import {browserHistory, withRouter, WithRouterProps} from 'react-router'; import {useTheme} from '@emotion/react'; import type {LegendComponentOption} from 'echarts'; import ChartZoom from 'sentry/components/charts/chartZoom'; import LineChart, {LineChartSeries} from 'sentry/components/charts/lineChart'; import TransitionChart from 'sentry/components/charts/transitionChart'; import TransparentLoadingMask from 'sentry/components/charts/transparentLoadingMask'; import {getTooltipArrow} from 'sentry/components/charts/utils'; import {normalizeDateTimeParams} from 'sentry/components/organizations/pageFilters/parse'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {EventsStatsData, OrganizationSummary, Project} from 'sentry/types'; import {Series} from 'sentry/types/echarts'; import {getUtcToLocalDateObject} from 'sentry/utils/dates'; import {axisLabelFormatter, tooltipFormatter} from 'sentry/utils/discover/charts'; import EventView from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import getDynamicText from 'sentry/utils/getDynamicText'; import {decodeList} from 'sentry/utils/queryString'; import {Theme} from 'sentry/utils/theme'; import { NormalizedTrendsTransaction, TrendChangeType, TrendFunctionField, TrendsStats, } from './types'; import { generateTrendFunctionAsString, getCurrentTrendFunction, getCurrentTrendParameter, getUnselectedSeries, transformEventStatsSmoothed, trendToColor, } from './utils'; const QUERY_KEYS = [ 'environment', 'project', 'query', 'start', 'end', 'statsPeriod', ] as const; type ViewProps = Pick; type Props = WithRouterProps & ViewProps & { location: Location; organization: OrganizationSummary; trendChangeType: TrendChangeType; trendFunctionField?: TrendFunctionField; isLoading: boolean; statsData: TrendsStats; projects: Project[]; transaction?: NormalizedTrendsTransaction; height?: number; grid?: React.ComponentProps['grid']; disableXAxis?: boolean; disableLegend?: boolean; }; function transformEventStats(data: EventsStatsData, seriesName?: string): Series[] { return [ { seriesName: seriesName || 'Current', data:[timestamp, countsForTimestamp]) => ({ name: timestamp * 1000, value: countsForTimestamp.reduce((acc, {count}) => acc + count, 0), })), }, ]; } function getLegend(trendFunction: string): LegendComponentOption { return { right: 10, top: 0, itemGap: 12, align: 'left', data: [ { name: 'Baseline', icon: 'path://M180 1000 l0 -40 200 0 200 0 0 40 0 40 -200 0 -200 0 0 -40z, M810 1000 l0 -40 200 0 200 0 0 40 0 40 -200 0 -200 0 0 -40zm, M1440 1000 l0 -40 200 0 200 0 0 40 0 40 -200 0 -200 0 0 -40z', }, { name: 'Releases', }, { name: trendFunction, }, ], }; } function getIntervalLine( theme: Theme, series: Series[], intervalRatio: number, transaction?: NormalizedTrendsTransaction ): LineChartSeries[] { if (!transaction || !series.length || !series[0].data || !series[0].data.length) { return []; } const seriesStart = parseInt(series[0].data[0].name as string, 0); const seriesEnd = parseInt(series[0].data.slice(-1)[0].name as string, 0); if (seriesEnd < seriesStart) { return []; } const periodLine: LineChartSeries = { data: [], color: theme.textColor, markLine: { data: [], label: {}, lineStyle: { color: theme.textColor, type: 'dashed', width: 1, }, symbol: ['none', 'none'], tooltip: { show: false, }, }, seriesName: 'Baseline', }; const periodLineLabel = { fontSize: 11, show: true, color: theme.textColor, silent: true, }; const previousPeriod = { ...periodLine, markLine: {...periodLine.markLine}, seriesName: 'Baseline', }; const currentPeriod = { ...periodLine, markLine: {...periodLine.markLine}, seriesName: 'Baseline', }; const periodDividingLine = { ...periodLine, markLine: {...periodLine.markLine}, seriesName: 'Period split', }; const seriesDiff = seriesEnd - seriesStart; const seriesLine = seriesDiff * intervalRatio + seriesStart; = [ [ {value: 'Past', coord: [seriesStart, transaction.aggregate_range_1]}, {coord: [seriesLine, transaction.aggregate_range_1]}, ], ]; previousPeriod.markLine.tooltip = { formatter: () => { return [ '
', '
', `${t('Past Baseline')}`, // p50() coerces the axis to be time based tooltipFormatter(transaction.aggregate_range_1, 'p50()'), '
', '
', getTooltipArrow(), ].join(''); }, }; = [ [ {value: 'Present', coord: [seriesLine, transaction.aggregate_range_2]}, {coord: [seriesEnd, transaction.aggregate_range_2]}, ], ]; currentPeriod.markLine.tooltip = { formatter: () => { return [ '
', '
', `${t('Present Baseline')}`, // p50() coerces the axis to be time based tooltipFormatter(transaction.aggregate_range_2, 'p50()'), '
', '
', getTooltipArrow(), ].join(''); }, }; periodDividingLine.markLine = { data: [ { xAxis: seriesLine, }, ], label: {show: false}, lineStyle: { color: theme.textColor, type: 'solid', width: 2, }, symbol: ['none', 'none'], tooltip: { show: false, }, silent: true, }; previousPeriod.markLine.label = { ...periodLineLabel, formatter: 'Past', position: 'insideStartBottom', }; currentPeriod.markLine.label = { ...periodLineLabel, formatter: 'Present', position: 'insideEndBottom', }; const additionalLineSeries = [previousPeriod, currentPeriod, periodDividingLine]; return additionalLineSeries; } export function Chart({ trendChangeType, router, statsPeriod, transaction, statsData, isLoading, location, start: propsStart, end: propsEnd, trendFunctionField, disableXAxis, disableLegend, grid, height, }: Props) { const theme = useTheme(); const handleLegendSelectChanged = legendChange => { const {selected} = legendChange; const unselected = Object.keys(selected).filter(key => !selected[key]); const query = { ...location.query, }; const queryKey = getUnselectedSeries(trendChangeType); query[queryKey] = unselected; const to = { ...location, query, }; browserHistory.push(to); }; const lineColor = trendToColor[trendChangeType || '']; const events = statsData && transaction?.project && transaction?.transaction ? statsData[[transaction.project, transaction.transaction].join(',')] : undefined; const data = events?.data ?? []; const trendFunction = getCurrentTrendFunction(location, trendFunctionField); const trendParameter = getCurrentTrendParameter(location); const chartLabel = generateTrendFunctionAsString( trendFunction.field, trendParameter.column ); const results = transformEventStats(data, chartLabel); const {smoothedResults, minValue, maxValue} = transformEventStatsSmoothed( results, chartLabel ); const start = propsStart ? getUtcToLocalDateObject(propsStart) : null; const end = propsEnd ? getUtcToLocalDateObject(propsEnd) : null; const {utc} = normalizeDateTimeParams(location.query); const seriesSelection = decodeList( location.query[getUnselectedSeries(trendChangeType)] ).reduce((selection, metric) => { selection[metric] = false; return selection; }, {}); const legend: LegendComponentOption = disableLegend ? {show: false} : { ...getLegend(chartLabel), selected: seriesSelection, }; const loading = isLoading; const reloading = isLoading; const yMax = Math.max( maxValue, transaction?.aggregate_range_2 || 0, transaction?.aggregate_range_1 || 0 ); const yMin = Math.min( minValue, transaction?.aggregate_range_1 || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, transaction?.aggregate_range_2 || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ); const yDiff = yMax - yMin; const yMargin = yDiff * 0.1; const chartOptions = { tooltip: { valueFormatter: (value, seriesName) => { return tooltipFormatter(value, seriesName); }, }, yAxis: { min: Math.max(0, yMin - yMargin), max: yMax + yMargin, axisLabel: { color: theme.chartLabel, // p50() coerces the axis to be time based formatter: (value: number) => axisLabelFormatter(value, 'p50()'), }, }, }; return ( {zoomRenderProps => { const smoothedSeries = smoothedResults ? => { return { ...values, color: lineColor.default, lineStyle: { opacity: 1, }, }; }) : []; const intervalSeries = getIntervalLine( theme, smoothedResults || [], 0.5, transaction ); return ( {getDynamicText({ value: ( ), fixed: 'Duration Chart', })} ); }} ); } export default withRouter(Chart);