import React from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import Button from 'app/components/button'; import ExternalLink from 'app/components/links/externalLink'; import Link from 'app/components/links/link'; import Tooltip from 'app/components/tooltip'; import {IconClose, IconOpen} from 'app/icons'; import {t} from 'app/locale'; import space from 'app/styles/space'; import {defined} from 'app/utils'; import theme, {Color, Theme} from 'app/utils/theme'; const TAG_HEIGHT = '20px'; type Props = React.HTMLAttributes & { /** * Dictates color scheme of the tag. */ type?: keyof Theme['tag']; /** * Icon on the left side. */ icon?: React.ReactNode; /** * Text to show up on a hover. */ tooltipText?: React.ComponentProps['title']; /** * Makes the tag clickable. Use for internal links handled by react router. * If no icon is passed, it defaults to IconOpen (can be removed by passing icon={null}) */ to?: React.ComponentProps['to']; /** * Triggered when the item is clicked */ onClick?: (eventKey: any) => void; /** * Makes the tag clickable. Use for external links. * If no icon is passed, it defaults to IconOpen (can be removed by passing icon={null}) */ href?: string; /** * Shows clickable IconClose on the right side. */ onDismiss?: () => void; /** * Max width of the tag's text */ textMaxWidth?: number; }; function Tag({ type = 'default', icon, tooltipText, to, onClick, href, onDismiss, children, textMaxWidth = 150, ...props }: Props) { const iconsProps = { size: '11px', color: theme.tag[type].iconColor as Color, }; const tag = ( {tagIcon()} {children} {defined(onDismiss) && ( )} ); function handleDismiss(event: React.MouseEvent) { event.preventDefault(); onDismiss?.(); } function tagIcon() { if (React.isValidElement(icon)) { return {React.cloneElement(icon, {...iconsProps})}; } if ((defined(href) || defined(to)) && icon === undefined) { return ( ); } return null; } function tagWithParent() { if (defined(href)) { return {tag}; } if (defined(to) && defined(onClick)) { return ( {tag} ); } else if (defined(to)) { return {tag}; } return tag; } return {tagWithParent()}; } const TagWrapper = styled('span')` font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeSmall}; `; export const Background = styled('div')<{type: keyof Theme['tag']}>` display: inline-flex; align-items: center; height: ${TAG_HEIGHT}; border-radius: ${TAG_HEIGHT}; background-color: ${p => p.theme.tag[p.type].background}; padding: 0 ${space(1)}; `; const IconWrapper = styled('span')` margin-right: ${space(0.5)}; display: inline-flex; `; const Text = styled('span')<{maxWidth: number; type: keyof Theme['tag']}>` color: ${p => (['black', 'focus'].includes(p.type) ? p.theme.white : p.theme.gray500)}; max-width: ${p => p.maxWidth}px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; line-height: ${TAG_HEIGHT}; `; const DismissButton = styled(Button)` margin-left: ${space(0.5)}; border: none; `; export default Tag;