeNodeSearchResult?.resultIndex, previousNode: activeNodeSearchResult, node: activeNode, }); return; } if (activeNode && behavior === 'persist') { traceDispatch({ type: 'set results', results: matches, resultsLookup: lookup, resultIteratorIndex: undefined, resultIndex: undefined, previousNode: null, node: activeNode, }); return; } const resultIndex: number | undefined = matches?.[0]?.index; const resultIteratorIndex: number | undefined = matches?.[0] ? 0 : undefined; const node: TraceTreeNode | null = matches?.[0]?.value; traceDispatch({ type: 'set results', results: matches, resultsLookup: lookup, resultIteratorIndex, resultIndex, previousNode: activeNodeSearchResult, node, }); } const tokens = parseTraceSearch(query); if (tokens) { searchingRaf.current = searchInTraceTreeTokens( props.tree, tokens, activeNode, done ); } else { searchingRaf.current = searchInTraceTreeText(props.tree, query, activeNode, done); } }, [traceDispatch, props.tree] ); // We need to heavily debounce query string updates because the rest of the app is so slow // to rerender that it causes the search to drop frames on every keystroke... const QUERY_STRING_STATE_DEBOUNCE = 300; const queryStringAnimationTimeoutRef = useRef<{id: number} | null>(null); const setRowAsFocused = useCallback( ( node: TraceTreeNode | null, event: React.MouseEvent | null, resultsLookup: Map, number>, index: number | null, debounce: number = QUERY_STRING_STATE_DEBOUNCE ) => { // sync query string with the clicked node if (node) { // The new ui has the trace info and web vitals in the bottom drawer and // we don't treat the trace node as a clickable node if (isTraceNode(node) && hasTraceNewUi) { return; } if (queryStringAnimationTimeoutRef.current) { cancelAnimationTimeout(queryStringAnimationTimeoutRef.current); } queryStringAnimationTimeoutRef.current = requestAnimationTimeout(() => { const currentQueryStringPath = qs.parse(; const nextNodePath = TraceTree.PathToNode(node); // Updating the query string with the same path is problematic because it causes // the entire sentry app to rerender, which is enough to cause jank and drop frames if (JSON.stringify(currentQueryStringPath) === JSON.stringify(nextNodePath)) { return; } const {eventId: _eventId, ...query} = qs.parse(; browserHistory.replace({ pathname: location.pathname, query: { ...query, node: nextNodePath, }, }); queryStringAnimationTimeoutRef.current = null; }, debounce); if (resultsLookup.has(node) && typeof index === 'number') { traceDispatch({ type: 'set search iterator index', resultIndex: index, resultIteratorIndex: resultsLookup.get(node)!, }); } if (isTraceNode(node)) { traceDispatch({type: 'activate tab', payload: TRACE_TAB.node}); return; } traceDispatch({ type: 'activate tab', payload: node, pin_previous: event?.metaKey, }); } }, [traceDispatch, hasTraceNewUi] ); const onRowClick = useCallback( ( node: TraceTreeNode, event: React.MouseEvent, index: number ) => { // The new ui has the trace info and web vitals in the bottom drawer and // we don't treat the trace node as a clickable node if (isTraceNode(node) && hasTraceNewUi) { traceDispatch({ type: 'set roving index', action_source: 'click', index, node, }); return; } trackAnalytics('trace.trace_layout.span_row_click', { organization, num_children: node.children.length, type: traceNodeAnalyticsName(node), project_platform: projects.find(p => p.slug === node.metadata.project_slug)?.platform || 'other', ...traceNodeAdjacentAnalyticsProperties(node), }); if (traceStateRef.current.preferences.drawer.minimized) { traceDispatch({type: 'minimize drawer', payload: false}); } setRowAsFocused(node, event,, null, 0); if ( { const idx =!; traceDispatch({ type: 'set search iterator index', resultIndex: index, resultIteratorIndex: idx, }); } else if ( !== null) { traceDispatch({type: 'clear search iterator index'}); } traceDispatch({ type: 'set roving index', action_source: 'click', index, node, }); }, [setRowAsFocused, traceDispatch, organization, projects, hasTraceNewUi] ); const scrollRowIntoView = useCallback( ( node: TraceTreeNode, index: number, anchor?: ViewManagerScrollAnchor, force?: boolean ) => { // Last node we scrolled to is the same as the node we want to scroll to if (previouslyScrolledToNodeRef.current === node && !force) { return; } // Always scroll to the row vertically viewManager.scrollToRow(index, anchor); if (viewManager.isOutsideOfView(node)) { viewManager.scrollRowIntoViewHorizontally(node, 0, 48, 'measured'); } previouslyScrolledToNodeRef.current = node; }, [viewManager] ); const onScrollToNode = useCallback( ( node: TraceTreeNode ): Promise | null> => { return TraceTree.ExpandToPath(props.tree, TraceTree.PathToNode(node), { api, organization: props.organization, preferences: traceStatePreferencesRef.current, }).then(() => { const maybeNode = TraceTree.Find(props.tree.root, n => n === node); if (!maybeNode) { return null; } const index = TraceTree.EnforceVisibility(props.tree, maybeNode); if (index === -1) { return null; } scrollRowIntoView(maybeNode, index, 'center if outside', true); traceDispatch({ type: 'set roving index', node: maybeNode, index, action_source: 'click', }); if ( { traceDispatch({ type: 'set search iterator index', resultIndex: index, resultIteratorIndex:!, }); } else if ( !== null) { traceDispatch({type: 'clear search iterator index'}); } return maybeNode; }); }, [api, props.organization, scrollRowIntoView, props.tree, traceDispatch] ); const onTabScrollToNode = useCallback( ( node: TraceTreeNode ): Promise | null> => { return onScrollToNode(node).then(maybeNode => { if (maybeNode) { setRowAsFocused( maybeNode, null,, null, 0 ); } return maybeNode; }); }, [onScrollToNode, setRowAsFocused] ); const { data: {hasExceededPerformanceUsageLimit}, isLoading: isLoadingSubscriptionDetails, } = usePerformanceSubscriptionDetails(); const source: TraceWaterFallSource = props.replay ? 'replay_details' : 'trace_view'; // Callback that is invoked when the trace loads and reaches its initialied state, // that is when the trace tree data and any data that the trace depends on is loaded, // but the trace is not yet rendered in the view. const onTraceLoad = useCallback(() => { if (!isLoadingSubscriptionDetails) { traceAnalytics.trackTraceShape( props.tree, projectsRef.current, props.organization, hasExceededPerformanceUsageLimit, source ); } // The tree has the data fetched, but does not yet respect the user preferences. // We will autogroup and inject missing instrumentation if the preferences are set. // and then we will perform a search to find the node the user is interested in. const query = qs.parse(; if (query.fov && typeof query.fov === 'string') { viewManager.maybeInitializeTraceViewFromQS(query.fov); } if (traceStateRef.current.preferences.missing_instrumentation) { TraceTree.DetectMissingInstrumentation(props.tree.root); } if (traceStateRef.current.preferences.autogroup.sibling) { TraceTree.AutogroupSiblingSpanNodes(props.tree.root); } if (traceStateRef.current.preferences.autogroup.parent) { TraceTree.AutogroupDirectChildrenSpanNodes(props.tree.root); } // Construct the visual representation of the tree; const eventId = scrollQueueRef.current?.eventId; const [type, path] = scrollQueueRef.current?.path?.[0]?.split('-') ?? []; scrollQueueRef.current = null; let node = (path === 'root' && props.tree.root.children[0]) || (path && TraceTree.FindByID(props.tree.root, path)) || (eventId && TraceTree.FindByID(props.tree.root, eventId)) || null; // If the node points to a span, but we found an autogrouped node, then // perform another search inside the autogrouped node to find the more detailed // location of the span. This is necessary because the id of the autogrouped node // is in some cases inferred from the spans it contains and searching by the span id // just gives us the first match which may not be the one the user is looking for. if (node) { if (isAutogroupedNode(node) && type !== 'ag') { if (isParentAutogroupedNode(node)) { node = TraceTree.FindByID(node.head, eventId ?? path!) ?? node; } else if (isSiblingAutogroupedNode(node)) { node = node.children.find(n => TraceTree.FindByID(n, eventId ?? path!)) ?? node; } } } const index = node ? TraceTree.EnforceVisibility(props.tree, node) : -1; if ( { onTraceSearch(, node, 'persist'); } if (index === -1 || !node) { const hasScrollComponent = !!(path || eventId); if (hasScrollComponent) { Sentry.withScope(scope => { scope.setFingerprint(['trace-view-scroll-to-node-error']); scope.captureMessage('Failed to scroll to node in trace tree'); }); } return; } // At load time, we want to scroll the row into view, but we need to wait for the view // to initialize before we can do that. We listen for the 'initialize virtualized list' and scroll // to the row in the view if it is not in view yet. If its in the view, then scroll to it immediately. traceScheduler.once('initialize virtualized list', () => { function onTargetRowMeasure() { if (!node || !viewManager.row_measurer.cache.has(node)) { return; }'row measure end', onTargetRowMeasure); if (viewManager.isOutsideOfView(node)) { viewManager.scrollRowIntoViewHorizontally(node, 0, 48, 'measured'); } } viewManager.scrollToRow(index, 'center'); viewManager.row_measurer.on('row measure end', onTargetRowMeasure); previouslyScrolledToNodeRef.current = node; setRowAsFocused(node, null,, index); traceDispatch({ type: 'set roving index', node, index, action_source: 'load', }); }); }, [ setRowAsFocused, traceDispatch, onTraceSearch, viewManager, traceScheduler, scrollQueueRef, props.tree, props.organization, isLoadingSubscriptionDetails, hasExceededPerformanceUsageLimit, source, ]); // Setup the middleware for the trace reducer useLayoutEffect(() => { const beforeTraceNextStateDispatch: DispatchingReducerMiddleware< typeof TraceReducer >['before next state'] = (prevState, nextState, action) => { // This effect is responsible fo syncing the keyboard interactions with the search results, // we observe the changes to the roving tab index and search results and react by syncing the state. const {node: nextRovingNode, index: nextRovingTabIndex} = nextState.rovingTabIndex; const {resultIndex: nextSearchResultIndex} =; if ( nextRovingNode && action.type === 'set roving index' && action.action_source !== 'click' && typeof nextRovingTabIndex === 'number' && prevState.rovingTabIndex.node !== nextRovingNode ) { // When the roving tabIndex updates mark the node as focused and sync search results setRowAsFocused( nextRovingNode, null,, nextRovingTabIndex ); if (action.type === 'set roving index' && action.action_source === 'keyboard') { scrollRowIntoView(nextRovingNode, nextRovingTabIndex, undefined); } if ( { const idx =!; traceDispatch({ type: 'set search iterator index', resultIndex: nextRovingTabIndex, resultIteratorIndex: idx, }); } else if ( !== null) { traceDispatch({type: 'clear search iterator index'}); } } else if ( typeof nextSearchResultIndex === 'number' && !== nextSearchResultIndex && action.type !== 'set search iterator index' ) { // If the search result index changes, mark the node as focused and scroll it into view const nextNode = props.tree.list[nextSearchResultIndex]!; setRowAsFocused( nextNode, null,, nextSearchResultIndex ); scrollRowIntoView(nextNode, nextSearchResultIndex, 'center if outside'); } }; traceStateEmitter.on('before next state', beforeTraceNextStateDispatch); return () => {'before next state', beforeTraceNextStateDispatch); }; }, [ props.tree, onTraceSearch, traceStateEmitter, traceDispatch, setRowAsFocused, scrollRowIntoView, ]); const [traceGridRef, setTraceGridRef] = useState(null); // Memoized because it requires tree traversal const shape = useMemo(() => props.tree.shape, [props.tree]); useTraceTimelineChangeSync({ tree: props.tree, traceScheduler, }); useTraceSpaceListeners({ view: traceView, viewManager, traceScheduler, }); useDividerResizeSync(traceScheduler); const onLoadScrollStatus = useTraceOnLoad({ onTraceLoad, pathToNodeOrEventId: scrollQueueRef.current, tree: props.tree, }); // Sync part of the state with the URL const traceQueryStateSync = useMemo(() => { return {search:}; }, []); useTraceQueryParamStateSync(traceQueryStateSync); const onAutogroupChange = useCallback(() => { const value = !traceState.preferences.autogroup.parent; if (!value) { let removeCount = 0; removeCount += TraceTree.RemoveSiblingAutogroupNodes(props.tree.root); removeCount += TraceTree.RemoveDirectChildrenAutogroupNodes(props.tree.root); addSuccessMessage( removeCount > 0 ? tct('Autogrouping disabled, removed [count] autogroup spans', { count: removeCount, }) : t('Autogrouping disabled') ); } else { let autogroupCount = 0; autogroupCount += TraceTree.AutogroupSiblingSpanNodes(props.tree.root); autogroupCount += TraceTree.AutogroupDirectChildrenSpanNodes(props.tree.root); addSuccessMessage( autogroupCount > 0 ? tct('Autogrouping enabled, detected [count] autogrouping spans', { count: autogroupCount, }) : t('Autogrouping enabled') ); } traceAnalytics.trackAutogroupingPreferenceChange(props.organization, value); props.tree.rebuild(); traceDispatch({ type: 'set autogrouping', payload: value, }); }, [traceDispatch, traceState.preferences.autogroup, props.tree, props.organization]); const onMissingInstrumentationChange = useCallback(() => { const value = !traceState.preferences.missing_instrumentation; if (!value) { const removeCount = TraceTree.RemoveMissingInstrumentationNodes(props.tree.root); addSuccessMessage( removeCount > 0 ? tct( 'Missing instrumentation disabled, removed [count] missing instrumentation spans', { count: removeCount, } ) : t('Missing instrumentation disabled') ); } else { const missingInstrumentationCount = TraceTree.DetectMissingInstrumentation( props.tree.root ); addSuccessMessage( missingInstrumentationCount > 0 ? tct( 'Missing instrumentation enabled, found [count] missing instrumentation spans', { count: missingInstrumentationCount, } ) : t('Missing instrumentation enabled') ); } traceAnalytics.trackMissingInstrumentationPreferenceChange(props.organization, value); props.tree.rebuild(); traceDispatch({ type: 'set missing instrumentation', payload: value, }); }, [ traceDispatch, traceState.preferences.missing_instrumentation, props.tree, props.organization, ]); return ( {props.tree.type === 'loading' || onLoadScrollStatus === 'pending' ? ( ) : props.tree.type === 'error' ? ( ) : props.tree.type === 'empty' ? ( ) : null} ); } const TraceToolbar = styled('div')` flex-grow: 0; display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr min-content min-content min-content; gap: ${space(1)}; `; export const TraceGrid = styled('div')<{ layout: 'drawer bottom' | 'drawer left' | 'drawer right'; hideBottomBorder?: boolean; }>` --info: ${p => p.theme.purple400}; --warning: ${p => p.theme.yellow300}; --debug: ${p => p.theme.blue300}; --error: ${p => p.theme.error}; --fatal: ${p => p.theme.error}; --default: ${p => p.theme.gray300}; --unknown: ${p => p.theme.gray300}; --profile: ${p => p.theme.purple300}; --autogrouped: ${p => p.theme.blue300}; --performance-issue: ${p => p.theme.blue300}; background-color: ${p => p.theme.background}; border: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.border}; flex: 1 1 100%; display: grid; overflow: hidden; position: relative; /* false positive for grid layout */ /* stylelint-disable */ grid-template-areas: ${p => p.layout === 'drawer bottom' ? ` 'trace' 'drawer' ` : p.layout === 'drawer left' ? `'drawer trace'` : `'trace drawer'`}; grid-template-columns: ${p => p.layout === 'drawer bottom' ? '1fr' : p.layout === 'drawer left' ? 'min-content 1fr' : '1fr min-content'}; grid-template-rows: 1fr auto; ${p => p.hideBottomBorder ? `border-radius: ${p.theme.borderRadius} ${p.theme.borderRadius} 0 0;` : `border-radius: ${p.theme.borderRadius};`} ${p => (p.hideBottomBorder ? 'border-bottom: none;' : '')} `;