#!/bin/bash # This script expects devservices to be running. It's main purpose is to check # that migrations and lockfiles are correct set -eu # This will fail if a migration or the lockfile are missing in the PR exit_code=0 sentry django makemigrations --check --dry-run --no-input || exit_code=$? if [ "$exit_code" == 1 ]; then echo -e "::error::Error: Migration required -- to generate a migration, run:\n" \ "sentry django makemigrations -n <some_name> && git add migrations_lockfile.txt" >&2 elif [ "$exit_code" == 2 ]; then echo -e "::error::Error: Migration lockfile mismatch -- run:\n" \ "sentry django makemigrations -n <some_name> && git add migrations_lockfile.txt" >&2 fi exit $exit_code