[tool:pytest] python_files = test*.py # Note: When updating pytest tweaks, make sure to update getsentry # When updating the traceback format, make sure to update .github/pytest.json addopts = --tb=short -p no:doctest -p no:warnings norecursedirs = bin dist docs htmlcov script hooks node_modules .* {args} looponfailroots = src tests selenium_driver = chrome self-contained-html = true markers = snuba: mark a test as requiring snuba [flake8] # E203 false positive, see https://github.com/PyCQA/pycodestyle/issues/373 # W605 false positive until python3.8: https://github.com/PyCQA/pycodestyle/issues/755 ignore = F999,E203,E501,E128,E124,E402,W503,W504,W605,E731,C901,B007,B306,B009,B010 exclude = .venv/.git,*/migrations/*,node_modules/*,src/sentry/static/sentry/vendor/*,docs/*,src/south/*,examples/* # XXX: E501 is ignored, which disables line length checking. # Currently, the black formatter doesn't wrap long strings: https://github.com/psf/black/issues/182#issuecomment-385325274 # We already have a lot of E501's - these are lines black didn't wrap. # But rather than append # noqa: E501 to all of them, we just ignore E501 for now. [bdist_wheel] python-tag = py27 [coverage:run] omit = src/sentry/migrations/* source = src tests