import {Component, Fragment} from 'react'; import {browserHistory} from 'react-router'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import {Location} from 'history'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import * as qs from 'query-string'; import {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import GuideAnchor from 'sentry/components/assistant/guideAnchor'; import {Button} from 'sentry/components/button'; import ButtonBar, {ButtonGrid} from 'sentry/components/buttonBar'; import GroupList from 'sentry/components/issues/groupList'; import Pagination from 'sentry/components/pagination'; import QueryCount from 'sentry/components/queryCount'; import {SegmentedControl} from 'sentry/components/segmentedControl'; import {DEFAULT_RELATIVE_PERIODS} from 'sentry/constants'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space'; import {Organization} from 'sentry/types'; import {MutableSearch} from 'sentry/utils/tokenizeSearch'; import withApi from 'sentry/utils/withApi'; import withOrganization from 'sentry/utils/withOrganization'; import {IssueSortOptions} from 'sentry/views/issueList/utils'; import {getReleaseParams, ReleaseBounds} from '../../utils'; import EmptyState from '../commitsAndFiles/emptyState'; enum IssuesType { NEW = 'new', UNHANDLED = 'unhandled', REGRESSED = 'regressed', RESOLVED = 'resolved', ALL = 'all', } const issuesQuery: Record = { [IssuesType.NEW]: 'first-release', [IssuesType.UNHANDLED]: 'error.handled:0', [IssuesType.REGRESSED]: 'regressed_in_release', [IssuesType.RESOLVED]: 'is:resolved', [IssuesType.ALL]: 'release', }; type IssuesQueryParams = { limit: number; query: string; sort: string; }; const defaultProps = { withChart: false, }; type Props = { api: Client; location: Location; organization: Organization; releaseBounds: ReleaseBounds; version: string; queryFilterDescription?: string; } & Partial; type State = { count: { all: number | null; new: number | null; regressed: number | null; resolved: number | null; unhandled: number | null; }; onCursor?: () => void; pageLinks?: string; }; class ReleaseIssues extends Component { static defaultProps = defaultProps; state: State = this.getInitialState(); getInitialState() { return { count: { new: null, all: null, resolved: null, unhandled: null, regressed: null, }, }; } componentDidMount() { this.fetchIssuesCount(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { if ( !isEqual( getReleaseParams({ location: this.props.location, releaseBounds: this.props.releaseBounds, }), getReleaseParams({ location: prevProps.location, releaseBounds: prevProps.releaseBounds, }) ) ) { this.fetchIssuesCount(); } } getActiveIssuesType(): IssuesType { const query = (this.props.location.query?.issuesType as string) ?? ''; return Object.values(IssuesType).includes(query) ? (query as IssuesType) : IssuesType.NEW; } getIssuesUrl() { const {version, organization} = this.props; const issuesType = this.getActiveIssuesType(); const {queryParams} = this.getIssuesEndpoint(); const query = new MutableSearch([]); switch (issuesType) { case IssuesType.NEW: query.setFilterValues('firstRelease', [version]); break; case IssuesType.UNHANDLED: query.setFilterValues('release', [version]); query.setFilterValues('error.handled', ['0']); break; case IssuesType.REGRESSED: query.setFilterValues('regressed_in_release', [version]); break; case IssuesType.RESOLVED: case IssuesType.ALL: default: query.setFilterValues('release', [version]); } return { pathname: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/issues/`, query: { ...queryParams, limit: undefined, cursor: undefined, query: query.formatString(), }, }; } getIssuesEndpoint(): {path: string; queryParams: IssuesQueryParams} { const {version, organization, location, releaseBounds} = this.props; const issuesType = this.getActiveIssuesType(); const queryParams = { ...getReleaseParams({ location, releaseBounds, }), limit: 10, sort: IssueSortOptions.FREQ, groupStatsPeriod: 'auto', }; switch (issuesType) { case IssuesType.ALL: return { path: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/issues/`, queryParams: { ...queryParams, query: new MutableSearch([ `${issuesQuery.all}:${version}`, 'is:unresolved', ]).formatString(), }, }; case IssuesType.RESOLVED: return { path: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/releases/${encodeURIComponent( version )}/resolved/`, queryParams: {...queryParams, query: ''}, }; case IssuesType.UNHANDLED: return { path: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/issues/`, queryParams: { ...queryParams, query: new MutableSearch([ `${issuesQuery.all}:${version}`, issuesQuery.unhandled, 'is:unresolved', ]).formatString(), }, }; case IssuesType.REGRESSED: return { path: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/issues/`, queryParams: { ...queryParams, query: new MutableSearch([ `${issuesQuery.regressed}:${version}`, ]).formatString(), }, }; case IssuesType.NEW: default: return { path: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/issues/`, queryParams: { ...queryParams, query: new MutableSearch([ `${}:${version}`, 'is:unresolved', ]).formatString(), }, }; } } async fetchIssuesCount() { const {api, organization, version} = this.props; const issueCountEndpoint = this.getIssueCountEndpoint(); const resolvedEndpoint = `/organizations/${ organization.slug }/releases/${encodeURIComponent(version)}/resolved/`; try { await Promise.all([ api.requestPromise(issueCountEndpoint), api.requestPromise(resolvedEndpoint), ]).then(([issueResponse, resolvedResponse]) => { this.setState({ count: { all: issueResponse[`${issuesQuery.all}:"${version}" is:unresolved`] || 0, new: issueResponse[`${}:"${version}" is:unresolved`] || 0, resolved: resolvedResponse.length, unhandled: issueResponse[ `${issuesQuery.unhandled} ${issuesQuery.all}:"${version}" is:unresolved` ] || 0, regressed: issueResponse[`${issuesQuery.regressed}:"${version}"`] || 0, }, }); }); } catch { // do nothing } } getIssueCountEndpoint() { const {organization, version, location, releaseBounds} = this.props; const issuesCountPath = `/organizations/${organization.slug}/issues-count/`; const params = [ `${}:"${version}" is:unresolved`, `${issuesQuery.all}:"${version}" is:unresolved`, `${issuesQuery.unhandled} ${issuesQuery.all}:"${version}" is:unresolved`, `${issuesQuery.regressed}:"${version}"`, ]; const queryParams = => param); const queryParameters = { ...getReleaseParams({ location, releaseBounds, }), query: queryParams, }; return `${issuesCountPath}?${qs.stringify(queryParameters)}`; } handleIssuesTypeSelection = (issuesType: IssuesType) => { const {location} = this.props; browserHistory.replace({ ...location, query: { ...location.query, issuesType, }, }); }; handleFetchSuccess = (groupListState, onCursor) => { this.setState({pageLinks: groupListState.pageLinks, onCursor}); }; renderEmptyMessage = () => { const {location, releaseBounds} = this.props; const issuesType = this.getActiveIssuesType(); const isEntireReleasePeriod = !location.query.pageStatsPeriod && !location.query.pageStart; const {statsPeriod} = getReleaseParams({ location, releaseBounds, }); const selectedTimePeriod = statsPeriod ? DEFAULT_RELATIVE_PERIODS[statsPeriod] : null; const displayedPeriod = selectedTimePeriod ? selectedTimePeriod.toLowerCase() : t('given timeframe'); return ( {issuesType === IssuesType.NEW ? isEntireReleasePeriod ? t('No new issues in this release.') : tct('No new issues for the [timePeriod].', { timePeriod: displayedPeriod, }) : null} {issuesType === IssuesType.UNHANDLED ? isEntireReleasePeriod ? t('No unhandled issues in this release.') : tct('No unhandled issues for the [timePeriod].', { timePeriod: displayedPeriod, }) : null} {issuesType === IssuesType.REGRESSED ? isEntireReleasePeriod ? t('No regressed issues in this release.') : tct('No regressed issues for the [timePeriod].', { timePeriod: displayedPeriod, }) : null} {issuesType === IssuesType.RESOLVED && t('No resolved issues in this release.')} {issuesType === IssuesType.ALL ? isEntireReleasePeriod ? t('No issues in this release') : tct('No issues for the [timePeriod].', { timePeriod: displayedPeriod, }) : null} ); }; render() { const {count, pageLinks, onCursor} = this.state; const issuesType = this.getActiveIssuesType(); const {organization, queryFilterDescription, withChart, version} = this.props; const {path, queryParams} = this.getIssuesEndpoint(); const issuesTypes = [ {value: IssuesType.ALL, label: t('All Issues'), issueCount: count.all}, {value: IssuesType.NEW, label: t('New Issues'), issueCount:}, { value: IssuesType.UNHANDLED, label: t('Unhandled'), issueCount: count.unhandled, }, { value: IssuesType.REGRESSED, label: t('Regressed'), issueCount: count.regressed, }, { value: IssuesType.RESOLVED, label: t('Resolved'), issueCount: count.resolved, }, ]; return ( this.handleIssuesTypeSelection(key)} > {{value, label, issueCount}) => ( {label}  ))}
); } } const ControlsWrapper = styled('div')` display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; @media (max-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints.small}) { display: block; ${ButtonGrid} { overflow: auto; } } `; const OpenInButtonBar = styled(ButtonBar)` margin: ${space(1)} 0; `; const StyledPagination = styled(Pagination)` margin: 0; `; export default withApi(withOrganization(ReleaseIssues));