import React from 'react'; import {shallow} from 'enzyme'; import {HighlightComponent} from 'app/components/highlight'; describe('Highlight', function() { it('highlights text', function() { // shallow because `mount` and React Fragments don't work when accessing children // it will only return first child const wrapper = shallow(, TestStubs.routerContext() ); expect( wrapper .children() .at(0) .text() ).toBe('b'); expect(wrapper.find('span').text()).toBe('ill'); expect( wrapper .children() .at(2) .text() ).toBe(''); }); it('does not have highlighted text if `text` prop is not found in main text', function() { // shallow because `mount` and React Fragments don't work when accessing children // it will only return first child const wrapper = shallow(, TestStubs.routerContext() ); expect(wrapper.text()).toBe(''); }); it('does not have highlighted text if `text` prop is empty', function() { // shallow because `mount` and React Fragments don't work when accessing children // it will only return first child const wrapper = shallow(, TestStubs.routerContext() ); expect(wrapper.text()).toBe(''); }); it('does not have highlighted text if `disabled` prop is true', function() { // shallow because `mount` and React Fragments don't work when accessing children // it will only return first child const wrapper = shallow(, TestStubs.routerContext() ); expect(wrapper.text()).toBe(''); }); });