PIP := python -m pip --disable-pip-version-check WEBPACK := NODE_ENV=production yarn webpack # Currently, this is only required to install black via pre-commit. REQUIRED_PY3_VERSION := $(shell awk 'FNR == 2' .python-version) bootstrap: develop init-config run-dependent-services create-db apply-migrations build-platform-assets develop: ensure-pinned-pip setup-git install-js-dev install-py-dev clean: @echo "--> Cleaning static cache" rm -rf dist/* static/dist/* @echo "--> Cleaning integration docs cache" rm -rf src/sentry/integration-docs @echo "--> Cleaning pyc files" find . -name "*.pyc" -delete @echo "--> Cleaning python build artifacts" rm -rf build/ dist/ src/sentry/assets.json @echo "" init-config: ensure-venv sentry init --dev run-dependent-services: ensure-venv sentry devservices up DROPDB := $(shell command -v dropdb 2> /dev/null) ifndef DROPDB DROPDB = docker exec sentry_postgres dropdb endif CREATEDB := $(shell command -v createdb 2> /dev/null) ifndef CREATEDB CREATEDB = docker exec sentry_postgres createdb endif drop-db: @echo "--> Dropping existing 'sentry' database" $(DROPDB) -h -U postgres sentry || true create-db: @echo "--> Creating 'sentry' database" $(CREATEDB) -h -U postgres -E utf-8 sentry || true apply-migrations: ensure-venv @echo "--> Applying migrations" sentry upgrade reset-db: drop-db create-db apply-migrations setup-pyenv: @cat .python-version | xargs -n1 pyenv install --skip-existing ensure-venv: @./scripts/ensure-venv.sh ensure-pinned-pip: ensure-venv $(PIP) install --no-cache-dir --upgrade "pip>=20.0.2" setup-git-config: @git config --local branch.autosetuprebase always @git config --local core.ignorecase false @git config --local blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs setup-git: ensure-venv setup-git-config @echo "--> Installing git hooks" mkdir -p .git/hooks && cd .git/hooks && ln -sf ../../config/hooks/* ./ @PYENV_VERSION=$(REQUIRED_PY3_VERSION) python3 -c '' || (echo 'Please run `make setup-pyenv` to install the required Python 3 version.'; exit 1) $(PIP) install "pre-commit==1.18.2" "virtualenv==20.0.23" @PYENV_VERSION=$(REQUIRED_PY3_VERSION) pre-commit install --install-hooks @echo "" node-version-check: @# Checks to see if node's version matches the one specified in package.json for Volta. @node -pe "process.exit(Number(!(process.version == 'v' + require('./package.json').volta.node )))" || \ (echo 'Unexpected node version. Recommended to use https://github.com/volta-cli/volta'; exit 1) install-js-dev: node-version-check @echo "--> Installing Yarn packages (for development)" # Use NODE_ENV=development so that yarn installs both dependencies + devDependencies NODE_ENV=development yarn install --frozen-lockfile # A common problem is with node packages not existing in `node_modules` even though `yarn install` # says everything is up to date. Even though `yarn install` is run already, it doesn't take into # account the state of the current filesystem (it only checks .yarn-integrity). # Add an additional check against `node_modules` yarn check --verify-tree || yarn install --check-files install-py-dev: ensure-pinned-pip @echo "--> Installing Sentry (for development)" # SENTRY_LIGHT_BUILD=1 disables webpacking during setup.py. # Webpacked assets are only necessary for devserver (which does it lazily anyways) # and acceptance tests, which webpack automatically if run. SENTRY_LIGHT_BUILD=1 $(PIP) install -e ".[dev]" build-js-po: node-version-check mkdir -p build SENTRY_EXTRACT_TRANSLATIONS=1 $(WEBPACK) build: locale merge-locale-catalogs: build-js-po $(PIP) install Babel cd src/sentry && sentry django makemessages -i static -l en ./bin/merge-catalogs en compile-locale: ./bin/find-good-catalogs src/sentry/locale/catalogs.json cd src/sentry && sentry django compilemessages locale: merge-locale-catalogs compile-locale sync-transifex: merge-locale-catalogs $(PIP) install transifex-client tx push -s tx pull -a update-transifex: sync-transifex compile-locale build-platform-assets: @echo "--> Building platform assets" @echo "from sentry.utils.integrationdocs import sync_docs; sync_docs(quiet=True)" | sentry exec fetch-release-registry: @echo "--> Fetching release registry" @echo "from sentry.utils.distutils import sync_registry; sync_registry()" | sentry exec run-acceptance: @echo "--> Running acceptance tests" ifndef TEST_GROUP py.test tests/acceptance --cov . --cov-report="xml:.artifacts/acceptance.coverage.xml" --junit-xml=".artifacts/acceptance.junit.xml" --html=".artifacts/acceptance.pytest.html" --self-contained-html else py.test tests/acceptance -m group_$(TEST_GROUP) --cov . --cov-report="xml:.artifacts/acceptance.coverage.xml" --junit-xml=".artifacts/acceptance.junit.xml" --html=".artifacts/acceptance.pytest.html" --self-contained-html endif @echo "" test-cli: @echo "--> Testing CLI" rm -rf test_cli mkdir test_cli cd test_cli && sentry init test_conf cd test_cli && sentry --config=test_conf help cd test_cli && sentry --config=test_conf upgrade --traceback --noinput cd test_cli && sentry --config=test_conf export rm -r test_cli @echo "" test-js-build: node-version-check @echo "--> Running type check" @yarn run tsc -p config/tsconfig.build.json @echo "--> Building static assets" @$(WEBPACK) --profile --json > .artifacts/webpack-stats.json test-js: node-version-check @echo "--> Running JavaScript tests" @yarn run test @echo "" test-js-ci: node-version-check @echo "--> Running CI JavaScript tests" @yarn run test-ci @echo "" test-python: @echo "--> Running Python tests" # This gets called by getsentry ifndef TEST_GROUP py.test tests/integration tests/sentry else py.test tests/integration tests/sentry -m group_$(TEST_GROUP) endif test-python-ci: make build-platform-assets @echo "--> Running CI Python tests" ifndef TEST_GROUP py.test tests/integration tests/sentry --cov . --cov-report="xml:.artifacts/python.coverage.xml" --junit-xml=".artifacts/python.junit.xml" || exit 1 else py.test tests/integration tests/sentry -m group_$(TEST_GROUP) --cov . --cov-report="xml:.artifacts/python.coverage.xml" --junit-xml=".artifacts/python.junit.xml" || exit 1 endif @echo "" test-snuba: @echo "--> Running snuba tests" py.test tests/snuba tests/sentry/eventstream/kafka -vv --cov . --cov-report="xml:.artifacts/snuba.coverage.xml" --junit-xml=".artifacts/snuba.junit.xml" @echo "" test-symbolicator: @echo "--> Running symbolicator tests" py.test tests/symbolicator -vv --cov . --cov-report="xml:.artifacts/symbolicator.coverage.xml" --junit-xml=".artifacts/symbolicator.junit.xml" @echo "" test-acceptance: node-version-check @echo "--> Building static assets" @$(WEBPACK) --display errors-only make run-acceptance test-plugins: @echo "--> Building static assets" @$(WEBPACK) --display errors-only @echo "--> Running plugin tests" ifndef TEST_GROUP py.test tests/sentry_plugins -vv --cov . --cov-report="xml:.artifacts/plugins.coverage.xml" --junit-xml=".artifacts/plugins.junit.xml" || exit 1 else py.test tests/sentry_plugins -m group_$(TEST_GROUP) -vv --cov . --cov-report="xml:.artifacts/plugins.coverage.xml" --junit-xml=".artifacts/plugins.junit.xml" || exit 1 endif @echo "" test-relay-integration: @echo "--> Running Relay integration tests" pytest tests/relay_integration -vv @echo "" review-python-snapshots: @cargo insta --version &> /dev/null || cargo install cargo-insta @cargo insta review --workspace-root `pwd` -e pysnap accept-python-snapshots: @cargo insta --version &> /dev/null || cargo install cargo-insta @cargo insta accept --workspace-root `pwd` -e pysnap reject-python-snapshots: @cargo insta --version &> /dev/null || cargo install cargo-insta @cargo insta reject --workspace-root `pwd` -e pysnap lint-js: @echo "--> Linting javascript" bin/lint --js --parseable @echo "" .PHONY: develop build reset-db clean setup-git node-version-check install-js-dev install-py-dev build-js-po locale compile-locale merge-locale-catalogs sync-transifex update-transifex build-platform-assets test-cli test-js test-js-build test-styleguide test-python test-snuba test-symbolicator test-acceptance lint-js ############################ # Halt, Travis stuff below # ############################ .PHONY: travis-noop travis-noop: @echo "nothing to do here." .PHONY: travis-test-lint-js travis-test-lint-js: lint-js .PHONY: travis-test-postgres travis-test-acceptance travis-test-snuba travis-test-symbolicator travis-test-js travis-test-js-build .PHONY: travis-test-cli travis-test-relay-integration travis-test-postgres: test-python-ci travis-test-acceptance: test-acceptance travis-test-snuba: test-snuba travis-test-symbolicator: test-symbolicator travis-test-js: test-js-ci travis-test-js-build: test-js-build travis-test-cli: test-cli travis-test-plugins: test-plugins travis-test-relay-integration: test-relay-integration