import {render} from 'react-dom'; import {createRoot} from 'react-dom/client'; import {ROOT_ELEMENT, USE_REACT_CONCURRENT_MODE} from 'sentry/constants'; import type {PipelineInitialData} from 'sentry/types'; import PipelineView from 'sentry/views/integrationPipeline/pipelineView'; function renderDom(pipelineName: string, props: PipelineInitialData['props']) { const rootEl = document.getElementById(ROOT_ELEMENT)!; // Types are for ConfigStore, the window object is from json and features is not a Set if ( (window.__initialData.features as unknown as string[]).includes( 'organizations:react-concurrent-renderer-enabled' ) || USE_REACT_CONCURRENT_MODE ) { // Enable concurrent rendering const root = createRoot(rootEl); root.render(<PipelineView pipelineName={pipelineName} {...props} />); } else { // Legacy rendering render(<PipelineView pipelineName={pipelineName} {...props} />, rootEl); } } export function renderPipelineView() { const {name, props} = window.__pipelineInitialData; renderDom(name, props); }